Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Sorry, I wasn’t very clear; I didn’t mean that they won’t ever claim self-defense. I meant I would’ve assumed had he wrestled a gun away from her, they would have brought it up at the bail hearing, or corrected the judge when he stated there was no evidence either LK or RG attacked MB prior to the shooting. That would make sense to me as a way to be let out on bail prior to the trial, but I am definitely not a lawyer. Thanks for your clarification:)

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Someone earlier on this thread explained it was not a hearing where you do that kind of plea or presentation of a defense or extenuating circumstances.

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Thank you. Now sarcasm - Because you know, a real man wouldn’t be caught dead with a pink gun. So it had to be hers.

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Why does it always have to be the farrier?!:eek:


So, I decide to dart between parked cars and run into traffic and get flattened. Did I deserve to get flattened? NO. Did my actions cause me to get flattened? Yup. Is the driver of the car responsible? Well maybe he shoulda…


I guess I am confused why his lawyer would claim he was harassed, trying to evict, etc, but not say that his client took the gun away from her if he did so…I understand this isn’t the hearing to present everything, but if you are presenting those aspects, wouldn’t that be the thing most likely to get bail? And wouldn’t you still correct the judge when he makes the statement that they (LK and RG) did not attack first? I am not a lawyer, I’ve been an expert witness, but I feel like you wouldn’t just sit back and let the judge make a statement like that if it wasn’t true. Hopefully one of the lawyers can weigh in on that.


I believe now in NJ their is no bail. I may be misunderstanding, but this hearing wasn’t about that… read back to see what the person who explained it said.

It’s just the way of the world, he asked for it :wink:

All y’all remember the white dude who shot a black dude a year ago at a convenience store in Florida? A year ago?? That case is just now going to trial. This is not a lifetime movie. It’s gonna be a minute.


I’m not “triggered” but honestly wondering what you meant by “asking for it.” If you mean asking to be kicked off the farm and out of the house and possibly blackballed in the industry - sure, I get that. Asking to be attacked? I don’t think so. So what did you mean?


I agree. There have been enough rumours of alcohol and anger issues with MB, and LK’s own posts complaining of bullying and harassment from him, but they have been almost completely overshadowed by a focus on her history and her behaviour. Perhaps it’s simply that people are more sympathetic to him because it seems he was well liked and she wasn’t, I don’t know. But I agree that it does come across as victim blaming. I feel sorry for them both.


So some kid, Joey, torments another kid on the playground, Eddie. Taunting, picking at him, poking at him, jeering at him. Day after day, week after week. Joey is relentless. Appeals to the teacher by Eddie don’t help. Joey even accuses Eddie of stealing, of harassing girls. Of lking other boys maybe. Being a mommas boy.

Are you surprised when Eddie finally reacts in a way that tries to cause physical harm to Joey? Did it really “come out of nowhere?”


If you run out into the street between parked cars, it’s reasonable to predict that you might get hit by a car as a result. If you behave like the world’s worst customer , it’s still not reasonable to predict that you might get shot as a result, at least not in most developed countries.


I guess it depends what, if anything, Eddie had done to Joey first. Maybe Eddie was stealing Joey’s lunch every day for a year before Eddie starting bullying him. That’s exactly my point. So many people are assuming LK is the Joey in your story, harassing and tormenting poor MB for no reason until he pushed back - by shooting her. And maybe that’s exactly what hapoened. Or maybe he was bullying and tormenting her and she pushed back by calling ICE and Children’s Services. We. Don’t. Know.


I think her behavior would lead to being evicted. Why he did not do so or she did not leave is a complete mystery. Our barn owner is ruthless about barn drama. It is not tolerated past a certain point. It’s wonderful. There has been not only victim shaming but trash talking him about alcohol or other. It’s not like someone posted and said they knew because they were there and saw. It’s gossip. Just ease off a bit. Yes, there are families involved who are innocent and this is really difficult for them. I had a relative do something awful a very very long time ago before the internet thankfully and make headlines. It was horrible for his kids and wife. I didn’t know him well but my mom did and my parents were so upset.


And we won’t know until it gets tried. So there’s that…

Yes you can. But they are just pieces of paper that don’t stop bullets.


Am pretty sure the police and prosecutor have the answers to all these questions. Forensics, fingerprints, witness statements, social media. Perhaps security cameras. And MB still charged with attempted murder.


Wrong it ALWAYS APPLIES. As long as someone has lived in a premises in excess of 30 days it applies and it’s called an ILLEGAL LOCKOUT in my jurisdiction. I know because I have personally filed these papers for someone after the judge having specifically spoken to me about it.

I had originally filed HP papers stating housing code violations for not having a door.

Since the initial incident it’s happened a few more times with various people.

BTW turning off heat, power or hot water is still seen as housing violations.


well, they still can get it wrong, my son was charged with robbery… we jumped through a few flaming hoops but ended in court…we went for trial by judge who clearly became upset with the prosecutor … as the video evidence showed a 5ft 2 person of a completely different race… my son is 6ft 1

Even after the charges were dismissed the county wanted $2,000 to expunge my son’s “record” … we sent him to school away from here.

This. There is an awful lot of speculation about the things she posted online that went poof. I didn’t read all of them, but I read enough. Yes, they sounded a bit unhinged… but who amongst us knows that she wasn’t pushed? How do you know you wouldn’t sound a bit unhinged if your life was, as she alleged, threatened? You don’t. And we don’t. Just because he didn’t “air his laundry” in public doesn’t mean that there wasn’t laundry to air. We. Simply. Don’t. Know.

It is all speculation. We don’t know anything other than people behaved badly, and there was a tragic outcome. We don’t know the chicken from the egg.

Saying she “asked for it”, as several here have done (or implied) is totally beyond the pale. It is akin to saying that women who dress provocatively or have sex lives ask to be raped. You can extrapolate this argument any number of ways, but at the end of the day you are 1) speculating, and 2) dehumanizing victims. It’s just gross.

ETA: It should go without saying that one’s past behavior - however abhorrent - doesn’t necessarily mean that one caused his or her’s current situation. I am not saying she is an innocent flower, I am saying that we don’t know what happened.