She’s awake, and making threats again. Guess she’s feeling ok?
Posted to Facebook 22 min ago with a picture of a rock with the word strength engraved on it:
"Not just a regular rock…
When the ICU patients who died but were revived leave the ICU… (2 times in my case) they’re presented with a box. The energy so strong emulating from this box, the hair on the back of your neck tingles- arm hair- standing straight up.
I went to plug in my phone just now - and there it was- but I digress.
I was told to feel with my aura NOT my hands- and choose whichever stone spoke to me loudly & clearly. This took a while. So many stones “said,” different things- but in another language it seemed.
Even though there were only about 12 rocks, I felt as if “what if I choose the Wrong ONE?” But, eyes closed, hands grazing an inch over top- I picked. The (AMAZING) ICU staff told me I’d stopped over this very stone about 6 times before I grabbed it. Once i did, (now a complete paranoid skeptic) I was CONVINCED all the stones read the same thing… but they did not. “Love, patience, healing,” etc…
I guess I’m just surprised I seem to keep receiving signs to keep my strength. Even when I want to crawl into hole and die. Let MH & JLH KNOW- if they feed one more lie to DH, DH will seem like a 4 yr olds birfffday parade compared to the newly discovered info on both of them. What do you know, that last bit of strength pulled me through. And when I need more, I’ll rub my rock- like prayer beads. I’m convinced those stones are magic & particular only to its owner.
#AndSisters 😉😎"