Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Just chiming in with some data on comparative murder rates Canada/USA. Taking two cities I know well, in 2010 Abbotsford BC was " murder capital of Canada" with 9 murders, 6 of which were gang related. It’s a farming exurb. Things have quieted down since marijuana was legalized. In the same year Baltimore had 223 murders and seems to be trending upwards over the past years.

In 2010,Canada overall had 610. USA overall had 14,748 murder and non-negligent manslaughter.

I just picked 2010 because of Abbotsford making the rankings.

So yeah a lot fewer murders trials here than in the USA.

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My SO’s ex-wife was fired by 2 divorce attorneys, both of whom basically decided the money wasn’t worth the headaches dealing with her caused. I know with the second one, lawyer fired her because Ex was badmouthing her own attorney all over social media right after mediation.

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Canada has 1/10th the population of the US, that is why you need to use ratio per a specific number of residents

if projected to the same as US Canada would have 6,100

by the way Canada is on equal par with the US in drunk driving deaths

but I think Canada leads the US in beheading with knives

Not to further derail, but… You would have to look at the per capita rate for the comparison to be meaningful. If my math is correct, Canada has 9.94% the population of the US. The murder rate here still surpasses Canada’s per capita but it’s also apples to oranges many other ways, most notably in terms of population and geography, etc. We have a lot more population density and urban centers. While the relationship between crime and population density is complex, it appears there is at least a moderate correlation, especially as it pertains to rural vs urban environments.

After my first year going to Spruce decades ago, though, I maintain that it’s a lot lovelier up there in many ways. Subject for another thread…


" Mad, bad & dangerous to know." - from LK’s facebook page introduction pre-shooting.


Mr. p had triple bypass March 29. I don’t recall him being on anything more than Tynelol for a few days

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Ok, so no one deserves to be shot no matter how much of an evil witch they are, blah, blah, blah. Has the word “karma” popped into anybody else’s head?
Zipping up the flame suit…


We now know she’s told the truth at least once in her life


No, but I am thinking that if I were MBs lawyer I would be very tempted to go to trial. [edit]

(And by that I am not agreeing it was karma or that she deserved to be shot. And I know nothing about how the legal system works so maybe I’m way off base).




Looks like the murder rate in Canada is 1.68/100,000 and in the USA it’s 5.35/100,000.

Not sure how we got onto this, maybe I was trying to make the point that between much lower population and much lower % murder rate that murder trials are much more rare up here.

I’m guessing when it goes to the civil trial, all her “I can’t control what my multiple personalities do” posts are really going to work against her, so I’m sure MB’s lawyer is hoping she’ll keep posting all this stuff. Not that it in any way gave him carte blanche to shoot her, but it will show that she’s cool with instigating and escalating. In the criminal trial, im not sure the posts will come up too much, unless they use them to reference what MB was talking about in some of his 911 calls.


I’m curious how this trial will go. The defense certainly has a lot to work with as far as how looney she is. I just don’t know how lenient it could go for him since he did shoot her… I really wonder how it really went down though. (Not saying he didn’t shoot or that she deserved it etc). Just wondering what exactly happened.


Again, it is apples to oranges. And yeah, I agree… not really relevant.,

I doubt this case will ever go to trial. For one thing, we don’t know how flush with cash MB is. Trials are expensive for the
defendant as well as for the municipality. If there’s little available cash to pay your attorney, there’s an incentive to plea.

I still believe he will see some jail time and plea to attempted manslaughter.


What incentive would the state have to not prosecute? there is always a pubic defender as I do not foresee the state not taking this to trial as I can not remember any case being deferred because the defendant did not have the ability to pay for their defense, the state would provide one of their topnotch third or four tier just out of college public defenders at the cost to the tax payers.

The county prosecutor after all has the working for an interesting book deal in their hands and the public notoriety often is often desirable … might propel them to a higher office (they may even be envisioning Gregory Peck type actors who would portray them in the movie)

I believe this circus is just beginning


I think Marla 100 was suggesting MB would plea, not that they wouldn’t prosecute.

“… there’s an incentive to plea.”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”


Sorry, I read your signature but I had to!


“… there’s an incentive to plea.”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”

maybe for the defendant but the state has nothing to gain and if they allow a plead down to a lessor charge that would signal its OK to shoot and attempt to kill a person… but I really do not expect the defendant to attempt a plea deal , just my belief.

A jury trail is going to be hard to convenience the victim’s actions did not play into the course of events, there have been road rage murders acquitted in New Jersey

“The prosecution’s theory of the case that this was an act of murder, that this was motivated by aggression and anger, is simply wrong.”


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Trials are very expensive for the local municipality and some cases are just not worth the cost if they can negotiate a reasonable plea w/ some adequate punishment for the defendant.

in the whole scheme of things, this case is a small blip on the radar of criminal cases. We are all very interested because of the horse connection, but outsiders just read it as another shooting, another day.

I still think it’ll be pleaded and go away quietly.


Yes I think many criminal cases are arranged by pleading, which basically means admitting guilt to a lesser version of the charge. Defendants who are actually innocent or think they can get.a not guilty verdict in court, and can afford a good trial lawyer are less likely to plead.

”‹We certainly hear of people who agreed to plead, did prison time, were later exonerated and then said their lawyers advised them to plead guilty at the time even though they were innocent. Especially low income defendants.

So it works both ways.

But I think the justice system likes a guilty plea because it is much less cost and stress for all involved.

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