Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Honestly I don’t get why it’s such a bad thing to speculate. Or why it’s so bad to at least consider the possibility that the gun being pink miiiiight point to it not being his. Or why it’s so awful to say that most guys I know, straight or otherwise, wouldn’t really want a pink gun. If a gun is for self defense, and you want to warn someone off from attacking you, pink just doesn’t really have the same effect, it has nothing to do with gender stereotypes. I mean jeez, I’m a girl, I like the color pink, but I WOULDN’T want a pink gun.


YMMV, but pink. purple, or chartreuse, you better believe that seeing the business end of a pistol pointed at me is going to have the desired effect.



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I never saw her facebook page so I honestly don’t know. I was just going off of what I’ve read on this thread.

I think people are reacting to the specifics of the speculation. A lot of it revolves around she must have did something, you don’t know her, she’s a horrible person etc etc. People didn’t say those exact words but the speculation could be read that way.

With regards to the pink gun, again veiled statements about things straight vs gay men would have and that it probably was the victims. Maybe it was his girlfriends. Who knows.

Regardless the speculation about how it got to the point of a shooting and who’s gun it was comes off as an attempt to say the victim deserves it without actually saying that.


I could see that. Thanks for explaining that.

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not playing Colombo here but the guy on top of him had a broken wrist which could have come from being disarmed by the accused

I am thinking this may be at least a two part TV series or maybe a miniseries


I wonder who the gun was registered to? You make a good point but wrists are easy to break and ive known people breaking wrists in stall doors. Barisone was a big guy and the gun was pink. He was saying “He had a good life” like someone was trying to ruin his life you never know if he was only making hindsight remarks.

This is an excellent article. I would like to add my observations about these two incidents. It is difficult for people to reconcile how an icon like GM could also sexually abuse minors, or how an Olympic dressage rider and trainer could be arrested for attempted murder. When we idolize people we struggle to accept their imperfections. Someone can be both a world class horseman as well as a pedophile or a murderer. Michael Jackson was a Grammy award winning musician as well as a drug addict and a pedophile. Someone can be both a great equestrian and a flawed individual.
I struggle to understand the “I Stand With George Morris” movement. Only two individuals know with absolute certainty what did and didn’t happen; GM and his accuser(s). I seriously doubt that Safe Sport would ban GM from USEF and FEI sanctioned competitions without compelling evidence. No one is suggesting that GM isn’t an iconic horseman, a great coach, etc. But when well known trainers “Stand With George” are they suggesting that we should overlook the allegations of sexual abuse of a minor, even if it was consensual at the time?


Thats what ive been saying this whole time.
“Wait, What?” Why not? Why not have a pink and black gun. Its easy to see especially in blaze pink.

Read post #561. There was nothing about a gun in that post.


Oh boy. I love houseguests.


I personally know that safesport was contacted about LK’s online behavior and bullying over a year ago! If they had done something then, like a suspension, maybe this never would have happened.
Just sayin.


There is nothing really new in here other than he is no longer in the hospital and is in jail. It also talks about Wed. arraignment.



Sorry if that was the interpretation with my comment. It was just an observation that a gun with pink (detailing?) would be less likely to belong to a man regardless of orientation, at least in NA. No one deserves to get shot, no one. Between the ranting on LK’s fb prior to privacy setting changes and the end result, its a messy situation all around. Occam’s razor often gets dulled by the horse world.


No, her accusatory postings never named the perpetrator, but it seemed pretty transparent who she was talking about.

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I agree it probably wasn’t his. I just think most posts were veiled attempts to say LK deserved it. That is what I see not having any interaction with the players.


My point exactly @Synthesis. This post is just appalling.

My impression is no one involved is all that emotionally mature.

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A lot of people keep talking about victim blaming on this thread. Why is it that a victim can never have any culpability in a crime that happened to them? What about the kid that bullies another kid relentlessly for years? Bullied kid reports it repeatedly but nothing is done to end the bullying. Bullied kid finally can not take it anymore and somehow harms his/her bully. Now the bully is the victim. Does he/she not share any of the blame for what happened? Are they an innocent victim? I would say no.

As far as this case, I had never heard of any of the involved parties. After reading the initial news story, I googled them. Didn’t find much on MB other than his website, but did see LK’s Facebook. And my immediate thought was - there is way more to this story and this woman is a manipulator, and probably not an “innocent” victim. That was before reading any of the comments here saying that she has a history of bullying, and before finding out she also had a criminal history. Now, of course I don’t know any of the facts of the case other than what is being reported in the news, and maybe my initial reaction about the victim was way off base. Maybe she did everything right and MB just shot her for no reason other than he is a horrible person. Whatever the case, unless it was self defense, shooting her was wrong and he should pay. But the notion that just because someone is a victim, that automatically means they are blameless, is wrong IMO.


That’s not what I mean by victim blaming. Clearly it takes two for the relationship to escalate to this point. However, without knowing exactly how or why it escalated, I think it’s in poor form to place most of the blame on the person who was shot. That’s how the posts read.

Kinda like people saying why did people wait 50 years to report GHM? It’s because of the “movement”