Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

That’s what I assumed, considering I’m using a new device and that it might be just at my end. Though the poster I quoted is the only one I notice this happening to, so that seemed odd.

Then again, using this touch screen to type, I’m constantly having to fix typos and autocorrect and weird randomness… for example, when I hit the arrow that goes to a new line, or place a period at the end if a sentence, my next character for some reason doesn’t automatically get capitalized. So annoying!


Thank you for real information. I have to admit that her behavior is kind of fascinating in a sick way (e.g, I love Mommie Dearest, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, and Cops.) Unfortunately, while her shabby background might convey some sympathy for MB, it also provides a pretty solid motive of intent to kill (imho).


So what happens next? I tried to watch the video but the sound was not good; I couldn’t hear everything.

Is there another court date? Did MB give a not guilty plea or is that done at a later date?





I’m not defending MB - but how do you know he didn’t take the gun because they’d threatened him and he wanted to defend himself? Did I miss something? Maybe he shot her in the chest/lung because that was the biggest, closest target? If he’d shot her in the head, it would have had a greater chance of killing her - but was he really a marksman? The significance of his “I had a good life…” recitations were taken by the judge to suggest MB was at the end of his rope, but who knows what was in MB’s mind? I like facts and I don’t know that we know much of anything for sure.


I admit I feel bad for him. Of course he shouldn’t have shot her or shot at the BF (if that happened). But everyone has a tipping point. The combination of being constantly harassed in increasingly ugly ways/US gun culture/a character defect led to a horrible incident. It was a “perfect storm” . Otherwise he probably would have continued on through life as a flawed but successful horse trainer.

It would make for a compelling psychological thriller.

ETA: Perhaps it is more a modern Shakespearean tragedy.


Even if you have excellent training, it’s a movie lie that people “shoot to wound” Anyone with any sort of weapons training is taught to shoot center mass because it’s real easily to miss an arm or a leg. He was probably fairly close if he was untrained to get those two center mass shots because usually with the adrenaline people miss by a mile.




** your opinion, we don’t know any of these asterisk items for certain.


You know this how, exactly? The people who have posted on this thread who say they know something about guns seem to be surprised that she is still alive with two 9 mm gun shots in her.

I don’t know much of anything about guns myself, but I would think if someone was trying to kill another person at close range with a serious handgun, the other person would be dead.






I don’t believe that this case will go to trial, but not because of lazy or greedy lawyers.

If I were MB’s lawyer, I’d think it was too risky. It’s possible that this case is going to come down to what the victims say happened, it doesn’t sound like there are any other witnesses of the actual altercation and shooting. And it doesn’t sound like there is much physical evidence either, just injured people. MB was there, it’s not like he has an alibi and is trying to deny he did it. He is culpable. What’s not clear is how much premeditation happened. [I’m going to take a wild guess here though and say not much.]

If I were a prosecutor, I would be afraid to turn the case over to a jury. I don’t think that LK or RG are going to perform well on the witness stand if they truly are a volatile as people are making them out to be. It’s possible that jurors will listen to those two talk and not like them, and that will matter during deliberation, whether it is supposed to or not. And while loads of cases can make it to trial without calling major players or suspects to the stand, I don’t think that this is one of those cases.

I don’t think this is going to be a slam dunk for either side, and the wisest thing is going to be a plea deal.


This is not true. Any time you point a gun at someone you have “intent to kill” Any gunshot is an “attempt to kill” and someone who wings someone in the arm is most likely poorly trained, full of adrenaline, and pretty much just point and shoot and not aiming. You don’t get a lighter charge because you shot someone in the leg. That’s ridiculous.

Police officers “wound” bad guys in the movies, if you aim anwhere besides center mass you risk missing entirely. Police officers are always taught to aim for center mass, bigger area to hit.


I asked you a very specific question, which you’ve chosen not to answer. That illustrates your own bias. Deny, deny, deny that LK chose not to get away from the person she claimed to fear, the smart choice you yourself suggest, all you want.
If there’s an onus on people to get away from those they fear, I’d assume that applies universally.

I don’t “fret” because I dislike LK. I don’t know her, or him.
I’m not trying to excuse the shooting crime. I’m simply trying to understand it. Like a jurist might. And like a jurist, I’m just picking up the facts and the words and actions of the parties involved.


“Don’t poke the badger”, said Common Sense.
“I’ve poked plenty of kitties and bunnies and puppies and nothing ever happened”, She said, “Besides, I’ve poked Mr. Badger before and all He does is growl and snarl.”
“Don’t poke the badger”, said Common Sense, louder.
(Several iteration of the above)
“Watch this”, She said, “I bet that Mr. Badger will react when I poke his babies.”
And He did.



Let’s not pretend that what is happening here has much to do with facts.


What makes everyone so sure MB brought the gun to where LK lives?

Isn’t it possible he went there to confront her, she came out with HER gun and then as a 120 lb female wrestled with a 6’4 fit Male over possession of the gun she got shot?

Not saying it’s PROBABLE. Am saying its POSSIBLE.

Also the judge was inappropriate when he spoke. He stated that MB brought the gun to kill her.

It was a bail hearing. MB has not been tried, there is no finding as of yet. The judge needed to say ALLEGEDLY.


so if you read the thread, you would actually find most of the people on the thread making that argument, that’s it’s the victims gun that Michael valiantly wrestled for and then shot her

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