Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I’m amazed that anyone could forget that! :yes:

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YES! Thanks!

The second one is also very true.

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Yes, what Will Rogers said is true. Supposedly that is something that helped Bob Hope get rich. He supposedly bought a lot of land in California when it was cheap.

by the way, where it the link to where people are looking up LK’s record? I can’t find it. and it is now buried in 155 pages.

I’m glad Bob Hope lived to be 100. Him and George Burns. did you know that George Burns made 6 different presidents laugh? 6 out of 45 isn’t bad.

Correct, but he (MB) always referred to himself as an Olympian & as having been on the Olympic team. 2008 was a year when there was only a 3 person team, so the reserve was the 4th person. In 2012, the 4th competed as an individual (Adrienne Lyle). As the 4th ranked rider, at any other Olympics MB would have actually competed. But he didn’t in 2008.


I was just told by three people LK is Blue Saddle, dragonfly90, LaLapo. someone told me but I’m not sure how true this is. Apparently LK has 6 profiles going.

No she did not dump her husband, he dumped her. I know MH, she was my daughter’s coach in NC while this was happening. He wanted her to stop being a wife who won trophies, and become a trophy wife. The divorce was his idea.


I’m definitely not LK. I mean come on, my language isn’t even the same as hers.


That’s really kind of ugly. An outsider rarely knows what is going on in a marriage. We have no way of knowing what was going on between MH and her ex, nor what their home life was like. What I’d be willing to bet on though, is that she had no idea that she and her children would wind up in the presence of a bunny boiling psycho.

And what does the Olympic team have to do with anything? MB is not in a position to get her, or anyone, on the Olympic team. I’d hope someone as accomplished as MH would know that.


Oh dear, Girl Joey. You need to lighten up and get a clue. You are being messed with.


Ah but BS (hmmm quite fitting initials aren’t they!) You mentioned something in your first story that had not been talked about by anyone, and surprise, surprise LK mentioned the very same thing the next day! Doesn’t seem coincidental to me!

There’s an awful lot to distract from the main story. Intentional?


I can’t imagine any scenario that this won’t go to trial. It will be one to watch for sure. Hey… OJ got off. Remember he is innocent🙄🙄🙄🙄. In all seriousness, a great defense attorney has a whole lot to work with on this one. I don’t see any 40 years in prison going on. The young lady LK looks like a million bucks! I’d be wanting to see those medical records. No one on deaths door looks like that 30 days later.

I dont and never will advocate violence. She should have never been shot. However, she is not an innocent victim. Sorry, she played a huge part in the whole fiasco.


What was that? I have not been keeping up with LK elsewhere. Just curious.


Of course the distractions are intentional because those of us making metacomments, or tongue-in-cheek summaries, or taking off on tangents, or being clever, are naive! We naively believe that the thread is petering out, as threads will do when it seems that there surely cannot be more to say, and surely there cannot be even more crazy houseguests and houseguests acting even crazier than before; surely with the crime headed to trial and the inevitable delays which can drag out for years, surely there will be no new information on the subject until the courts or attorneys start priming the Press. Surely it is finished!

But like our current political scene, it really can, and does, keep on getting crazier and more unbelievable! We have posters who start out reasonably or sympathetically turning into ugly rude people or obsessive ranters or bizarre perverts. And then there are the absolute fruitbats who chime in with their outrageousness – are they the primary subjects of The Event or are are they poseurs? WE DON’T KNOW!!!

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, tangents and all.


I’m concerned there might be a pissing contest, and I lack the proper equipment to be competitive. lol


We removed some comments drawing in some very peripherally related personal issues and banned a user for continued profanity and inappropriate language.

We understand this is a very unusual, publically discussed dramatic news event in the horse world, so discussion is inevitable, but let’s keep the language and gratuitous personal commentary in check.



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Some guy whose passion for horses is a little outside the norm.


I’m definitely not LK. Besides she can come on this site and read whatever she wants and then copy it to FB.
Would a narcissist really refer to themselves as such? Nope.

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And now Girl Joey.

It’s for her own good.
May you seek help and find some peace.