Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Did she go there to work for him? Or did she go there as a customer? Or was she there in the hideous working student gray area in between?

I would still be interested to know if the fiancé and her five horses are still there on the farm. I just can’t imagine how that would play out on a day to day basis with the Barisone staff and horses on the property at the same time. Never mind living in the same house!

As others have said, I have seen some pretty crazy arrangements in the horse business over the years, both professional and domestic. But this one may set a record for going south in such a spectacular way. Yikes.


Regarding jury duty.

I was called a few years ago, and had to spend the day at the courthouse while they were selecting a jury. When it was my turn for questions, they asked me if I would be able to reach a decision based solely on the statements of the two people involved, without any corroborating evidence. It was a he said/she said situation.

I said I could not, since it would be impossible to know who was telling the truth under those circumstances. I have a feeling that was the answer that got me out of jury duty. Maybe there are people who think they would be able to tell. Call me cynical, but I know there are some very good liars in the world.

With that in mind, it will be interesting to see what evidence comes out in this case.


They may have just changed her privacy settings. She was open to public view regardless of friends.


If she had someone delete all her posts, Facebook still has them off in the cloud, so the police could probably subpoena Facebook for them. I’m not entirely sure how that whole thing works though, so maybe not.

Based on the contents and claims of her own Facebook/Instagram posts, the answer to all three of those leading questions is an apparent “YES!”, but I don’t know what the reality of the arrangement was and I am certain that will come out at the trial, if there is one.

As for the rest, we’ll have to see what reports float up in the next week or so, regarding the state of Barisone Dressage and the equine residents at the facility.


I think by now probably about 7,000 people have screen shots.


Ha, yeah, that too.


My reading comprehension is just fine. It’s the last sentence on the article linked from post #993. Maybe that’s not the latest article but I was just responding to a question that was asked about the comment on the coma.

I haven’t offered any false information.

I must say that was not a very nice comment. No, not very nice at all…


Goodness, you gonna’ jump up and down and throw a curry at me??

I never said you would grab a gun. Please read what I said, which was “you don’t know.” and none of us do. We imagine what we ~might~ do, and think that’s how it will go, but we don’t KNOW.


Yes and also very likely the contents of all her FB messenger conversations as well. Should they ever be made public, will be interesting to see especially since there was a conversation snippet from someone offering to “teach her how to destroy him” that no doubt went private with further discussion


I’m sure they’re going to want to look at both of their phones for call and text records, Facebook and Instagram messages, since she’s been so vocal on social media. Probably the fiance’s too, if MB’s lawyer can swing it. It’ll be interesting to see what comes out.


I pray you’re never on the victim list…

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And yes it’s not fair, to label anyone when we don’t know for a fact the label fits.
I meant it more as a juxtaposition of the two “sides” of this, because if one doesn’t do so…


Well I wouldn’t hope that on anyone but not sure what you are saying with this statement.

I was upset and crying because people were absolutely not taking their jury responsibilities seriously. You think people on this thread are speculating you ought to sit on a jury.


52 pages of speculation. I will wait for Dateline–an episode about this incident is one I would watch for sure.



On one of DHs hate filled posts one of LKs friends commented and said it’s not scrubbed, it’s just all been locked down, apparently her friends can still see everything. (Assuming this person was really a FB friend and if so was telling the truth).


Further to the fire department and living conditions, someone somewhere in either this momentous thread, or in one of the many, many links that have been posted on it, said that the pipes burst last winter (?) and the entire basement needed re-modelling because of this and MB was hoping to have it done on insurance. Maybe the basement had been condemned because of this and that’s why the FD was called to have people removed?

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I don’t think the house is condemned because then nobody could live in it until the problem was cured. It seems that it is occupied by some combination of people. I think the issue is overcrowding and a violation of NJ occupancy laws. There has to be notice of given about the overcrowding, time to cure it, and then eviction if it is not cured. It’s a civil process.

I realize the victims are being called squatters by the defendant, but that term means a person who unlawfully occupies an unused building or land. The house was occupied and in fact, full of people including the owner. I’m not sure how the law applies to an ambiguous situation where a tenant/guest becomes an unwanted occupant.

At the heart of this matter is poor business management. There is a basic lack of written contracts that would inform the parties of their rights, responsibilities and options at termination. Verbal contracts take longer to sort out when there is a disagreement.

This entire situation is very sad for all involved.


I was thinking it could be that the basement rooms/apartment might not be legal, due to lack of fire exits or something similar, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread. Very typical for the staff to live wherever, and it’s all fine until somebody draws attention to it.

One winter in Florida I lived in the little office off the kitchen, and kept my clothes in a filing cabinet. Because… horse people.


I fail to see any problem with that. :wink: