Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

It has been reported literally hundreds of times. In the most egregious cases - like her posts hoping for LK’s death - the posts themselves get removed and the page gets locked down in “Facebook jail” for a day or two. If they haven’t shut her down by now they aren’t going to.

The biggest thing that stands out is the victim mentality. Nothing is ever her fault - everyone else is always “bullying” her. The fact she got dropped my so many trainers or evicted by so many landlords is because they are all crazy. She has “haters” who are out to get her. It’s so grade 7 drama llama stuff it would be sad in a 12-year-old, let alone a woman who is probably pushing 40.

well yes the homicide rate in Canada is is 50% less but not earth shattering less at 2 per 100,000 vs US at 4 per 100,000 …in the US 60% of the gun deaths are suicides

A high homicide rate would be like Honduras at over 60 per 100,000



LK is a lawyer’s nightmare client.


I cannot even imagine. I feel like the lawyer’s desk probably has a big dent in it already from his head hitting it so many times.


Yeah it is probably cooked up to give the impression of sponsorship. By the time she was banned from setting foot on the WEF grounds in Florida a few years back, any sponsors she had were long gone.

SW apparently presented as normal and worked in collaboration with her medium BNT in Florida to set up the initial DH which looked like a legit news blog. When things went sideways with the trainer and SW went toxic online, and dedicated herself to trying to “destroy” a variety of top coaches plus the Canadian equestrian team, she basically lost all support of any actual horse people and returned to Alberta. No idea where she is based now.


Still based in Florida. She may have returned to AB for a visit but she never moved back there. America is welcome to keep her.

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Thanks a lot! :lol:



When I first heard about her, on COTH, she was beating a hasty retreat to Alberta. I was interested in the whole story because it seemed unlikely for a Canadian. I didn’t follow after that to see where she ended up. I wouldn’t believe anything she says about where she’s based, but it’s also true the horse scene in Canada is much smaller and she’s really burned bridges there.

That said, a Canadian can’t merely go to the USA and live there indefinitely unless they have dual passports. Otherwise you need a work or study visa. And a Canadian can’t live year round in the US without losing their Canadian health care benefits.

Thank you, but no…I am not misinterpreting. Juries are only part of the system. I can cite an number of Canadian cases that have failed or succeeded based on the facts and application of law. Let’s not derail the convo. I only check in on the thread to see if anything new has come to light, no speculation.


Glad you think your country has an unimpeachable justice system! I am still not confident about that, nor about your interpretation of my post. But I agree that it’s not worth derailing the conversation to carry on.


Ugh, so after all that has happened, she continues to provoke all those involved. Here’s hoping this helps MB get him/her/them the F off the property for once and for all.


The way she keeps posting it’s like she thinks this whole thing is an over dramatic prime time crime show and her plan to take down the man is going exactly as she planned. Like, dude. You survived being shot. Stay off the internet for a while. Stop crusading to ruin people. He’s already going to jail. Work on your mental health. It’s shocking how much the people around her are enabling her insane behavior.


Just out of curiosity, what does it take for a lawyer to fire a client? Can a lawyer just decide to wash their hands of somebody?

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I’m sure that an attorney (or team of attorneys) from the state will be prosecuting the criminal case, so likely whoever drew the short straw is stuck.

She’ll sue in civil court as well. I’d think any attorney she might try to retain will have plenty of opportunity to do a risk-benefit analysis prior to taking her on as a client.


Is the link not working for anyone else? Would love to be clued in.

It still works for me.
<Scar’s voice from The Lion King> Be prepared! :lol:




(worked on mobile data but my WiFi apparently doesn’t like that link)

Posted on LK’s personal FB page:

Hey! J.H & MH - isn’t it bad enough you’ve helped put your master in jail for a VERY long time? Guess not! Ok! You just lmk when you’ve had enough. I can take 3 bullets to the chest - despite the irreparable damages to my lungs & emotional stability. Scratch that. I think it says it all when you make friends with Susan Wachowich just so people believe your stories. Yeah. 🤣🤣 Doesn’t get more depraved & desperate than that - Except…Having your bf (mb) teach your son to untie girls’ bikini tops at pool parties to cop a feel to prove he’s not “gay”. Then, as if that weren’t enough, having the village drunk (barn drunk) teach your kid that making fun of Paralympic riders is A ok.

Again, another video which will soon be released. Me? I’m sleeping next to exactly who I want to be tonight & every other night. Hope Mb doesn’t drop the soap.


Lots of lawyers specialize in taking hopeless or high profile scandal cases, if those cases can pay well enough.

However I am not sure why LK would need a lawyer yet as far as the shooting. The state will prosecute the offender, and she only appears as a witness.

MB will need a lawyer. He will need to hire that lawyer with his own money. There are lots of lawyers who would take that on, hoping at most to get something like assault rather than attempted murder. That’s what lawyers do. They do the best for the clients that come their way within the parameters of the legal system, and they certainly take on clients they don’t fully approve of morally.

I agree LK’s postings seem delusional, but she might be able to claim afterwards she was on painkillers or whatever.

I agree these posts are not setting up a good framework for a civil suite to follow the criminal trial. However that would also be dependent on what assets MB has after he is in prison and the farm sold.

I think lawyers tend to fire clients who argue with them or go against instructions, so it remains to be seen if LK could hold it together long enough for a civil suite or if she ends up wanting to “destroy” her lawyer after 3 months. Also dependent on how much money she has for legal fees.


Not working for me either

That was pretty much my first thought regarding the pain meds when I read that post. However, the tone of this post is not too dissimilar from previous posts, from what I have seen.