Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

I injured my knee and I’ve been in bed all day. I read all 80 pages. For the love of God someone please tell me who the PO is!!! And bring me Chipotle.[/QUOTE]

I am the PonyOwner

I think the mods are letting this thread go on and on just to keep you miscreants out of trouble! :slight_smile:

(And PonyOwner is NOT PO!)

Die Thread!! Die!! that is all :wink:

this is the thread that doesn’t end!

The thread came back
The thread came back
Thought it was a goner
But the thread came back

The saddle my hubby bought is not blue but it is a Dressage Saddle. MMM I don’t have one of those HAHAHAHA

Not sure I need one though!

I’m having a lot of trouble letting go, guys.

But the thread came back,
it wouldn’t go away,
it was back at the top on the very next day…

(Seriously, I just clicked to see how this could possibly have hit 81 pages.)

Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door

Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door[/QUOTE]

Rolex Jump 16B had a real birds nest in it. Not a fake one from a craft store, but one that a bird made on it. I don’t think it laid any eggs because the picture I saw did not show anything in the nest.

I wonder what Jimmy Wofford would say about all of the jumps at Rolex.

George Morris is not so mean as people say.

Why did Chris Martin and his wife talk about breaking up? Or did the already break up?

Ok so back to the topic.

We are still selling 1/3 shares in the saddle. 20 shares are left. Who is interested?

The Trailer is available for transporting at a cost of $2 per unloaded mile, $4 per loaded mile for 1 horse and $8 per loaded mile for 4 horses. Is this a good price?

The Trailer is available for transporting at a cost of $2 per unloaded mile, $4 per loaded mile for 1 horse and $8 per loaded mile for 4 horses. Is this a good price?[/QUOTE]

oh wait. That is the gallons per mile I get.

I meant $1 per mile unloaded and $2 per mile loaded.

We are not selling shares in the trailer, just in the saddle.

I want to see California Chrome race in the UK who wants to go withj me to visit? Let us have a COTH party there.

No more guacomole. I do not like it any longer. I would rather eat green eggs and ham.

No more chipotle either. I do not want to eat taco, burrito, chips salsa. no.