Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

A lady spends a life harassing others, being a PITA, threatening their livelihood - not only in her area of horses, but calling CPS and ICE as well, being a drama monger… and then there are consequences.

Not that he should have shot her. Just that she isn’t lily white, either.

Me? I’d have someone go rip the weatherhead off the house, and maybe remove a door or two and a few windows, with a sign by the street that says “free stuff in house, please remove”.

(Remove the doors in the middle of winter is how a friend got a squatting tenant out. She was waving it in his face that he would not be able to evict her for months at the earliest, after a month and a half of non-payment already. Front and back doors were removed within 24 hours. Tenant was gone 6 hours after that. Legal? No. But a notably more peaceful solution to a landlord dispute.)

For the horses? I’d leave a 30 day notice, and on the second that the 30 days are up I’d throw all of her equipment, supplements, everything… in the ditch out front. Horses would have liens put on them immediately. Security at front gate to not allow them on the property without sheriff present.

Don’t want to serve the crazy lady with an eviction notice if she’s paying the rent? Jack the rent up to something obnoxious, then you can kick her out for non-payment.

EDIT: Can you legally put a sign in a yard, a big one, that says “TENANT HAS NOT PAID RENT IN XX DAYS”? That would be a great, humiliating way to encourage squatters to GTFO


So many people on this thread still think they know who is the better person based on what they have seen on Facebook and at horseshows and with their rather basic internet sleuthing. Rather ridiculous.

I will be following this trial closely, I think a lot of posters will be in for a surprise when they hear the details of the actions over time from MB.

It is clear both parties have acted like fools in the past but none and I mean absolutely NONE of that means the victim here has brought this on herself. Shame on anyone who thinks that.


Eh. I don’t think she brought it on herself, but I could see how others might think she pushed too far. Doesn’t mean she deserved it, but that she possibly instigated it. The fault for doing it still lies completely on MB.


If the basement flooded and wasn’t stripped, dried out, and sanitized correctly then they could have a black mold problem. If a complaint was called in and the local health authorities checked for mold and air quality (and that could be the fire department if they have the right testing equipment although I haven’t heard of fire departments checking for mold) then that would be another reason MB moved with his fiance’ and her kids to the location.

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I agree with you. Labeling other people who are interested in this case “ridiculous” yet claiming the victim shares no blame - when YOU don’t know either - is just as ridiculous. The victim’s history is problematic. Did she provoke him? Threaten him? Use her boyfriend to back up her actions? Push too far? This all remains to be seen as the facts are revealed. Arm-chair slinging is just that.




Its illegal to have bedrooms without windows-no fire escape. If the fire department had a problem with people living somewhere in the house, I would bet that’s the reason. The fire department wouldn’t care about a mold problem.


Or perhaps some people know her, have trainers who’ve dealt with her, have friends who have known her, or have been a target of her harassment and bullying in real life. I’ve yet to meet someone who has met her in real life who is defending her- excluding a close circle of friends and family. Dozens of people I’ve talked to in our local riding community have repeated the same stories of being scared of her, her trying to sue them, her refusing to leave their property, her showing up in the middle of the night in a manic state, her making threats and harassing clients.
Just saying…


Question for you not related to the topic:
What is this strange sentence structure that’s going on with your posts that moves half a sentence to the next line in your post? Or am I only seeing that because I’m on my kindle? Yours are the only posts that do that.


You are not the only one seeing this. I wondered too.


I’ve actually seen it on a few people’s posts.


There I fixed it for you. Maybe I have an errant spacer finger? :confused:

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I’ve seen it as well. I find it annoying but figured it was some weird formatting error on whatever device they are using.

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I was just reading up on plea deals and saw that 95% of all criminal cases are settled by negotiating a plea. So very few go to trial and if that’s the case here, we may never hear all the details about evidence in this case.

And according to what I read, most attorneys try to persuade their accused client to take a plea. Interesting to read the behind the scenes details about this. Attorneys say cases where there’s a plea deal are easy money vs. going to trial
which is loads of time and work and most criminal defendants don’t have the money for a trial.

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LK subjected MB to sustained harassment and psychological abuse. If you beat a dog long enough, dont act surprised when it eventually bites you.

The poster who told the whole story in a gender swap was absolutely right. If a man was harassing a woman, calling ICE on her, living in her home and refusing to leave, threatening her family, jeopardizing her livelihood, calling dyfus, screaming “I’m going to destroy you” outside her bedroom window, and god knows what else… there would be outpourings of sympathy for her.

would I have shot her? Probably not. I will tell you though for sure, if some woman did that to my husband she would have gotten one or more brutal ass beatings (by me) long ago.


Then you would rightfully be in jail too.


And yet none of that is a valid reason to SHOOT somebody.


Sure. Because violence would resolve the issue. ‘Murica.


Also are some ignoring that he tried to shoot the BF too? Although some say the BF has a sketchy past, was the BF harrassing MB too? Keep in mind, MB didn’t just shoot, he shot to kill. In fact, as he was being taken away speaking those “i had a good life” words, he may have thought he did kill her and was going away for life for murder 1. I’m pretty surprised at the hatred for this victim and how it seems to take focus away from the horrible thing MB did. I suspect he will plead out and get 10 years and be out in 5. I think he should get 20.