Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Am I reading completely different news articles than you?
I’m not sure anyone knows this, any of this.


Well we do have far fewer gun deaths in Canada than in the US, far fewer murders overall, so that may affect how people think about them.


I don’t think number of gun deaths is the key explanatory variable in any more or less impartial administration of justice. Let’s just say that a pretty white lady whose social media is a veritable guano cave, but who doesn’t have priors for dealing any drugs that can’t be easily bought on the average college campus wouldn’t be subject to the kinds of victim character judgment that the attorneys seemed worried about in the jury selection I participated in, regardless of whether the crime in question were gun-related or not…

I’m any case, I suspect Canadian juries are probably not actually any better than US juries at considering facts without letting assumptions about victims’ character color their conclusions. Justice in most places is more myopic than blind, IMO.


since asked, it appears Canadian justice is in a completely different universe


Just as a brief aside, since gang activity and violence pose such a huge public safety risk, there is extra incentive for law enforcement to charge and seek the maximum sentencing for gang members that murder (or attempt to murder) other gang members. It’s not just about justice for the victim in those cases, it’s about getting high-risk offenders off the streets.

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The justice system in Canada is based on facts and the application of the law, not assumptions.

Just an aside, I struggle with your logic in the above, so that is all I have to say.


I finally took a look at the Dressage Hub “ringmaster” page on Facebook. Questions: 1. Does anyone know if this business page has a lot of children following and/or reading it? 2. Are those sponsors that appear on the banner at the top?

A personal aside: I cannot believe the invective and hatred being spewed by this person; yes, it is not unlike LKs social media. Wouldn’t those sponsors like to know what they’ve associated themselves with?

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I don’t think DH has sponsors anymore. But all social media is monetized, and the ads you see are generated by the platform. For instance when I read COTH I get ads that are local to me and have no relation to horses.

The ads generated by the platform are probably tailored to you. I expect there is a small percentage fee to the FB or YouTube site operator based on number of views. I would imagine that if the page or group hasn’t been cancelled by FB then the algorithm doesn’t discriminate between good and bad sites.

I don’t think FB will cancel a page or group based just on generalized interpersonal nastiness.

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I realize there are statistically verifiable biases in legal outcomes linked to race and social class, in both the USA and Canada. But since those factors aren’t at play in this case, I didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole.


I apologize for turning the conversation in this direction – I should have tagged my mention of the Canadian justice system with /s so it would be obvious to my friends up north that I’m cynical about both US and Canadian justice upholding the ideals illustrated by your post for violent crimes other than rape, and not interested in some sort of comparative justice exercise.

I agree that it’s not worth going down that rabbit hole… my point was that the whole ‘gang crime gets investigated and proscuted, therefore the character of the victim is not on trial in an attempted murder case’ argument really doesn’t hold up. It very often is, in practice.

And while it may not be as starkly obvious how the victim’s character could impact the outcome of this case as when the victim is the wrong race, wearing the wrong clothes, in the wrong part of town, I do think that if this goes before a jury, it very well could matter whether those humans think of LK as an award winning equestrian with incredible promise, or a manipulative wannabe with a history of criminal behavior. I suspect the perceived character of the victim could even be crucial to whether this case goes before a jury.

If I were the prosecutor on this case, every salacious post the victim puts on social media would elicit a headdesk from me.


It’s not ads on that page, it’s the profile video that would be uploaded by the page owner or moderator. It is a weird montage of photos of various tack, equipment, and riding clothes, most with brand name fairly prominent. Does give the impression of sponsorship.


She needs to be mentally evaluated. There is something really wrong with her.

(no I’m not saying it’s her fault or she deserved it).

But I’m saying she is not right in the head…


Regarding that screen shot…I think her emotional stability was compromised long before she was shot - purely based on what others have said about her and her previous social media activity. But that’s just my opinion.


Oh. My. Goodness.


WOW. :eek:


Wait, what?
agree with previous posters.


I say let’s leave her alone. We know better than to pick on someone with difficulties. She may indeed suffer from BP or similar. Of the three BP cases I am personally familiar with (co-worker’s spouse; friend’s 16 yo son; clerk at thrift store benefiting mentally challenged adults), the former two ended in suicides, out of no where. We may not like her but she does not merit baiting, assessment, or further attention.


I think you may be misinterpreting what Xhalt is saying. I think what they mean is the jury pool is selected heavily on if who in the pool may have biases.

In my experience, when something like what happened to her (however it happened) - like cancer, or coming out, or whatever - happens, people can be profoundly changed and often take a lot of time to reflect and regroup. She hasn’t even paused. I’m no psychiatrist, but boy, she is waaaaay off. And possibly self destructive.


If you know LK, or even read the other posts from before she was shot, you would know she has not changed!