Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Great post. This thread should end on this note.


Today I finally read the NY Times piece about George Morris. The journalist who wrote it actually read COTH posts to get a sense of what people in the horse world knew about GM’s history and the allegations against him. I trust she’ll do the same on this story.


Sorry, is this an actual term? Bun fight? I love it. :lol:

I couldn’t get through it
why would anyone do this type of video? I hope I am smart enough to weed through the BS

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From what I understand, Deanna has been mercilessly monstered by SW on DH, merely for standing up for herself. SW and DH have gone out of their way to try and ruin her business, so she’s got first hand knowledge of what that’s like and she seems like a decent girl. Deanna runs her own dressage page and I think she’s just trying to break down a few things that are going down in the industry at the moment, with the help of her lawyer husband. Probably way too long, but interesting nonetheless.


I get that
and DH is disgusting,


Looking just at the incident, my thought is that alcohol or drugs are likely involved. It makes no logical sense for MB to personally be in a confrontation, much less bring a gun (if he did). So it seems very likely to me that his judgement was impaired chemically.
Her actions beforehand were erratic, but less clear if chemicals might be involved.
Still not an excuse for anyone if they chose to alter their minds. Just me trying to weave a plot in which the actions make some kind of sense.


Good luck with that. There’s a reason “senseless” is in the dictionary.


Best to let Deanna weigh in if there is a backstory to this, but from an observation of events there has been a back and forth of videos and photoshopping from the two of them. It appears to have started when Deanna did a video on DH after CoTH published the article on DH, and DH responded to the video. That is how it appears on the surface. Maybe somebody else can explain it better.

Anyway, as stated earlier
the owner of DH is a nobody. She does not ride. She does not teach. She is not a member of the USEF. DH is not educational. It is a spot where the owner enjoys provoking horse people and denigrating others, photoshopping lies
why on earth does anyone even go there and get involved in that nonsense? Nobody takes her seriously and nobody cares about her opinions.

And she certainly has has no clue as to what transpired in the shooting. No insider’s track, or anything to add that we don’t already know. Stay away


So is MB “the drunk” who warned her to ‘sleep with one eye open’? May be a reason she alluded to this person on fb.

My guess is she’s had enough experience ‘pushing people’s buttons’, and she pushed him to the brink.

Are these people so numbed by substances that they don’t see the ‘red flags’? And know to get away?

There seems to be a whole lot of dressage people with middle school mentality. Emotionally and judgmentally stunted. JMO.


The actions d of the victim, nor the accused make sense.

[B]NJ law requires that you have a duty to retreat first. After that- the action (shooting) required the amount of force with which the shooter responded.

There are other criteria that goes in to it, as well which I am certain a NJ lawyer can attest.

So someone can push my buttons all they want. They can threaten to kick my ass- I still can’t pull out my gun and shoot them, even on my property.

And whoever made the comment about a straight man not owning a pink gun- sorry-- you are [edit]. [/B]


Am I the only one surprised there is no new information in days? Is Michael still in the hospital? Lauren’s condition? Are the boyfriend and her horses still at Barison’s property? Is Michael in jail or out on bail? Surely there are still many workers at the barn and/or clients in training who either saw the events leading up to the shooting or are still there taking care of horses, etc.


I’m wondering the same. Apparently he hasn’t had the hearing yet where they plead guilty or not guilty and bail is determined. One would think a defense attorney would want to expedite this if they thought bail would be granted. That doesn’t look good imo for him getting out on bail.

With respect to the horses there, I’m in NJ so I get the rumors from the Jersey horse crowd and that info travels quickly. Again, it’s only rumors but coming from good sources that all his clients moved out right after the shooting. Note too, that a couple of his poplular clients are keeping quiet.


What? Why would you call anyone a moron on this board? Not very nice.

Second, I don’t understand all the umbrage about pointing out that a straight man is less likely to own a pink gun than a female. The stupidest thing on the internet? Really? Of course it’s not impossible that a straight guy would own (or shoot) a pink gun. But to me it seems obvious that it is statistically less likely that a pink gun is owned by a straight man than a women (and throws an interesting wrinkle into the situation that may or may not be relevant).

So I would like someone to point out the statistics showing a straight male is at least as likely (and apparently more likely based on all the comments I’ve been reading here) to own a pink gun.

Thank you.


I think it is important to remember that those who were personally affected by the incident are still trying to understand what happened and process this themselves. It was a traumatic and very stressful experience for those at the barn and there is much more that happened that lead up the incident that is not being published online, but is known by those who have been involved. And I’m sure many of the pertinent details are being held from the public since there will be an investigation, but many of those involved do not want to speak out on the internet because of how cruel some of the comments have been. They are already dealing with enough due to the situation, they don’t want to add the stress of internet commenters to their lives.


This. It’s like if the police made a statement that the shooter was wearing a dress. And someone said “oh it couldn’t have been MB, a straight man wouldn’t wear a dress”. Like, sure, there are some straight men that would put on a dress, but that doesn’t mean that the vast majority probably wouldn’t not be casually wearing a dress (wouldn’t be wearing? Wouldn’t not be wearing? I’m getting confused with the negatives but you guys know what I mean). And maybe making a statement that was so absolute was wrong, but that doesn’t really make the person a moron.

Maybe the pink gun was his. Maybe it wasn’t and the weapons possession was just the literal “he was holding a weapon when we got there”, not that it was actually his gun. We don’t know. But living in a state where at least half the people here own guns, most straight guys would not get a pink gun (I don’t know a single guy that owns a pink gun, actually, straight or otherwise). Throw in the fact that it’s a cheaper gun and MB apparently isn’t the type to go cheaper anything, there is another interesting tidbit to add on to the weirdness of this whole thing.


Honestly? I ran that detail past some gay friends and they found the gun color equally unlikely. Nothing is impossible but the reaction was in lockstep.

Its a detail that makes me wonder.


I can think of plenty of reasons a man (does it really matter if he was gay or straight?) would have a pink gun.

I brought this up at our PRIDE and Ally meeting, as well. Myth: only gay men would own pink gun Also Myth: straight men wouldn’t own pink gun

Sorry- a lot of you need to come in to 2019 with your assumptions.

In his 2008 bio for the Olympic team- he’s wearing a salmon or pinkish shirt.
He also wore flaming orange points on one of he coats. Oh- wow- no straight man would do THAT.

Just because he is straight does not mean he can not own a pink gun. Just b/c someone is female does not mean they own a pink gun.

Maybe the gun is hers, maybe it is her boyfriends, but questioning because he is straight- THAT is what gives you pause?


The police don’t need alot of evidence to charge someone with a crime. To convict someone of a crime there has to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Just because someone is charged with a crime does not mean that the charges won’t be dropped or that they will be convicted of said crime.


LK bought another horse (the 5th?) from “friend” Rosanna Williams/Ultimate Equine (from whom she purchased two other horses). As of July 15, the mare was still in Europe. Why would she acquire yet another horse if things were going so badly? That horse would barely be out of QT when she started posting about needing to move five horses in a hurry.

I hope all the horses are safe. With that crazy DH hate, it’s not hard to imagine some sort of vengeance. (Just part of the scenario for our novel in progress.)