Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Or someone pretending to be such as a diversion.


Oh wow. I didn’t see that.

Girl Joey, I hope you find some help for the deep mental anguish that seems to be overwhelming you.



You are too kind 😘 Longer than that - Willem passed in July 2003, and his beautiful follow-up Oliver in June this year (strangling lipoma). We now have Louie, who is just as tall and opinionated as his two darling predecessors ❤️


It seems like it probably was a combination of some of the above, and MH may have started to be uncomfortable and then fearful and protective of her children and the horses and could have told MB that LK had to go. (I know this is a generalization, but guys seem to be slower than women in recognizing when something is not quite right and has taken a bad turn.) And as soon as LK was asked to leave, she started her attack on MB. If she truly has a personality disorder as has been speculated, sometimes abandonment can trigger a huge reaction. So being asked to leave would feel scary, insulting, and disrespectful to her. Being back on the farm would be the ultimate big win for her now, and there likely will need to be more retaliation to help her get over what she perceives as a very personal attack against her. People with these disorders seem to fly into a reactive state any time they perceive an attack against them. They can’t just stop and do nothing.

All speculation, of course, I don’t know any of the parties.


Best wishes to you Girl Joey.


How old are MH’s children? Does more than one of them ride?

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were all thinking about you, this might be too close for you


Yep, GirlJoey is one desperate lady. Talk about feeding narcissistic supply. She’s walking around looking for LK so she can put herself in her way. As much as she was hurt by her, it’s like she’s feeding off keeping herself freshly damaged. Or something. She will heal when she lets it go. Meanwhile, she’s milking it. Some people need to be victims. She’ll find some peace when she lets go. Meanwhile, I don’t think that’s at all what she wants.

Anyway, that’s my opinion.


I think this is a perceptive thought, although we won’t know until the movie comes out, really. I don’t doubt we won’t get enough details from the press for our liking. I just long to hear Gregory Peck’s opening statement, which would probably sound alot like one or two of the summaries above.


A conversation from Louie some day would not be unwelcome, Coreene. Louie’s young voice about walking in his elder’s steps, and seeing the world from his eyes, would be a joy for us all.


I don’t know that she is walking around looking for LK, as it sounds as though she rather stay away from her, but is desperate for justice or for their to be serious consequence for the harm that LK caused to her. I agree that she needs to let go, but I don’t get the impression that she is feeding off of being freshly damaged or milking it. I really don’t think she needs or wants to be a victim. I feel as though she is truly frustrated by the fact that LK conducts herself in such an outrageous manner with little to no consequence for her action.

I do think that she needs to tone it down, but some people have a hard time keeping a lid on it when such emotions are involved. I don’t know that it’s always attention seeking or that they just cannot fully control themselves.

Either way, you’re entitled to your opinion and the above is just my take on it. I think we all agree that she should step away and hope for her to find peace. Seeing someone get away with bullying, crazy behavior, or unlawful acts (I don’t know if this is the case here, I’m just saying) is incredibly frustrating to many people.


I hope not because I’ve been enjoying the Blue Saddle Story, lol.


I’m jumping in 156 pages later - but have enjoyed the binge reading the past few nights. Can I get the cliff notes version of the story behind the blue saddle?

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That was given on page 152 and 153 and very well summarized.

The Blue Saddle was from another thread. Easiest thing is to click on their username and then you can see the threads they’ve posted on.

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I dont think the origins of the Blue Saddle were there - just the graphic novel version of the goings on at the Farm. I dont remember the thread title that introduced us to the Blue Saddle.

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Reading this thread has been a great way to pass the time while sitting at the airport waiting for my delayed flight!

I can’t wait for another entry from Blue Saddle.

