Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Funny you should bring that up…a friend did and she agreed. They would ask for a huge amount of money, and if they decide to throw in the towel- they will say they misplaced the funds and run away to Fiji together!!!

Ok, movie deal- ok, asking lots of money- ok, but the 5 attorneys think discussing embezzling money and moving to FIJI is ok too?!?!

I want to stop watching, but…my life is so boring! (And I am ok with it!)


Best post on the thread:

It’s like she is one of those scary fans that has an obsession with a superstar.

Where’s that laughing emoji when you need it?

That is some thread. Thanks - I think - for pointing out the way to see it.


Same reaction here. Emphasis on the -I think- part. :lol:

Are you referring to it being called Hawthorne Hill Farm?


This thread may as well have been created expressly for the purposes of the bingo game that has been discussed in Off Course.

We have seen:
fanning of flames
walls of text
posts that go “poof”
rejection of all logical courses of action
fat jealous loser retorts
posters with suspiciously low post counts
Olympic aspirations
details that don’t add up
the “flounce away … come right back” revolving door
houseguests, both in terms of convenient new forum appearances and the kind that overstay their welcome
a tale of a malevolent authority figure
dubious bullying claims
obvious unnecessary risks taken
taking the long spot in jumping to conclusions

Really, all we need is a little natural horsemanship dogma for this to be a complete blackout bingo win.

And the sad part is that it’s only a fraction as outrageous as the commentary that appears to be happening on social media…


I love your p.s.!


You’re lucky you can get that far on the Facebook page. I gave up even sooner.

While you’re at the store, could you get me some Beeman’s gum and a pack of Necco wafers?

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I know the SOCMOB guy!! Too true, there are way too many ER visits from “minding my own business”…

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Well, my Lost Code mare is meaner than those Facebook girls.

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Well, to be fair, that actually applies a little more around horses. But more along the lines of, “I was minding my own business painting my horse’s feet when he cow kicked at a fly and clocked me in the head with his foot,” or something like that.


The best post here.

I’ve decided that that is “The Alice in Wonderland “ defense.

“I was just just leaning up against a tree reading a book…”

“One pill ill makes you larger and one pill makes you small…”


top 10 best on this thread so far! still laughing -


In my experience, movie will command very little money for LK. Unless she writes a bestselling book (and even then…) It’s probably Lifetime (or similar) at best.


Agreed. People really don’t give an f about the horse world. Very limited appeal. However, I do think a gifted story teller could write a brilliant book about all of this. Part of the narrative could be COTH. I wonder who would do the @eggbutt voice over… 😀


Just curious… are there any other forums out there discussing this at such length?
I mean, I think LK is a nut bar, and a dangerous one at that. But, is word spreading beyond COTH readers??
If you’re not on COTH, will you become another victim of LK/RG??


While LK has the imagination to create an interesting spin on the recent events, I don’t think she could keep a handle on the conflicting “facts” she dreams up. A horse world outsider would be like “WTF?? This makes no sense!!”


I think quite a few people inside the horse world have the same reaction.


It’s hard to be truthful when putting on a facade. I want them all to believe me, but my story changes a lot.
I can’t pretend to be an Angel when evil dominates. My lies are not working, people are starting to hate.
money is no object, it’s disposable to me. Daddy pays all our bills so we can live in harmony.
My jealousy is crazy, it’s something I can’t control. Harrassing and torturing others makes me feel I’m whole.

I have to create profiles so I can complement myself. If I don’t get the attention, I feel like I’m back in hell.
my boobs saved my life, they look so good on me. Tired of the -A cup, I need a double D.
i wanted my own farm, I never thought I could. It looks like my plan is working, God I look so good.


I would argue that none of us know the facts… but regardless of what they may be, I see little viability for any film adaptation of this story.

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