Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

[QUOTE=french fry;8098335]
Just throwing out a hypothetical: because the OP came off as a little unbalanced and she didn’t want an argument in front of all their children so thought a scapegoat excuse would be better?[/QUOTE]
Unbelievable! This was uncalled for, and pretty disgusting. Where do you get your nerve?


Unbelievable! This was uncalled for, and pretty disgusting. Where do you get your nerve?[/QUOTE]

Holy overreaction batman!

The OP posted a snotty thread about how she didn’t get the free pony she wanted complete with overenthusiastic conversation transcripts and then made it known that the pony’s owner is a COTHer and she hopes she’ll weigh in on the whole thing.

People I know have had to make excuses to get people who they are a little freaked out by to give up on a sale.

You’ll notice that I didn’t unequivocally state that this is what happened, but that without knowing all the details it’s possible.

I am waiting for the pony owner to show up! :uhoh:

Its a bit slow at work this Friday - I could use some entertainment.

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[QUOTE=french fry;8098343]

Apparently I have a lot of feelings about the owner’s right to cancel a sale up until the very last second. Who woulda thought?[/QUOTE]

Is it the excuse for popcorn and wine to go along with whatever drama ensues? :lol:

I think people do have the right to do whatever they want up until the contract is signed, but I think that they shouldn’t lead people on like the seller apparently did in this case. (i.e. “your pony”, etc.)

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[QUOTE=french fry;8098335]
Just throwing out a hypothetical: because the OP came off as a little unbalanced and she didn’t want an argument in front of all their children so thought a scapegoat excuse would be better?

The OP is obviously not handling the situation with a ton of grace and maturity since she’s complaining about the situation on a BB she knows the pony’s owner reads so it’s more than possible that she gave off an, “I’m going to make a scene” type vibe.[/QUOTE]

I posted this as a reminder lesson to everyone to be careful of what they put into something when the other person has nothing to lose. FF, you are one of the few who are coming across aggressive (and offensive) and multiple times. I am not sure you are the one who should be stating my level of maturity or grace in this instance.

Now, if there ever was an issues aside from the purchasing of the gear, then that should have been stated and they should not have continued for hours all the way up to when she was to be loaded in the open trailer telling my children she was theirs and going home with us for sure. And it wasn’t all online “chatter”. If you have an agreement with someone, then you expect it to be kept. Not have additional requirements attached after arriving. I explained to her why I wasn’t wanting to buy the saddle and that I was going to have my saddle fitter come out and fit everyone with one that was appropriate size. It was going to be purchased new. She didn’t understand why I just wouldn’t buy it anyway and then sell it to someone else or even to the saddle fitter. I don’t see what I should have to do that. It is her saddle and if she really doesn’t want it, then why doesn’t she sell it herself rather than attached it with the additional gear to “qualify” for a pony that was already agreed was coming home with us. And I did agree to buy the bridle as she rode well and liked it very much. I was considering some of the other items she offered, but they were not part of the agreement. If I bought them, it was a choice I was making.

No doubt, the Pony Owner (henceforth, PO) didn’t go about it in the best possible way. But seriously. Well within her rights to nix the sale for any reason whatsoever without having to say why.

¯_( ? )_/¯

AW MAN, my kanye shrug didn’t work :frowning:

They definitely had every right to not send that pony and in no way were they obligated to do so, for any reason of their choosing. But still, throwing this back on the OP that she was “too enthusiastic” or “unbalanced” (wow) or looked like she’d be a bad choice as an owner because she didn’t buy some tack she didn’t want and didn’t know she HAD to buy is really a crappy way to deal with people, IMHO. That’s my take away.


Where is the pony owner? She needs to join the train wreck.

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No doubt, the Pony Owner (henceforth, PO) didn’t go about it in the best possible way. But seriously. Well within her rights to nix the sale for any reason whatsoever without having to say why.

¯_( ? )_/¯

AW MAN, my kanye shrug didn’t work :([/QUOTE]

That’s pretty good for only a couple of characters.

In case people want to see the real thing:


Wow…sorry OP - seller sounds like a total b from your post.

Are people seriously considering the seller was using the tack to get out of the deal last minute? YA RIGHT.

Seller contact OP about the pony. Seller wanted to make some cash - and got mad when she couldn’t.

People are allowed to back out of sales, but maybe agreeing to rehome your pony to someone driving from that far was a bad choice for the seller.

They definitely had every right to not send that pony and in no way were they obligated to do so, for any reason of their choosing. But still, throwing this back on the OP that she was “too enthusiastic” or “unbalanced” (wow) looked like she’d be a bad choice as an owner because she didn’t buy some tack she didn’t want and didn’t know she HAD to buy is really a crappy way to deal with people, IMHO. That’s my take away.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe the owner suddenly realized that the OP was the kind of person who would post a one-sided story on a horse BB that she knew they both frequented so she killed the deal in the quickest way she knew how?

I think too many people are overlooking the fact that the OP started this not to “remind COTH of an important lesson” but to antagonize the pony’s owner.

But yes, at this point continuing to respond is only fanning the flames so I will actually bow out now (at least until the pony’s owner arrives :cool:)

I am waiting for the pony owner to show up! :uhoh:

Its a bit slow at work this Friday - I could use some entertainment.[/QUOTE]

:lol: You and me both, sistah.

Where are our fantastic COTH stalkers? OP is in Florida, start mapping out a 7 hour driving range and tracking down which COTHers have gorgeous facilities and at least one male child. :lol:

[QUOTE=french fry;8098284]
I would not be surprised if asking if the OP was interested in the tack was some sort of test to see if the OP had the financial resources available for the pony. The OP evidently failed the test.

I’m not saying it was handled seamlessly by the pony’s owner, but her pony, her rules.[/QUOTE]

Pretty piss-poor test: Hey, wanna buy this saddle that totally doesn’t fit the rider, like, at all? No? Oh, guess you can’t afford a pony then!

Whatever happened, we don’t know. Owner does have the right to change her mind, absolutely, but the way this mind-changing was handled can easily make the PO suck. It’s crappy as hell to refer to the pony as OP’s kid’s pony in front of the kid (PO was doing that, apparently several times, not the OP).

And let’s face it, this could’ve been a straight-up attempt to fob off tack, too. No mind-changing for some unknown reasons of unsuitability, just a plain “she doesn’t take this tack off our hands, she’s not leaving with pony” thing. There are less than honest horsepeople everywhere, including on COTH.

Am I the only one who would’ve just bought the tack if that’s what it took to get the pony?

I mean - the truck and trailer are there, the kids are excited, the boarding situation is set up…

Unless the tack was obscenely expensive, I probably would’ve handed over a check for it, even if it was too big or it was something I didn’t need. If the pony was a good fit, I’d made all the arrangements, made this big trip - I would likely eat the expense of the tack. (though of course, I wasn’t there)


No way - what a hustle! Iwould have probably confronted the seller though, because I can’t deal with these sorts of situations where people act in a way because they think no one will call them out.

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Am I the only one who would’ve just bought the tack if that’s what it took to get the pony?

I mean - the truck and trailer are there, the kids are excited, the boarding situation is set up…

Unless the tack was obscenely expensive, I probably would’ve handed over a check for it, even if it was too big or it was something I didn’t need. If the pony was a good fit, I’d made all the arrangements, made this big trip - I would likely eat the expense of the tack. (though of course, I wasn’t there)[/QUOTE]

That’s a good point. If I was totally in love with the pony, I probably would have bought the saddle. That would not have made it right, though.

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I have no opinion on the buyer or seller and maybe this is a moot point but, in my experience, “worth his weight in gold” and free are usually mutually exclusive. If a pony is that wonderful it is usually for sale or lease and if a pony is free there’s usually something wrong (or it’s old). I would have been very leery of this situation from the beginning. I think maybe this pony was just not meant to be and really feel that if the OP wants such a wonderful pony for special needs kids, she needs to be prepared to pay for it…or find a good lease situation. That’s the only way to (hopefully) avoid situations such as the one described.

I have no opinion on the buyer or seller and maybe this is a moot point but, in my experience, “worth his weight in gold” and free are usually mutually exclusive. If a pony is that wonderful it is usually for sale or lease and if a pony is free there’s usually something wrong (or it’s old). [/QUOTE]

Nah, I have one of the “worth his weight in gold” ponies, who I have sent to several homes now with no expectation beyond the fact that they pamper him silly and send him back to me when he’s done being useful for them.

He was a New Holland rescue for $200, and I got him broke and started (and he’s just beginner safe by his nature), but I personally have minimal use for him and he gets bored. So I’m happy to send him out on leases, for free. He’s 12 now, but went out on his first lease when he was six, so definitely not old. 100% sound, and an easy keeper with no issues.

It sounds like this was more of a free lease situation as well, with the contract and the expectation that pony be returned…

[QUOTE=french fry;8098387]
Or maybe the owner suddenly realized that the OP was the kind of person who would post a one-sided story on a horse BB that she knew they both frequented so she killed the deal in the quickest way she knew how?

I think too many people are overlooking the fact that the OP started this not to “remind COTH of an important lesson” but to antagonize the pony’s owner.

But yes, at this point continuing to respond is only fanning the flames so I will actually bow out now (at least until the pony’s owner arrives :cool:)[/QUOTE]

FF, I am sorry you feel the need to assume so much about me having never met or spoken to me at anytime in our lives up until this point. Is there a reason you feel the need to be as hateful and critical as you currently are? You are attacking very defensively one sided vs looking at all sides and seeing what the other party said and did. If you spoke with someone for over a month. Made sure everything was good to go. Made all the arrangements keeping the pony owner up-to-date and being told everything was still good. Drive all that way to hear the entire time you were there the pony (or horse) is yours to find them saying no because you don’t want to buy a saddle that doesn’t even come close to fitting. You are saying you would be okay with that?

No, but a little honesty would have gone a long way here. How about “I’m sorry, but we just don’t feel like this is a good fit. We won’t be giving our pony to you” instead of cloaking the issue in some sort of weird “BUY THIS SADDLE OR ELSE” deal. As I said in earlier posts, what if they had bought the saddle? That made them acceptable owners? I find that an odd test of ownership suitability.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. How is “buy all this stuff you don’t want and in the case of the saddle is straight-up useless” in any way a reasonable test of ability to own a horse? There is no correlation between “willingness to waste money on stuff that’s going to rot in the tack room because we don’t need it” and ability to care for a pony. If there was an issue, TBROCKS is right, be an adult and say so.