Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

…many fair skinned people suffer from Rosacea (red and swollen skin) which is made worse by sun exposure. Irritated skin does not necessarily equal mean drunk. It doesn’t rule it out either but no one just looks like a mean drunk based on skin color.


He had a business page on FB and a website. From what I hear, both have been taken down.

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He is not very FB active - his personal page is still up and visible to me, but I was already “friends” with him long before this happened. I don’t know how locked down it might be to people who were not already “friends”.

His Barisone Dressage website says “under construction” but I have not looked at that for a long time to know if that is a recent change or if it was already being redesigned.

As far as LK’s facebook - it’s a little… barn door open, horses long gone. There has to be hundreds, if not thousands, of people who screenshot all of her thinly veiled accusations and threats.

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To my knowledge he has not been charged.

Michael Barisone? He was charged the next morning.

Have we switched topics?


OK, technically he’s been charged with attempted murder, and some kind of gun charge. But he has most definitely been charged. If you care enough about the topic to post something like this, maybe should pay attention to the news reports on the topic a bit more.



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I looked at the dressage website the day of the charges and it was up and running, very professional so it must have been shut down shortly after. I did a facebook search for him and there is a page under his name that is completely locked down but has the friend request option available but he could have been closed to only friends anyway. I was just curious. Her page will definitely be part of the investigation because of how vocal she has been.

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Does it? How do we know the posts have been deleted instead of just made private or hidden from her timeline? So much senseless speculation…


Honestly I was shocked it was all out there publicly for so long. If anything was surprising it was tat it wasn’t all locked down sooner


On Lauren’s FB page before her it was scrubbed it clean, she was praising Michael in posts over and over. Then suddenly her FB page posts went to a very dark tone. Lauren turned into the abused victim of a “days of our lives” made for T.V episode. She often described herself on FB as a person not to mess with, one of her comments said she had 8 sides to her personality and she was not responsible for the one that you “don’t want to mess with” as anything could happen. She also said something to the effect she had a gun and knew how to use it, hmm wonder if it was pink?

Several people have stated that Lauren had bullied them online, and threatened them is some way they would lose their business by her actions.

There is more to this story than is being told. The news reports online make her sound completely innocent. There was one allegation that Lauren had a knife, so far this cannot be confirmed. Why would Micheal who is a very large man need to shoot Lauren as he could easily restrain her after all he is 6’ 4", does not make sense unless she either had the pink gun or a knife. Lauren has some old charges of assault with a deadly weapon and harassment.

There is no excuse for shooting someone out of spite if that is the case, Michael should and will be prosecuted and do time. Remember though he is innocent until proven guilty and so far we have only heard one side of the story. It takes two to Tango.


^^^ not Nicole uphoff:lol::lol::lol:
This is getting wackier for sure


Speculation, sure. But senseless, hardly! There was an obvious crime committed but no one knows all of the details- who was the aggressor, what were the exact circumstances that led up to the actions. All we know now are the results - the job for those in charge is to put all of the pieces together, taking everything into consideration. If one or more participants hides, or attempts to hide, information that may, or may not be relevant to a thorough investigation, I don’t think law enforcement would call it senseless to demand access to whatever has been removed - be it by removal or making it private (available to only those who the “owner” chooses).

Obviously no one here knows what is happening with the investigation. But it is human nature to want to make some kind of sense out of events around us.


Nicole joined today, welcome to COTH!

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Interesting video…is anyone familiar with the people who made it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGc_d4IPGzM

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I only know her as someone who called out DressageHub for her relentless bullying of certain riders, thus subjecting herself to bullying and public mocking on the DH page.

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In criminal cases, all social media sites of the people involved are closed - probably an agreement between law enforcement and facebook. Interesting that Robert Guy Goodwin’s page ( LK’s SO) is still open.

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There are lots of ridiculous things on the internet, but this one takes the cake. Congratulations.


Actually it has been a bit of a bun fight between her and DH with the overarching presence of legal hubby. Anyways, it is all very lawyerly, but I guess there are snippets of interest wrt the U.S. legal system. I suppose it is intended to be educational. Reality is they know nothing more than the speculation on this thread. Ho Hum…


Well, I don’t know the people involved but, I thought it was a bit odd to put out that sort of stream-of-consiousness- thing publicly since there didn’t seem to be any real information, only their take on what is known, which isn’t much.

Perhaps they have friends that are interested in their opinions.