Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

You’ve made assumptions about posters’ politics. And their gender biases/misogyny. Which are patently wrong for at least some of the posters you’re trying to vilify. Consider for a moment that your assumptions about other posters’ personal beliefs/intuitions about guilt in this case might also be off base in at least some cases. Being curious about what happened does not entail a belief that the outcome was determined entirely by the woman’s actions, or that MB’s actions were justifiable, or in any way acceptable. Adjust your resolution and you’ll see that when you’re not looking for black and white guilt and innocence, it’s possible to entertain a theory without committing to a position about any individual’s responsibility. And that it’s possible to wonder about the things we don’t know while waiting for the justice system to do the hard work of determining what happened and where the responsibility lies.

Casting these kinds of aspersions about the motives, beliefs, political views, and values of other posters isn’t really more noble than asking questions about the actions, motives, and public personae of the individuals involved in the incident under discussion.


Playing armchair psychologist here, but I strongly suspect that it was her using his fiance’s children as pawns in her war against him that pushed him over the edge. If she called child protective services as a way to further hurt him, and it appears that she did, he may have perceived that as a direct threat against the children and he lost it.

Once she involved the children it was no longer a tenant/landlord dispute but an all out war and he retaliated. It is unfortunate that he did not seek a restraining order against her, then her calling CPS would have been seen as her trying to get back at him for the restraining order and a judge would not have been happy with her.


I’m probably going to be done with this thread because some of you only hear what you want to hear or extract certain things from posts that fit your agenda, but please, those of you saying that people have said “she deserved it, it’s her fault, he was in the right to shoot her etc.” QUOTE these posts where people have directly said this if you feel so strongly. I cannot recall anyone that has said such a thing. People have tried to decipher the motive of MB and put together character backgrounds in a effort to understand such a dramatic event such as a shooting, but that’s it.

In my quote about “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” that does not mean she deserved it, or anyone was right in this situation. It means that if you do something illegal, shortsighted, out of emotion/rage, (re MB) you have to suffer the consequences now, and it’s going to possibly be a long and difficult process re court, case details, settling, etc. A “normal” law abiding citizen wouldn’t have to go through such a thing as they, you know, wouldn’t shoot anyone (excluding actual self defense matters here). I didn’t say this referred to LK and that she was “rightfully” shot. But please, if you want to twist, interpret, or whatever, directly quote me and we can discuss it. For the record, the shooting is not justified. I don’t know where various are getting this from, it’s merely people speculating and trying to piece together a story for discussions sake, and again, an attempt to understand (if that is even possible) what is going on here.


No, nobody has said that, in fact, if you actually read the thread, you can see that what is said is the opposite. That there is no justification for using violence, period. What we ARE saying is that there is quiet a story behind this, some of which we know, much of which we don’t, which is interesting, in how behaviours on both sides created this drama. You really are pushing and picking and looking for a way to condem people and I don’t think its going to stick.


Agree. People but have had issues with LK need to go to MB’s attorney with the information and not publicize it. It can all come out in the trial or plea bargain.

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I’m certainly not saying anything like that. What I am saying is that the woman appears to be very unstable and manipulative based on her FB posts and criminal history.

Reading her FB posts made me cringe, because I’ve seen a few boarders become unhinged and very dangerous, who behaved in a similar manner.

One of the local trainers evacuated all her horses from a barn for a month because another boarder threw a punch at her. The barn owners had to go through the eviction process to get the boarder out and it took quite some time and multiple visits from the sheriff.

Had the trainer not left the property immediately, with all horses and clients, it could have gone down like this. In this case the trainer did not own the barn.

So the point that I was making is that you have a very explosive situation here. Her public posts were not those of a reasonable, rationale person behaving appropriately.


The only person who knows if MB has no history of violence is MB. It would be extremely rare though not unheard of for someone to go from 0 to shooting someone.

His comments however, point that he made the choice to do what he did, not self defense. My opinion only of course.

If the houseguests post is true, it only shows that LK was a seriously annoying person who clearly lacked any type of empathy, but it also proves nothing other than those who don’t want to be around drama need to seperate themselves from it. That’s why you can block and delete on social media.


One quote, from a brand new poster, out of well over 1200.

The boy who cried wolf parable is in my mind possibly applicable to this tragic event.


I think that falls under “reading what you want into something that isn’t what it meant”. That does not say that people that get shot DESERVE to get shot, but that they influenced it happening. At least, that is how I read it, I’m not looking specifically for people to be saying that she deserved it because I don’t think that.

Just because he(?) said he had thought before that she didn’t deserve it, doesn’t mean that he now thinks she DID deserve it. Just that she ignored warning signs and “poked the bear”, so to speak.


Question for the legal eagles on this thread: can you get a restraining order against a tenant living on your property ?

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Totally missed that ONE!

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Has the next court data been announced?

OK, so ONE post out of over 1,200??? And probably from someone who joined the forum purely to discuss this topic. I don’t think for a millisecond that this poster is representative of the majority of posters on this forum.


Pointing out that people’s actions can influence what happens in their lives is not blaming or saying they “deserve” it.

A person who is addicted to drugs is more likely to die from an overdose, does not mean they deserve it.

Someone who climbs mountains is more likely to suffer a fatal fall than most, again they don’t “deserve” it.

But if the house guest (and note I say if) post is true, this is far more than someone who is annoying and lacks empathy. Anyone who would mentally torture a person who lost their child to drowning is a very sick person. I can’t diagnose but that level of cruelty is way over and above “annoying”.

As a quick aside, when I was a teen I was bullied mercilessly because I was fat, smart, and didn’t fit in with the “right” crowd. I started arming myself with a 6" straight blade Buck knife whenever I went out of the house alone. I’m glad now I never felt that I had to use it but I was in a mental state at the time that I think I could have under the right circumstances.


I’ll clarify this since it wouldn’t surprise me if folks read into this that LK deserved it or MB was justified… because that is absolutely not what I’m saying, nor what I believe. I am saying that I can imagine how MB reached his breaking point, and given the questions about both parties’ mental state, this is just a whole lot of mess.

I subscribe to the theory that MB calmed his GF down and took her gun away, and happened to have it on him when he went to talk to LK, OR he was carrying it regularly for protection because she had already threatened him and bragged about her guns. Then a confrontation happened, who knows what exactly went down, lots of possibilities, and LK got shot. He could have decided to heck with it and tried to kill her, she could have charged him and he reacted in self defense, or about a million things in between.


Politically correct or not, people who involve themselves in confrontational situations are more likely to be on the receiving end of violence than those who don’t. This does not mean they “deserve it,” but there is an increased likelihood it will happen.

It is not “victim blaming” to point this out.


Yeah it is.


I didn’t say it represented a majority, and I don’t think anyone else did. I’m aware it’s a fraction of the many various points being made. I only pointed out that that attitude DOES exist as part of the discussion here. Others have said that NO, that attitude is NOT here as part of the discussion at all. “Did not see it.” “Show me”. “NOBODY has said she deserved it.” Etc. So, I’m showing it.

It’s a long, fast-evolving discussion and many points have been made. The point that people who get shot are often looking to get shot is AMONG the points made. The fact that many people didn’t notice specific posts, doesn’t zap them out of existence. The fact that they’re creepily made by someone who joined the forum just to make them, doesn’t zap them out of existence. The fact that you or I don’t accept the idea as anything close to valid (that people get shot because they deserve to) doesn’t mean someone else didn’t say that, somewhere or that others didn’t imply it, as well. He did. They did. Someone else just did, even as I’m writing this reply.

The post I screenshot got 17 likes, so the idea that she deserved it resonated with 17 people, at least. And it was later quoted and reacted to by both Edre and BigMama, as the discussion continued. It’s PART of the discussion. Of 1200 posts. It’s not “NOT” there.

Nobody has said it’s how most people feel, or that it IS the whole discussion.


Here are some more. I went 20 pages back.
1121 by emgjoker agreeing with watchturtle

1114 Girl Joey

1075 watchturtle poking the badger

1090 agreeing with manahmanah about brutal ass beating

1054 by manahmanah about brutal ass beating

1047 by HDuckie responding to jealoushe about knowing people who know her

1044 double speak by MeisterMagnolia about pushing too far

990 by farmpony about pushing too far

980 by RainnWeasley agreeing with Claddagh

978 by Claddagh agreeing with attorney about grifter comment

973 Maude agrees with subk’s gender reversal

951 by flyingchange calling her bsc and it would drive anyone to the other side

949 by Nestor asking how anyone could take crazy behavior by LK and quotes subk

947 by catzanddogz22 if she left when he told her also admits to victim blaming and says bring the flame

945 by subk gender reversal post

914 by watchturtle people who get shot get themselves shot

896 by fordtraktor surprised it hasn’t happened before

886 by manahmanah saying LK wanted to destroy him (MB) and she has