Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I think you are correct, obvi I am no Dr.


More about implants saving lives lol


The things I learn on CoTH


But how many times was she shot?!

Well, which day of the week is it or how much more drama is needed?


Interesting. I do think that when this goes to trial the forensic evident well be a game changer. That combined with two less than reliable witnesses of the shooting (LK and fiancé). I am quite interested in what the defense is planning.

Relating to my earlier post about “breast implant saving her life”, her social media posts had indicated that her heart dodged the bullet (pun intended) owing to a slight diversion in trajectory caused by the gel implant. Plausible based on results of some google searches posted on this thread. But who really knows coming from the source. This will be the DAs problem going forward.


There is such a thing as a padded bra… maybe heavily padded and/or with inserts. I have a friend who lost one of her D-cup breasts to cancer, and you would never know it, when she’s dressed.

(I have to say, this thread is way up there on the “weirdest ever on COTH.”)


But wasn’t Norma Desmond supposed to be a great who had faded? A has been, not a never was. Though I have not seen that movie in a very long time, so maybe I am not remembering the details.


Wheres the one “bra expert” that used to post in Off Topic? Maybe she knows what size/style bra will stop a speeding bullet?!?! (LK did day it was her implant though- I am just going to another question that should be answered!) I wonder if the trial, if there is one, will be open to the public, or if they will sell tickets?!? (This is more entertaining at this point than “realty tv!”)

Now what is SW’s screename? And who is The Blue Saddle?!?


I think the “bra expert” was AlleyCat (something)?

Omg. Can you imagine? The line of people waiting to get into the court house would be like the fans who camp out in front of Rockefeller Center, hoping to get a standby ticket for Saturday Night Live. Those people camp out for days!


It was the same, as I recall, for the Casey Anthony trial.

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Apparently enough times to penetrate her Xena Warrior Princess boob job.

I also want to know how many horses she had in training. Sometimes it’s 2, other times it’s 4 or 5, and once it was 2 in full training and one in reduced training.


And it makes it harder to read a breast X-ray when you are screening.


Switch to margaritas and guac?


You want me HOW drunk!!!:eek: Well…I’m willing.

I do kinda feel like this is a thread when a pre-selected word is mentioned, you take a shot.


Since the drama queens have left the metaphorical stage here this thread is losing steam for me. The Blue saddle thread tho barely half way thru and has me in its thrall. Some very witty repartee there ! I’ve been at my cabin thru a rainy week so thx for the entertainment.

I remember that one all too well. Totally different though, since a very precious (and very innocent) life was lost. The only common thread was the involvement of a narcissistic party. Before anyone gets upset, I know that was not the point. That name just brought back some memories.

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Yes, the blue saddle (me) and the open trailer. I am so happy that you are entertained!

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I find it amusing that posters are outing themselves as “only in it for the drama” as this thread moves on to reminiscing. Heck we haven’t hit recipes yet! Or did I forget about that?

This thread has everything except stick art and recipes. It should be forever held in the “favorites” forum.