Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Her Facebook page is still up, but it does not show any recent posts, at least for me. So maybe they were taken down, or just made private. I don’t do Instagram or Twitter as a rule, so I don’t know if she has accounts there.

Really, plenty of people post lots of crazy things on their Facebook pages or other accounts. They just don’t get as much attention under normal circumstances.


I mean, except the 40 odd times the parkland shooter was reported to local police and fbi because people absolutely expected something like what occurred to occur.


How do you know about the permit? I know of no way of looking that up.

Also, private property does not require the use of a permit in many states.

LK stated that she had guns in a different state according to her FB. Regardless of her statement, said statement can not be used to predict behavior.

Previous criminal activity convicts no one of future guilt.

I own many many guns and know how to use them. I don’t post this on social media. You can not speculate gun ownership based on whether or not it’s admitted on FB.


That’s precisely why I live in a place with common sense gun control legislation - so that getting shot in my home, or at the movies, or at Walmart isn’t commonplace. Statistically speaking, having a gun for “protection” increases the likelihood of an innocent person getting shot. Look up the stats.


To my knowledge nobody here, myself included, has said it’s “never” morally or legally correct to kill somebody in self defense. However somebody did say that it is ok to shoot someone if they try to hurt you or threaten their life. All I did was point of that there are other means of self defense and shooting shouldn’t be your first option in many situation, aside from one in which someone is pointing a gun at you.

We don’t know who brought a gun to the argument or why. What we do know is that if that one gun had not been there, the likelihood of this dispute ending with someone being shot would have been pretty minuscule.


Amen to this


You know he could have been saying it over and over to himself as if he was saying “I had a good life, I had a good life, before I met her.”

I pictured him sort of mumbling it to himself as if he was just looking back at his life before she came in and caused all the chaos and if he’d only known then what he knows now about how she is… Maybe he even acted in self-defense, it’s totally possible. I guess her reputation well is that she apparently can be extremely manipulative—obviously that doesn’t mean I think she should have been shot!!— but god knows the situation that really went down in that house that lead to her being the one shot…

Honestly we have no idea at this point but it’s just another perspective for the case.


It could have been “I lived a good life…” as in didn’t do anything to deserve this.


Don’t think just because we are Americans that we condone the current gun legislations. Many of us are just as aghast at how bad the situation is but are helpless as citizens to do anything about it. The gun lobby is enormous and it’s been a losing battle for decades to try and temper it. Trust me, we know it’s bad.


Welp, since we all really know next to nothing and are guessin, MY personal guess/evaluation, is that somebody was set up. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a whole lot more self defence going on. There was one article which I thought said that the accusations and explainations about what happened came from the victim at the hospital or something, and I have a hard time not thinking about how she had set herself up so well for this weeks before with the concerns about needing protection. I just have a hard time with the whole story. I do hope she heals up well. Not sure I believe her, though. Just my gut.


This is so true. We are trying. There’s a LOT of division here right now, and current legislation often does not reflect the views of the majority of the population.


I didn’t see this mentioned:

“Olympic equestrian accused in shooting found ineligible to compete”


”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹Michael Barisone is on the Safe Sport suspension list:



I have a screen shot from Lauren’s Facebook page that outlines her version of the backstory. She she wrote it in Chapters. It’s very illuminating. BUT it was deleted from Facebook and I am not sure if the content is appropriate to share?


In my opinion it would be highly in appropriate to share due to the fact that it is an open investigation and all related posts were deleted for a reason.


Several other posts that she “deleted” from Facebook are being used in articles that have been splashed across the web. And deleted is a strong word - I think her settings simply were made private.

But, in the words of my journalist friends, the internet is forever. Her Facebook was public. Regarding appropriateness, that is totally your choice.


”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹Placed on those lists AFTER the shooting, NOT before. Timeline is important


Well, yes, Captain Obvious.


look at the date he was put on the suspension list it was August 9th, 2019 …last Friday…it was not that he was on the list prior to this …appears to be a cover their butt move…oh he shot some one we better suspend him

I personally can not get around the handgun being a Ruger, a to top professional of anything that would like having a Timex rather than a Rolex. The Ruger is more of a commoner’s gun where I would have thought a trainer of his rating would have had Glock or Browning Belgium (there is prestige in having the Right weapon)

One thing the Ruger will work with lighter load cartilages where the Glock and Browning will not normally preform

To me it just does not add up that a top big-time trainer would buy/use a cheap gun with cheap ammo

Did he drive a Chevy Cobalt cheap car or some BMW/Mercedes?

I think it’s appropriate for someone to be suspended if they have been charged with murder. I don’t see it as a CYA at all. That’s typically what happens in other professions and in other sports.


Michael does not do cheap anything