Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

While some postings here highlight Lauren’s demons, let us not forget that Michael had his own…


That is what I was thinking.


Well, it’s coming up next on Good Morning America





I never said that people should routinely keep and carry guns in the unlikely (for most) event that they found themselves in a situation that deadly force was needed to protect themselves. Your statement “Defending yourself does not have to mean shooting someone. Those of you who take the idea of killing another human being so casually seem dangerous to me.” Implied that defense with fatal force was a casual, generally unnecessary, action, and that there are routinely and normally non-fatal options for such defense. You gave no implication that you felt that there were situations that could be exceptions, and people that could imagine themselves (accurately, not in some paranoid fantasy) being in a situation where they might need such defense are “dangerous.”


I’m guessing he was saying “I had a good life” because he obviously knew he just shot someone, didn’t know if she was going to live or not and assumed he was about to spend a very long time in jail. Like “it’s over for me now, but it was good while it lasted”.


My mother, who retired from the Detroit Police, always told me that if you’re going to shoot someone, make sure you kill them. Don’t screw around when you’re defending your life or the lives around you. It’s not a decision that will ever be taken lightly.


@ladyj79 Do you have your PM turned off or are you one of the people that it doesn’t work? I want to send you a PM.

Per a post on her FB page his name is Robert Guy Goodwin.

I watch Real Housewives shows, 90 Day Fiance, Below Deck, The Bachelor and the Bachelorette.
I also watch men’s World Cup soccer, the Super Bowl, MLB World Series, and NHL’s Stanley Cup, which also feature drama and “gaudy rich pseudo celebrities”.
I watch Little League World Series, which is much more fun to watch than MLB.
I watch non-racing equestrian sports, sponsor classes at horse shows, and cheer on fellow riders.
I also support our president.
My middle class values are just fine, thank you, and I had nothing to do with any shooting, mass or otherwise.


If he even is/was a drunk.
My face and neck get blazing red, and hot, when riding in summer, especially when its humid.
I have not had an alcoholic beverage in over 16 years.


I assumed it was done under the direction of her attorney.

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Interesting. The SS decision was just made on August 9.

Possibly. But doesn’t it seem even a little like suppression of evidence to remove all social media posts that formerly had been public? What are they trying to hide?

However, law enforcement can gain access to deleted FB posts when the general public cannot. Even if she completely closes her FB, the content doesn’t go away for 90 days so law enforcement can still gain access. If there is something relevant there, it will be found.

The plot thickens.


I felt the GMA segment was sympathetic towards LK, which I guess was predictable considering other current events. (My gosh, that show–who listens to that drivel?)

Hey, does anyone remember Pam Kaichen, the serial bank robber who taught at Lendon’s? That story also made all the a.m. blasts. She’s out of jail now, using several identities [edit]. The new dressage queen basics I guess.

I’ve gotta second this.

Who ever said this case has up to five years to be investigated is out of touch. There is no statue of limitations in this situation and even Chicago doesn’t allow cases to go on for five years…

This will have one hell of a civil case.


The police probably did it to keep the public from seeing and messing with evidence.


I would guess the police department had that page frozen and pulled or “hidden” by facebook. It would be part of their investigation. Does Barisone have a page? I’d be curious if his page was also pulled? (If he has one).