A few random observations:
1 - we only have Rob’s version of events
2 - we have no idea if Barisone actually had the gun with him or who actually had it for that matter.
3 - the judge didn’t allow Barisone to be released based on his mental state when he repeatedly said, “I had a good life”.
4 - speculation is CPS stopped at the house first to interview Barisone and were told he was at the barn. If that is true, LK and RG knew the rage he would be in after hearing the unfounded claims against him and MH. Were they waiting for him? (I believe they were waiting and instigated the attack first for what it’s worth.)
5 - MH, with the help of friends, moved all of her and MB’s horses, without exception, within days of the shooting.
6 - MB’s original lawyer was incompetent at best in my opinion.
7 - Considering the many threats against MB LK had posted on social media, I suspect he knew he was confronting danger when he went to the house.
8 - have you ever had CPS called on you, a friend or family member before with utterly false accusations? I have and the possibility of any children being immediately removed and placed in foster care is REAL. Thankfully, MH’s children were not there when CPS came for the interview. Can you imagine your rage if someone tried to take your children from you based on false allegations.
9 - I personally don’t know anyone who condones LK being shot under any circumstances. I do wonder what she expected the outcome to be with her constant harassment, threats, false accusations and refusal to leave the property. She knew the situation was escalating and gleefully posted so on FB.
10 - LK’s timeline of events does not add up in my opinion. How can you be on a porch reading, lured into bushes, be shot point blank several times, call 911 yourself, attack your attacker beating him with your phone, while your dog and bf were also attacking?
11 - why wire the entire barn with recording devices if you feared for your life? Why not leave? You’ve got plenty of money and friends, right?
So much does not compute in my mind. Was MB supposed to pack up, move his horses and business and abandon his farm and livelihood?
Inquiring minds want to know.