Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

You can call them abhorrent and as I stated before, I’m not saying the suggestions were true. However, anyone willing to shoot another person due to nonviolent causes has anger management issues, period. I have read through 144 pages by now and my opinion hasn’t changed. I’ve treated many victims of domestic violence and trauma and barely half of the perpetrators would be the type of person that you would expect. Many are people whom you would never believe such things to be possible. Until they are turned in or caught. Since I don’t know either of the persons here, I’m withholding judgement. But based on his action of “going to war” with LK and trying his best to kill her, I would want to have his other relationships checked out. Yes, maybe it was all a trumped up charge by LK and if so, it will come out in the wash. But they should take all charges seriously until they are investigated.


“By the way, they’re real, and they’re SPECTACULAR.” (Teri Hatcher on Seinfeld)


Completely unrelated. But it was remarkable how many people did little guest starring roles on Seinfeld and then went on to be extremely successful down the road. Ditto for the TV show Miami Vice the previous decade. Both of those shows must have had fantastic people in charge of casting the guest stars. There were many future Oscar winners on Miami Vice.

FWIW, my daughter is a trauma surgeon. I asked her about the “my implants saved my life” issue. Her reply:

“Mostly bullshit. Obesity has the same effect on bullets. More tissue does slow it somewhat. It’s just that there’s more shit to go through if you are hit at the right angle. But fat, saline, and silicone are basically the same when it comes to lead poisoning.”

(And just to be clear, by “lead poisoning”, she means “getting shot”.)


Is there a study on lives saved by implants vs. air vests? Does it have to be implants or would a natural endowment work? We must have some studies.


Thanks for the reminder ponypappy. I just listened to the 911 calls again and also watched the entire bail hearing. I had forgotten how sad that was. The judge said at the end that if MB had any additional info that could change his no bale ruling, that they could have a new detention hearing to hear it. I guess that didn’t happen. One thing that struck me this time on the 911 tapes was just how scared MB sounded. LK, does not sound scared even though she is saying the words. Glad I revisited those, it was easy to lose site of the graveness of the situation with all the hoopla on this thread.


So it’s not quite a bulletproof bra, but;


Apparently a regular bra under a bulletproof vest can injure/kill you.

Then, there’s this:

Then I read about another incident in Brazil where a woman was saved by a wadded up roll of cash she’d hidden inside her bra.

Thank you for that rabbit hole…

(also, if anyone else decides to jump down the same rabbit hole, be warned, there’s a porno out there called “the bulletproof bra”)


Also makes it easier for cancer cells to hide and bide their time. I woke up sweating a few nights ago that they were lurking in the scar tissue (and I didn’t opt for reconstruction)!

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Haha Caffeinated:eek::lol: Now back to talking about how LK may be funded.

Apparently, she is planning on writing a book now.


Does anyone remember years ago Reynard Ridge posted a link to a thread in a medical forum. It was residents in the emergency room and they were posting the reasons people gave as to why they were there. Many were “I was sitting on the porch, minding my own business, when these 2 dudes came running around the corner and shot me” or “I was sitting on the porch, minding my own business, when ‘that b7$ch’ came up and stabbed me". Those posts had me in tears (from laughing). One person posted "what I’ve learned from this thread… don’t move to a neighborhood where 'these 2 dudes or 'that b&7ch’ live”. I’ve tried to find it but cannot.


Just like that Seinfeld episode where the woman walks down the street in the bra only…

If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit! :lol:


Yes! Apparently “minding one’s own business” is one of the most dangerous activities there is!

Also, I’m about 85% sure this is the forum thread:

Also, this; https://socmob.org/what-is-socmob/


Seems like it would just increase the risk of infection, and make it more difficult to treat the wounds?


This. If she was on death’s doorstep and coded several times as she would have us believe, they aren’t going to be reconstructing her breasts/fixing her implants during the initial surgery to make sure they’re nice and perky in her social media posts. They will do ‘damage control’ and make sure she doesn’t die, and any cosmetic concerns would be addressed later.

It’s amazing just how deep this rabbit hole continues to go.

I may have to look into getting some kevlar boobs. It’s a dangerous world out there when you’re just minding your own business reading on the porch.


Who didn’t see that one coming.


If I got shot in the boob the bullet would likely wind up in my liver.


I was going through all these mental machinations on the trajectory of the bullet and then I got the joke!!



Pretty serious p***ing match going on between LK and a few other people…



I’m not sure why I’m still laughing. Must be the context.