Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

I was reading FB, and embarrassed by some people I know posting!:eek:

But ANYWAYS- can you lose 75% of your blood?!


Some of us identify with that remark.


Iā€™ll bet you can. You could be continuing to lose blood while theyā€™re pumping it into you. They probably measure blood loss by how much they replace.

I would be surprised if you could lose 75% of your blood before they start replenishing, but letā€™s here it from the medical experts.


If there was any question (seriously who has time to go through 50 pages at a time) about if she is still in the apartment on MBā€™s property, she just confirmed she is in the comments.

A) Why arenā€™t her lawyers shutting her up? (same reason our president tweets?)
B) Why isnā€™t COTH moderating some of this better? Some of this talk here and on the FB post could really come back to bite in the a**.


okay so according to this vampire tour that I took in New Orleans as a teen, thatā€™s not possible. Just saying. I think those guys know best :lol:


:eek::eek: Are these people actual adults? They sound like a bunch of junior high mean girls!

Summary for those not on FB:
Youā€™re a nasty beyotch!
I know you are, but what am I?
Stop tagging me!
I didnā€™t tag you! You tagged me!
Stop tagging me!
Youā€™re jealous!
Iā€™m not jealous! Youā€™re jealous!
Iā€™m reporting you to SS.
You canā€™t report me! Iā€™m reporting you!
Iā€™m rubber. Youā€™re glue!
Nya na na na na na


Goodness gracious.


Donā€™t see posts by LK on the Chronicle FB link. What alter is she using there? I lose track.

You have to sort by New, then view previous. There is a comment at the top with well over 100 replies.


Thanks! See, Iā€™m not used to dealing with that kind of drama.

Wait, what?!? How do you sort by new? I will have to add this to the list of things I have learned on this thread.

And what did she say in the comment about being back in MBā€™s house? I must have missed that one.

In the post I saw, and I could have easily missed another one on the subject, she said they technically still live in the apartment, which I took to mean that their stuff is still there and they havenā€™t been evicted, but they are actually living somewhere else.

For someone that stayed in such an awful environment solely to assure the safety of her beloved horses, she has barely mentioned them since.


Thanks. And good point about the horses.


Thanks! I will have to see if I can figure out how to do that on my phone.

And also, good luck to the Facebook technology with trying to figure out which replies are most relevant in this particular situation.


Relevant appears to just weed out all the Joe Hill or Susannah Dean check this out random tagging of friends to public posts.
Youā€™ll notice that if you go to a public posting, it might say something like 12 comments, then be sorted by Relevant, then only 3 or 4 comments will actually display. If you view all, youā€™ll see itā€™s just tagged people.


When is the movie version coming out? Reading on the porch got her into this. The rest of us should just see the movie to be safe!


ā€œMost relevantā€ posts definitely do weed out those that are just tagged posts, but they also highlight those that are made by anyone on your friends list, most replied to and/or most liked/reacted to, posts by verified users and pages, etc. Pages can turn off the recommended post features, but most donā€™t. Using your phone looks the same as using the PC - just look right by the emoticons and youā€™ll see the drop down options. Anyways, back to the regularly scheduled programā€¦ er hot mess express.


I think Iā€™m getting old. I canā€™t even get past the fact that the Chronicleā€™s FB does not use the correct name of MBā€™s farm.

Off to crank up the olā€™ Model T to get some beer. Anyone need anything?


Donā€™t forget the following

If you try to PM me, Iā€™m calling the police! Stay away from my family!

This was a direct comment to LK.

Wow, I think this COTH thread is quite tame. Please donā€™t fret @Moderator1 Ć°ÅøĖœā‚¬

p.s. My chestnut mare is nicer than these ā€œmean girlsā€Ā, who woulda thoughtā€¦


I could use some scotch and Little Debbies, chocolate please.