Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

This. Thank you.


Exactly. 2 facts.

  1. LK was shot 2 times in the chest area.
  2. MB was laying on a gun when the police arrived.
    The rest is speculation and what was stated by LK and her boyfriend both of which are less than credible.

It’s still surprising and telling that a board full of women still insists on not just allowing but entertaining the whole “she caused it” mentality.



Also, and I’m not defending him at all, but if he was laying on the gun (having been rushed and thrown down by the boyfriend), when and how did he get the 2 back eyes (remnants of which were seen in court), the head injury that put him in the hospital, and the arm injury? I can image that a much bigger scuffle took place, and it would be really interesting to have been a fly on the wall to see how things transpired, where the gun actually came from and who’s prints or dna were on it.
Its all just so crazy to me, and hard not to wonder. I hope there will be more info coming.


I don’t think anyone’s saying that she caused it as much as recognizing that she clearly had the ability to incite and manipulate.


Doesn’t matter. Many people argue, and the VAST majority of them don’t shoot someone else.

It is victim shaming, misogyny, plain and simple.


I think the VAST majority of people wouldn’t have behaved the way either party did in this instance, and we still don’t really know what happened.


I believe MB would have let the conflict run its course through the legal system, if he had a sense there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Clearly though, the conflict was rapidly escalating. If LK truly felt threatened by MS as she claimed on FB, it is reasonable to expect that she would have left the property and headed for the safety of a hotel, or her family’s nearby home . As for RG, when more facts are made public, we’ll know if he tried, at any time, to get LK off the property (as a good man would), or was he supporting her efforts to ignore the eviction, and the vacate order from the Fire Marshall.


I speculate that if the boyfriend had been the one shot, many of the comments would have been the same.


It is not misogyny to recognize that LKs words and actions (that most have read or heard repeated) could have, and likely did, make the relationship with MB worse.

MB potentially/ likely did the same. We don’t know, because he didn’t post on his Facebook page about it, afaik.
Her fiance, RG potentially did as well.

I’m not sure anyone is letting the men off the hook.
Blaming all parties for the disagreement that preceded this shooting, even the woman, isn’t misogyny.
ETA its not about gender, it’s all about behavior.


No need to wonder.
He was elected, and that’s why we have the president we do.
We’ve had past presidents because of the same reason.


Very helpful info, thank you.

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One party had a pretty extensive criminal record. The other party did not.

One party posted multiple comments online about owning guns. The other party did not.

One party posted multiple comments online about stirring up trouble. The other party did not.

One party has a long history of creating drama and trauma in boarding/training situations, according to multiple separate posters. The other party does not.

That list has nothing to do with gender.

Regardless, obviously nobody should have used a gun that day.


So you defenders are pretty much saying that She behaved in such a manner that would get her murdered
And that there is a reason for it?


Nonsense. You weren’t there; you have no idea what went on. Those involved clearly had their problems and I imagine none of them were holier than thou.


No. Try again.


I’m not sure why you think that anyone’s defending any if the parties, but that’s on you.


Did you get a good stretch in before reaching like that?

What people are trying to understand is why someone who has no history of violence would suddenly snap and behave in such a matter.

It’s the same thing I might go searching for if my dog were to suddenly bite the neighbors kid when he nad never bitten anyone before. And if it turned out that the neighbors kid was being a little piece of shit and tormenting the dog, it wouldn’t be victim blaming to point out that the dog was provoked.


Upon what are you basing your belief?


This kind of ‘reasonable to expect’ is all from the life experience and expectation of the person posting, not the actual people involved. It is speculation that has little relationship to the reality of a situation with very different people.

There is no way that anyone who doesn’t have direct information from those involved can know what they were thinking, or why they did what they did.

In an eviction scenario where the tenant is attempting to stay as long as possible, the tenant who feels threatened may decide to stay right where they are, let the chips fall where they may and get it all on video. A major incident could potentially add weeks, even months, to their residency in the property, when they took it to an attorney or a judge. Sometimes such tenants are experienced with the local courts and how the eviction process responds to certain events between landlord and tenant. Such tenants seem to believe that either they will not be harmed, or if they are that it won’t be that bad and will lead to more action against the landlord that may enrich them, the tenant.

That’s not necessarily what was going on in this case. That’s just an observation based on certain non-paying tenants who have a very different view of the world and how they conducted themselves in it than I can even fathom. I just accept that this is the way they behave.

I have no idea if those dynamics were at work in this case. I’m just pointing out that what we would have done from our side of the computer screen, or think someone else would most likely have done, doesn’t mean anything to what they really did and what they intended. Their reality is not our reality.