Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

She’s awake, and making threats again. Guess she’s feeling ok?

Posted to Facebook 22 min ago with a picture of a rock with the word strength engraved on it:

"Not just a regular rock…
When the ICU patients who died but were revived leave the ICU… (2 times in my case) they’re presented with a box. The energy so strong emulating from this box, the hair on the back of your neck tingles- arm hair- standing straight up.
I went to plug in my phone just now - and there it was- but I digress.
I was told to feel with my aura NOT my hands- and choose whichever stone spoke to me loudly & clearly. This took a while. So many stones “said,” different things- but in another language it seemed.
Even though there were only about 12 rocks, I felt as if “what if I choose the Wrong ONE?” But, eyes closed, hands grazing an inch over top- I picked. The (AMAZING) ICU staff told me I’d stopped over this very stone about 6 times before I grabbed it. Once i did, (now a complete paranoid skeptic) I was CONVINCED all the stones read the same thing… but they did not. “Love, patience, healing,” etc…

I guess I’m just surprised I seem to keep receiving signs to keep my strength. Even when I want to crawl into hole and die. Let MH & JLH KNOW- if they feed one more lie to DH, DH will seem like a 4 yr olds birfffday parade compared to the newly discovered info on both of them. What do you know, that last bit of strength pulled me through. And when I need more, I’ll rub my rock- like prayer beads. I’m convinced those stones are magic & particular only to its owner.
#AndSisters 😉😎"


OMG! Could she be anymore dramatic?

And are those threats she is making?


Who are the people she’s taunting?


I think it’s Michael Barisone, and JLH is apparently from other posters, another trainer, but there have been others making nasty remarks about his fiance/girlfriend (MH), and DH is the one that runs the dressage blog. If I have any of that wrong, someone please correct me.


Sounds like she has some “damaging” information to drop :no:

Woman has no chill.

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I think its someone she knows personally who is leaking details to Dressage Hub. MH might be MB’s girlfriend? Not sure who the other person is.

She must be the prosecutor’s worst nightmare. Someone has to have told her to just shut up and recover.


On August 30 the case of Florida vs. McArthur finally went before a jury. She was found guilty of an August/September 2017 premeditated murder of a friend. She had already served 300+ days toward her life sentence (minimum 25 years). Yes, two years ago she killed and tried to cover it up.

LK has a lot of time on her hands between now and whenever this gets through the legal system. What a sad and sordid mess.

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I think the idea in New Jersey as noted in a previous post is you don’t get bail but you get a speedy trial or sentencing?

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MH is Barisone’s fiance, the other JH is Justin Hardy who worked with or for Michael. Younger trainer I think.


Speedy trial refers to forward movement. So it may take a minute to get to the trial but that can be from lawyers asking for continuances.

I can’t with these people :lol:


Good grief, what an absolute cluster. Real friends and a decent lawyer would advise her to keep a lid on it, she must be surrounded by enablers.



Oh honey. Get a copy of “100 Words You Need in High School”, and start reading.

Emulating… :lol: :lol: :lol:


I have a coworker who loves big words that she doesn’t understand. She is in the middle of planning some home renovations. This week she wrote that she has a “large mirror overstating the fireplace mantle”


I’m assuming she meant “emanating”? :lol:


Emanate, yes.


Going through trial is expensive, takes a lot of time, and I imagine the state prosecutor’s workload is immense. Pleas are faster, cheaper for the taxpayers, and less risk of random weirdness happening during trial. If there’s enough information/crazy that a jury might realistically say the charges don’t fit the crime (ie that it’s not “murder” but “manslaughter” or maybe 2nd degree vs 1st), it might be the better bet for everyone to offer a plea just to get it done with.

Is that “right” or “just?” Maybe not. But plea deals save the state a ton of money and sometimes embarrassment (and sadly, innocent people do plead guilty far more often than they should, if they think it’s their best bet, which is a huge shame).

If there IS a plea in this case it’s still going to involve prison time, which is no small thing - I don’t think it signals that it’s OK to shoot people, as being in prison at all is often a life ruining consequence (maybe you get out faster with a plea, but try getting a job, or rebuilding a career - good luck with that) all on its own.


I’m also wondering about the medical staff at the ICU that hands out inscribed rocks to departing patients. Is that actually a thing that happens??


I can kind of see it - 1, there’s a surprising number of nurses and other staff who are into woo - essential oils, healing crystals, etc, and 2 - a big part of recovery from a trauma is keeping mental strength, so I can kind of see a gesture like this as giving the patient something to cling to or smile at when recovery gets hard.

My mom is a med tech but sometimes does some patient interaction (especially with hard to draw or celebrity patients), and I can totally see her doing something like this. She also picks up every heart shaped rock she sees, practices reiki, and keeps crystals/stones despite having a very good scientific education.