Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Girl Joey - It is a court of law, not justice (paraphrasing Oliver Wendell Holmes). I hope that justice will eventually be served, but life is too short to rely on it.

At the very least, Lauren Shay Kanarek’s cover is blown wide-open. What was relatively easy to hide in the past isn’t hidden now or in the future.



Here ya’ go.

Can you still buy a cup?

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Yes, please!! Assuming you’re talking about the original Blue Saddle story.

What was very sad to me was the way some were egging her on and “using” her in a way - when she obviously was not someone who needed/deserved to be pushed on… but hey, whatever - it was just another frolicsome, fun way to discuss LK, right?

So sad - and inappropriate.

Joey was not helping herself by posting here. I wish her well.


OK, so I started reading the linked thread, saw that it was about a pony giveaway / free lease than went bad, and searched the thread for “blue saddle” - nada. I jumped to the end of the thread and saw reference to ANOTHER thread, including a comment about “the saddle” having made an appearance… but no clear reference to that thread.

I’m still lost as far as the “blue saddle” goes.

How 'bout a Cliff Notes version? Please?

The blue saddle origin story requires digging up a famous train wreck post from bygone years. The blue saddle (and it’s close friends the open trailer and the box of crayons) have achieved mythical status.

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I’m sad that the big software update screwed up my stick art on that thread. Especially, Pony with Blue Saddle and Avocado looks like some weird eyeless space alien, and the avocado got blown up into an exploded green smudge. :frowning:


I reread the blue saddle thread, Petey Pie, (Lessons learned thread, I think) just the other night, and rediscovered your talented stick art. I was amazed, frankly. The one’s I saw were in good shape, and very cool.

Can you give an approximate page or post # - I started that Lessons Learned thread and found nothing about the blue saddle :frowning:

The account was created on September 7, 2019, just for this thread.


The post for my Pony with Edward Gal, Blue Saddle and Avocado is Post #1442, and there’s better stuff after that, but really, it’s worth reading the whole thread. Trust me. A lot of the comments are very funny in context but won’t make sense out of context.


Got it - thanks!

Because one can never have too many COTH train wreck threads to read.

(Although the stick art wasn’t a train wreck, and that was a close second to all the Willem threads. I miss Willem.)

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Thank you! They all got distorted by the update although most of them maintained their basic essence. They were fun to do. I have tried doing drawings with this new software and have found it to be really difficult. For one thing, the Preview function is not true, which makes it hard to correct shifts when the text gets justified.

Also, that particular thread was not heavy and there was a lot of silliness involved. Many threads, like this one, can tolerate some humor but are so very serious at their core that they can only support a limited amount of lightheartedness, don’t you think?


By the way - now that you can color text in this interface, you can use periods to correct spacing, then make them all white to hide them.

The stick art thread was super, super, super spectacular. If it has been mangled, I don’t think I want to go back and look at it. It was way too much fun!


As a new user I hadn’t heard of Willem – until this thread. Digging up his threads have been enjoyable to say the least. I’ve also started the $700 pony threads and some of the Inverness thread.

Had no idea there was a COTH Favorites section!


I am so glad that people are interested in my history!

So back to the story about the Tiara and the diamonds. When it was obvious to LK that she would not be able to obtain it on any reasonable time frame, she decided to go for the entire farm. She figured that if she bought the farm, then she could sell it and then buy some very rare blue diamonds, perhaps a 10 carat blue diamond of at least VVS2 clarity and then install that at the top and use several smaller stones on either side. Then she could have a Tiara nicer than the one MB has that he lets MH wear.

Then LK realized that would be a very dumb move because if she sold the farm she would have her own Tiara but then wouldn’t have a farm to train in. The kind of farm she wanted had to be at least as nice as the one MB was at and preferably nicer than anything anyone owns in the area. Nicer even that the USET headquarters in Gladstone, except with an indoor arena on the property.

So then she decided what she would do is hatch a plot to have the farm all to herself and then charge a ridiculously high dry stall rate to make an income. She had this idea in her mind that she would charge at least $500/dry stall. Most nice places with an indoor and outdoor would charge about $300-350/dry stall. There is one in NJ that has a much higher dry stall rate above $600 but it is a very exclusive place mostly filled with Wellington peeps. That isn’t the former George Morris place though. That has been redone after Chris Kappler left and it looks nice, but I don’t know the dry stall rate.

With a dry stall rate of $600/month, LK figured at the very least she could make $300/month/stall so if there are 20 stalls, she could get $6000/month. That would be approximately a one carat round brilliant diamond per month under the assumption that the color would be between F and H and the clarity would be VS2 and VVS.1. So in one year LK realized that she could have 12 diamonds in the Tiara, all one carat. But then if the carat weight is say 0.75 to 0.9 then the price per carat is significantly less expensive.

So LK decided that she could get 1/2 to 1/3 more diamonds if she dropped her requirements to 0.75 to 0.8 carat weight while selecting only diamonds that are F or IF clarity. Then she could have even more diamonds that would mirror her internal qualities of flawlesness!! Then her Tiara would be better than MBs tiara that he lets MH wear.

Of course, that is where LK’s narcissism begins to show because she is totally off the mark. It’s obvious she isn’t flawless and never will be!!!

@TheBlueSaddle - Thank you! I learned a new term today: “dry stall”.

Down in those Favorites Threads is one that includes Rustbreeches (I think) telling the story about GHM and the judging of the tack rooms at The National Horse Show at MSG—then she later came back to tell the story of the buxom blond and the Arab Yearning who was stabled next to her at a horse show.

Both just about made me wet my pants! I don’t remember the initial subject of the thread, but she is a great story teller and they were hysterical!