Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Yeah I think there are a variety of patient visitor low level wellness types loose in hospitals, quite likely volunteers. My father’s palliative care unit had a harp player. New age noodly harp not Baroque music.

As far as LK’s support network I doubt she has a lawyer advising her, the prosecutor would be waiting until she recovers enough to give statements etc and do you really think she has any friends?


Has anyone heard when the next court date is? MB hasn’t entered a plea yet as far as what has been reported.

She does have a lawyer. She also has FB friends that enable and encourage her. I just wonder how many of them have actually met her, or have had any business dealings with her.
RG and her father are not the most stable people either!


In one of the early news articles they quoted a “friend” who had sold a horse to LK and said truly over the top things about what a phenomenal/ kind/ determined/ smart/ generous/ talented/ hardworking person she is … she allegedly has every good quality a person could possibly have. It almost came across as the friend trying to convince people of these qualities since they seemingly don’t speak for themselves.

So clearly she does have friends of some sort. However, narcissistic people are very good at convincing people to like them, as long as said people are useful to them.


Yeah, Rosanna Williams, a “friend” who lives in Montana and markets imports on-line. The news articles did not quote her, but indicated that she posted the info with permission of LK’s parents.

One of her fans is a dressage trainer in NC who was arrested for trying to run over her husband with a vehicle. Car? Gator? Whatever. While intoxicated. When arrested, it was discovered that she had no driver’s license, despite that she had been hauling clients’ horses to shows, Florida, etc. for years.

None of this has any bearing on the case, except that her ‘friends’ are incredible. What I want to know is how did the Hawthorne Farm love nest develop in the first place? All I can think of is some arrangement made in NC.


If it’s the same article I’m thinking of, I believe the “friend” actually sold her three horses. So I’m sure she had lovely things to say about the person who bought three horses from her.

As far as the medical staff handing out rocks and the like, I think I would rather have them spend their time and energy keeping track of my bloodwork and similar things. But that’s just me.


She’s being represented by attorney Edward David of Edward David & Associates LLC in Roseland, New Jersey.

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she says that but remember she is on some strong drugs… might have been the Easter Bunny who gave her the box of rocks, kind of do not believe an ICU nurse would


So in a case like this, would her attorney be interacting with the prosecutor’s office? Would the prosecutor be telling her attorney to rip the phone out of her hand as soon as possible?


it appears either she disregards their wishes or she has poor representation


There is a lot we don’t know. It wouldn’t surprise me if he chooses to go to trial. If I’m not mistaken one of his 911 calls mentioned that she was coming into the barn after 9:00. That was essentially his residence at the time. Sleep deprivation is a thing. Did she threaten his horses, his family? Jury trials are risky for the defendant but if they think they have enough extenuating evidence it might be worth it.

He’ll have to do a risk/benefit analysis with his lawyer and decide if he wants to take a plea should one be offered.



And yes, I guess we all could guess what she meant, but really, should we have to?

If she has a screenplay started, she might want to hire a proofreader/editor to be sure what she says is what she meant to say and what the readers will read, not leave them guessing.
:lol::lol: OR maybe that works for her.


Might have been a giant emu.


Maybe that’s why she used the term “emulating”?


Honestly, I got flashes of the Liberty Mutual commercials when I first saw the word emulating.


Well, that was almost a month ago.

Also while she is being needy, craycray, and obnoxious online, it is true that she is staying away from any details of the case. So it is possible she is indeed following some legal advice not to take this to trial on social media.

As far as having friends, what I meant were the kind of trusted reliable people IRL whose advice you’d take in times like these. I have a good friend who is both a lawyer and a rider, and if she gave me a hint to reel it in a bit on FB, you can bet I’d follow her advice. i don’t count long distance associates and FB followers who are either (a) making a profit from her or (b) egging her on because they like to see trainwrecks.


Most people would realize she’s crazy.
im guessing what’s going on is exactly what scribbler said, that people are egging her on for the trainwreck

Who is probably munching blood pressure pills like M&Ms.


There are still eight hours left, but I think you’ve won the internet for the day.


I think she’d be better served by emulating a box of rocks … by which I mean sitting there quietly and doing nothing.