Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This case is too high profile in a smaller county for MB to have gone to an arraignment and have that completely gone under the radar.

My guess is that LK’s legal team (there’s no way she doesn’t have a lawyer by now) told all of her people to quit talking to ANYONE.

MB’s people have been silent the entire time - which I actually think is quite telling. There has to be a whole lot more to the backstory than has been told, other than what was on LK’s now scrubbed facebook. His legal team I would imagine wants to hold whatever extenuating information they have until it can be used in a reasonable manner, i.e. in front of a judge, rather than have it dissected for days on end on the internet.

MB was likely much more injured than we have been led to believe. You don’t get to hide out in a hospital for a week just to avoid an arraignment. Police are required to take suspects for medical evaluation if they appear injured or complain of injuries, but if it is nothing, the suspect is going to get treated and remanded back to police custody and jail.

I’ve never been to his NJ farm, but depending on how involved the clients are (owners vs riders) there easily could not be a ton of people around other than his assistant trainer and workers, who are likely to be loyal to MB.



He hasn’t faced the court yet because he was still in hospital with injury.

Barisone is accused of shooting Lauren Kanarek, 39, twice in the chest with a 9mm handgun on Wednesday at the farm in Washington Township and firing another shot at her fiance that missed, police said in court documents. Kanarek, a competitive dressage rider who trains at the facility, remains hospitalized after being admitted in critical condition.

Kanarak’s fiance tackled Barisone and scuffled with him while Kanarak called 911 to report that she’d been shot, authorities said. Both men were injured in the tussle, with the fiance suffering a broken wrist and Barisone having injuries to his head and arms, authorities said.

Police found Kanarak’s fiance on top of Barisone, who was laying on the gun used in the shooting, authorities said.



Barisone has been sanctioned with a “period of suspension,” the SafeSport website says, after allegedly shooting dressage rider Lauren Kanarak. His suspension began on Friday, Aug. 9, two days after the shooting, with no end date listed. The reason for his suspension is “Criminal Disposition (Subject to Appeal).” He is currently ineligible to compete in dressage events.

It is a violation of SafeSport code to have any pending criminal procedures against an athlete. A SafeSport representative declined to comment on Barisone’s arrest, citing policy. Barisone has been charged with two counts of attempted murder and two weapons charges (Kanarak’s fiance broke his wrist during the shooting, but was not shot).


You can be arraigned when in the hospital. There are youtube videos of it being done. If he is in the hospital for mental reasons, that might delay an arraignment.


I thought yesterday about this whole mess. I couldn’t help but think about the people who still have horses at the facility that are probably looking for another place to go, the workers at the barn who don’t know if they’ll still have a job and all of the people affected by this. This whole situation is just plain sad and has affected a lot of people. :frowning:


His court appearance is scheduled for Wednesday. https://www.nj.com/morris/2019/08/us-olympian-accused-of-shooting-woman-at-posh-nj-equestrian-center-faces-court-wednesday.html

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Slight tangent … So if “any pending criminal proceedings” are cause for a SafeSport suspension, will they be listing every person who has a DUI or drug possession charge in with the child molesters and those charged with attempted murder?

(Note, I’m not condoning drinking and driving or using drugs, and if your trainer does those things they may not be the best influence on kids … I’m just wondering if investigating competitors who got caught with a little marijuana is the best use of SafeSport resources when they’re apparently already overrun with sexual abuse complaints.

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Let me spell it out for you. Stating that the pink gun is unlikely to be MB’s is stupid because it is irrelevant and baseless speculation. Bringing in gender stereotypes makes it even more dumb because pink = girl and blue = boy is like the first thing you learn about gender when you are two years old. Ooooh how insightful you internet sleuths are, you figured out it isn’t his because it’s PINK!!! Go get a cookie.

And hilariously people are trying to use the pink gun to somehow exonerate MB. Just no. He is the shooter. He was found with the gun pinned under his body.

Did he go to a shop and buy that gun, picking it out from the many gun options available to him? We don’t know. Maybe someone left the gun at his place. Maybe it was a gift, a gag gift even. WE DON’T KNOW and people need to stop trying to be internet sleuths and wait for the professionals to do their work. It’s just a bad look on everyone.


It was a moronic (and somewhat homophobic) comment, with absolutely no basis in fact, as
is much of the rampant speculation and theorizing taking place on this thread.


Likely yes. If there are criminal charges then SafeSport does not need to do its own investigation - it remains in the hands of the criminal justice system.

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As I read the handbook on USEF SafeSport, it’s only criminal proceedings related to the scope of their mission, which are “ Sexual Misconduct
”¢ Emotional Misconduct ”¢ Physical Misconduct ”¢ Bullying”¢ Harassment”¢ Hazing”

Presumably attempted murder would fall under “physical misconduct.” Unless there were other concurrent crimes (e.g. perhaps vehicular homicide) I can’t see a drug or DUI charge falling under the SafeSport purview. Whether or not it would fall under other pre-existing misconduct standards of USEF (as with horse doping, overuse of whip, etc.) that would elicit temporary bans, fines, sanctions, etc. I dunno.


Okay, now I’m stuck on the pink gun detail and wondering whether it was Kanarak’s gun.

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s vulgar to speculate, but after 543 posts on this thread I know I’m in good company.


Everyone should read this


Ӣ Emotional Misconduct Ӣ Physical Misconduct Ӣ BullyingӢ HarassmentӢ

I am curious if MB or his business can submit a complaint against her for what she did with her social media pages. It seems her behavior shouldn’t be tolerated as well. Especially if she is as unstable as people claim. I understand that SS if actually for the protection of the athletes but in this case, maybe the trainers might need some protection in the future (should she heal enough to re-enter the ring).


That would make more sense to me, and I’d consider the handbook to be a more reliable source than a news article. Thanks!

I haven’t done any homework here, but I don’t think that SafeSport actually investigates people with DUI or drug possession charges. I bet they just suspend them and then piggy back off the police’s findings. Why do the work when someone else already is, you know? And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. The police and the court system should be competent and able to handle the investigation on their own.


This is really messed up I hope everything turns out ok for everyone involved. Its insane and dont understand. All I ever asked for was to have an intimate relationship with someones horses, but that is such a big deal compared to how the horse community lets real bullying and threats get so bad that someone gets shot. Something not right about the priorities here if people with a place in their heart for horses gets it filled with bullets instead. The competition and hatred gets so so toxic.

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Did she ever name him in her complaints? I don’t recall seeing that she did. Apparently she said positive things until problems started and then the criticisms became anonymous.