Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Everyone go watch the movie My Cousin Vinny.

The hearing that took place was to determine where MB would be until the case went to trial.

In the movie, the first hearing was fir the defendant to enter a plea of either GUILTY or NOT GUILTY. Vinny was not versed in procedure and commented “He didn’t do it” which enraged the judge as it was improper.

There will be other similarities as well.

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It’s not some great mystery why interest here is focused on LK’s role in the larger conflict.

First and foremost, what is known of MB’s actions is not something that many people question or have difficulty evaluating from an ethical perspective, at least in the absence of context. We must wait for due process to determine his guilt on the specific charges that have been brought against him, but I don’t think there is any question at this point that his trigger pull caused LK’s injuries, or that intentionally firing a gun at someone is not a reasonable resolution to any tenant, trainer, or personal conflict. IOW, nobody is discussing how terrible it is to shoot someone, because very few people think it’s anything but terrible to shoot someone.

Secondly, (setting aside pleas, which haven’t featured prominently in the discussion here) any speculation about the outcome of the legal proceedings must therefore revolve around defenses under which such an action might not result in criminal culpability. These are limited, and thus self-defense and mental state in response to threats against family feature prominently in the conversation about other possible motives for MB’s actions. Those potential defenses cannot be discussed without questioning whether LK might have presented a threat to MB’s life, livelihood, or family.

Thirdly, MB is a public figure, and therefore more is known about him by the general public than was known about LK before this incident. Attention will naturally turn to the less familiar character, and the information that is publicly available about that person’s history and character. Regardless of which end of the barrel LK found herself on, she was bound to attract curiosity merely because she is not well known, and she was involved in a violent conflict with someone who is.

Is any of this fair? Maybe not. But it’s simple curiosity and consideration of alternative explanations, not victim blaming, or hero worship, or promotion of gun violence, that’s at the heart of 99.9% of the conversation here (with, admittedly, <0.1% of the posts so far suggesting that LK was responsible for the fate that befell her, from what I can tell).


Let’s all come out of our safe spaces and drop the victim shaming thing.

Is it correct that MB had a $400,000 bail? I guess someone plopped $40k down to bail him out. God, the thought of that just creeps me out. Shootings occur In so many ways, but like this? Chilling.

When I originally heard that LK called child protective services I thought it was catty and likely an unnecessary move. Two gun shot wounds later and injures to the fiancé, I can’t think of who else to call.

The case is intriguing because I can’t tell if LK is a genius or quite immature. When I saw her post on FB prior to being shot, I thought, oh, this is dirty laundry. Now - maybe she was a genius for documenting that.

And if she is that smart, what the heck has been her motive all along? She could be incredibly naive or sinister as hell.

It’s difficult when I know several involved and had a certain feeling about them and then… this.


What are you talking about? MB is not out on bail, his release was denied. That was another posters story as an example, reading through the thread and not making stuff up would help a lot


He’s not out on bail, good try though. Now you don’t have to be creeped out.


Where do you get <0.1%? Page 63 post 1253 gives 18 posts in about 20 pages which is about 58 posts for all 65 pages so using 58 for the current number of posts, 1318 not counting this one gives about 4.43%.

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For the record, post 1253 put their own “spin” on what people were saying to fit their own narrative. Your final % is inaccurate and overstated.


Uh oh, not the maths!


I’m already taking off my shoes so I can get to 20, it’s getting out of hand! :eek:


Not yet , dusting off my calculus books,

not so fast we haven’t gotten a spreadsheet yet


So… just read an article saying she reported him to safesport and Child protective services because he’s abusing his OWN 2 kids that live there. Didn’t say what kind of abuse. I think it was horse nation.

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No. I keep seeing this, and the comparison doesn’t fly. You can choose to believe that no degree of abusive behavior on the part of the eventual victim can ever be considered to contribute to the outcome, but just because someone does not share that view does not mean they are slut-shaming misogynist POS.

There is no potential self-defense argument in the case of a rape. And a women who dresses ‘provocatively’ or has had multiple other sex partners is not targeting aggressions on a single individual.


… drags over her abacus and sits down to wait … :cool:


She reported him to try to get him in trouble. Not because it was true. This coming from someone close to the situation.


So why didn’t she pack her bags and move out of his house? He was living in his barn for the love of God.


So, I have actually thought about what MB could have done to cause LK to go off the deep end. And I definitely haven’t ruled out that this could all have been started by him in my own personal internal investigation into what could have happened. But, there isn’t a whole lot to go off of since he didn’t post things on social media like LK did. I think that is why most people are “fixated” on LK, there is actually things to speculate about in regards to her actions, while there isn’t much for MB. The FB screenshot of people that know MB saying he is known for violence would have shined more light on his own actions, that could have pushed LK. Not really victim blaming, just speculating based on the information that is readily available.

I know I, for one, have had my internal opinion change frequently as more info comes out. At this point, I think they were both at fault. And both’s lives are now pretty much ruined.


I didn’t think MB had any kids.



This kind of argument and the other proposed analogy, (girl in a miniskirt causing her own rape) are both poor. They are not bad analogies here for the same reason, of course.

The more apropos one for this case is that of unrelenting bullying. Look, if someone wanted to defend a game of endless “tit for tat” between two pieces of work, Barisone and his client, that’s one thing. But what I don’t think anyone can defend is the escalation to shooting someone with the intent to kill.

Or did you actually mean, TBMares, that the escalation of the victim’s retort was justified? I see that as OK-ing a bit of an arms race of violence.

I think this so important to remember. I know people who were close to the situation and from what I understand, there is so much more to the story that I have not seen posted online. Those who were there are having a very hard time with the situation in itself, much less dealing with the drama from online comments. Some of them have commented about how cruel the internet has been and how upsetting it is to read the comments because the internet doesn’t know the entire story. These are people who rarely post on social media even when things are going great with their lives, so I highly doubt they will be providing their current thoughts on the situation online.



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