Woman Shot at Barisone Farm

Based on what she’s posted over the last few weeks, her intelligence level is about the same…


Several years ago I was serving grand jury duty for a few months. We were told that only about 10% of cases actually make it to a trial. This one has all the makings of a great Dateline or 20/20 episode, or a Lifetime movie so I think it will go to trial.

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I don’t believe the prosecution will want LK on the stand. It will plea out.


She might have finally taken advice from someone with a clue, the last few inflammatory FB posts have either been deleted or made private.

Wait, those previous posts were public?!? I thought someone who was Facebook friends with her had shared them.

On a slight tangent, I’m starting to wonder which actors will play the various roles in the eventual movie version, Lifetime or otherwise.


Yep, they were public - for a few days.


I don’t know any of the players in this tragic situation but thought I would throw this out there.

These are comments from someone who used to do psychological profiling for a state LE bureau.

“Definite signs of classic Cluster B personality disorders – particularly histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. Add in sociopathic tendencies manifested by an ongoing disregard or concern for anyone else. And the ramblings about split personalities indicate dissociative identity disorder. In short, this is a person with very questionable mental stability who should be in a serious treatment plan – maybe even admitted.”

This was after reading this thread and doing some other minor investigative work. I will give you one guess as to who he was referring to.


to bad Frank Avruch died last year as he could have played any number of the characters in this drama


I would want her on the stand, she would make an impressive spectacle if she is as uncontrollable as it appears by her recent FB posts


I don’t agree. A jury could easily feel sorry for her/be taken by her given how manipulative she is, and frankly- attractive. She got 5 horses and herself and her BF moved into MB’s farm and housing before she flipped the script [edit].


Couldn’t MB’s attorney get that information even if it is private? I’m under the impression that only keeping your fingers off the keyboard is going to ensure that what anyone thinks or is saying doesn’t wind up in court.


She came with 2 horses, bought one from MB, had a 4th one dropped off AFTER she was told to leave, the 5th one was not allowed on the property.
Her [edit] bubbles just below the surface on a good day. A good defense attorney would know what buttons to push to have it come out…it would not take much!


You two may well be right- time will tell!

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She may come off as the victim in this instance and she may very well get whatever it is that makes her think she “wins” this argument - but I would guess that down the road - she’s going to pull this [edit] nonsense with someone else and this time the law will come down on her [edit]. I get the feeling she was stalking him and his family, physically and cyber. I would also guess she did lay down plenty of threats along the way - she was harassing them. [edit] at some point - it’s going to backfire and there will be legal repercussions.

The more I read the more I do think he was backed into a corner and didn’t know what to do or how to get out of the situation. I would guess he felt completely out of control and naked under her wrath. She positively is treating this like it’s some sort of game and scores are being kept.

Obligatory note: I don’t think she deserved to be shot and I’m not stating that he is innocent. [edit]


That is the first I’ve heard about the exact numbers. If the fifth horse was not allowed on the property, where did it end up?

I also have to wonder about the accounts that she and the fiance were staying there for free in exchange for training. That makes it sound like she was providing valuable training services in exchange for housing and board for the horses. Does that seem likely? Even at the start?


I suspect LK is a master manipulator. I’d bet the farm that she perfected her methods over many years and many people, escalating all along and eventually joining forces with a boyfriend-who-has-a-record. She honed her techniques to get what she wanted and plied them like a pro. How else can I explain being able to get MB and his family out of his own home? Who would leave their own home - what could he possibly have been thinking - or was he thinking? I also think a defense attorney could find a goldmine of information from what seems to be a long list of her victims.

Obligatory note ditto.


5th horse had just been imported so stayed at the quarantine facility. LK was ABSOLUTELY NOT training any horses let alone riding any but her own, and barely doing that!


Interesting, thanks.

So does anyone know the current status, now that it has been almost a month? Are her horses off the property? What about her fiancé?


She made comments on FB before all this went down to the effect that she was getting him out of a tough financial spot, so I read the exchange of housing for LK and RG for training to mean that he was tossing in the housing for free since she was paying for boarding and training on multiple horses.


You are guessing that he felt “naked under her wrath”? You’ve really saddled up the drama llama there.