Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

My point in stating that was if Safe Sport was truly doing their job and not going after just “big names” in the business maybe just maybe this whole incident could have been prevented!

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A suspension from horse shows never would have helped evict her if that’s what this was about.

They go after more than big names. Pretty sure there are only three names listed that people actually foam at the mouth about on the list for equestrians.


Yes, those are all words.


I’m not sure anyone is portioning the “blame”, i.e. most.
I think pointing to the shooting victims Facebook posts merely suggest the situation may be more complicated than it otherwise might be.


I’m not referring to those types of posts. And again it’s my impression not having any interaction with any of the players. It’s more the posts of people seemingly shrugging it off because they know her.

No one deserves to get shot unless the shooter is in a situation of kill or be killed.

The phrase “too soon” comes to mind. I read her posts on Facebook and they seemed pretty manic to me. So I’m not saying I think it’s a situation where MB just pulled a gun and shot her. I think there is a lot of complicated personal stuff going on with the victim and how it got to this point is complicated. That’s all.

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Umm… it seems that someone’s house guest has logged on.

:lol::lol::lol: You owe me a new keyboard…


Maybe I can make it easier for you to understand. What are you talking about in the above quote??




Do you own a gun in blaze pink ?

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If that’s the case, it’s interesting that all those people were able to find stalls elsewhere in the area for their horses on extremely short notice, while LK seemed unable to do the same over the course of weeks or even months.


If she really is as unstable as people say, it’s not surprising at all.


I do not but anyone looking for a cheap gun could probably find one in pink, tiger stripes, or even black for a bargain.

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I don’t think the issue is with speculating that the gun might not be his. It could well belong to his wife, or girlfriend, or a barn worker, or friend. The problem is with people assuming that because the gun is pink it must belong to Lauren, ergo she must have been the aggressor in this situation. We simply cannot know that right now. Certainly the charges laid and the initial reports don’t support that theory, yet I have seen it repeated as fact in several places, simply because the gun in question was pink. That is the danger of speculation.


<----- See my avatar!

I’m never giving it up.


Yes, you have time to file charges. But there’s a limited amount of time you can hold someone in jail without charging them. Given that it seems relatively undisputed that he DID shoot her (for whatever reason), it would not be unreasonable to file charges to ensure that he can be held in custody while they continue the investigation. If he did shoot her and it was not in self defense, there’s a very strong public interest in not allowing him to return to society.

Self defense is a legal defense to a charge of attempted murder, but a defense that has to be argued and proven at trial. Unless it’s very cut and dry and clear that he acted in self defense (e.g., someone broke into his house and attacked him, or it was on camera) charges will be filed, the prosecution will have the burden of proving that he shot her, and he will have the burden of proving that he did it in self defense.

It doesn’t speak volumes that he was charged so quickly–it could just mean he shot someone, they aren’t sure if it was self defense or not, and they want to make sure he stays in custody.


Does Safe Sport include horses?


I know this comment is tongue in cheek but it reminds me of that repulsive meme by the plaid horse.

Big thing I’ve learned from COTH is do or die H/J people will protect their own at all costs.


Long time reader, extremely infrequent poster from N. NJ.

A couple of weeks back, a fair few farms received an email/Facebook/hard copy inquiry from an individual who was interested in having relations with horses and was looking for a farm that would be willing. If the farm did not respond, random one star reviews started appearing on google. I heard one or two farms got the hard copy letter either left on a fence or under a rock in the driveway. My trainer got an email and a one star review complaining she was not responsive enough.

Sorry to perpetuate the derailment of the thread but I saw DublanQ’s post in a thread about people based in N.J. and thought I’d share.


This thread devolves from one level of weird to the next every time I check back in…

Now we have nutso houseguests. Where’s the fruitbat?