Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Beer is ok but only if it is German beer.

Why is Guiness so dark?

Please stop eating at Chipotle. They just aired a new farmed and dangerous to scare the American public about US beef. Because it is so much more environmentally friendly to bring it in from Australia

Please stop eating at Chipotle. They just aired a new farmed and dangerous to scare the American public about US beef. Because it is so much more environmentally friendly to bring it in from Australia[/QUOTE]

What is their beef with US beef?

I don’t want australian beef. The only thing I want from austrialia is nothing. I am already married so I don’t need a husband with a nice accent. So otherwise I want nothing from there. I wanted to visit but it takes too long to get there. I don’t like flying.

What is their beef with US beef?

I don’t want australian beef. The only thing I want from austrialia is nothing. I am already married so I don’t need a husband with a nice accent. So otherwise I want nothing from there. I wanted to visit but it takes too long to get there. I don’t like flying.[/QUOTE]

and speaking of meat, who eats horse meat? If the slaughterhouses aren’t checking for medications the horse may have eaten, then how does anyone know the meat is ok? Or are they using it for pets and not people?

and speaking of meat, who eats horse meat? If the slaughterhouses aren’t checking for medications the horse may have eaten, then how does anyone know the meat is ok? Or are they using it for pets and not people?[/QUOTE]

I don’t want my dog eating mystery horse medications either.

On the subject of blue tack - Stubben used to do a bridle that was black with royal blue trim. I always really wanted one but I don’t have a horse so I never got one in case it ended up being the wrong size.

Maybe I should’ve got one anyway and just put it somewhere to admire… Having a random tack collection is part of horse ownership, right?

I don’t want my dog eating mystery horse medications either.[/QUOTE]

Then what are these plants doing with the horses? What do they use it for? If they don’t track the horses how to they know it didn’t have gastroguard, antiobiotics and other medicines? I don;t think anybody knows that kind of thing unless the animal was raised on a farm and went from farm to the place where they get processes. I know that sounds terrible. But I do not udnerstand why people would use horse meat for anything.

Hey, PonytrollOwner:

Let it die.

[QUOTE=Bristol Bay;8126327]
Hey, PonytrollOwner:

Let it die.[/QUOTE]



That is very funny

I know, right!:lol:

Do not let your dogs eat the pferde! Dogs are hay and oats intolerant.

Thank you PonyOwner and The Trailer and the Saddle in blue and the Pony who was the subject of this thread (we think, at the beginning, who can remember back so far?) for being so nice and entertaining. We all look forward to you visiting on other threads. Did you or any of the people you met in Vegas win any money gambling?

Not to keep the thread going but this is the weirdest trolling I’ve seen in a long time. The faux personality seems to have taken on a life of it’s own and I bet the person behind it has posted scores more times, and with more detail, on the alter than on his/her real login. Bizarre.

Well, from PMs, the PonyOwner and The Trailer are not the same person.

More importantly though “PonyOwner” is not the actual pony owner, just persists in creating this whole faux personality trying to seem like the actual pony owner. And that’s bizarre. Bizarre to the point were if I was the actual pony owner, at this point, I’d be a little put out by someone going on and on well past what was actually funny trying to impersonate me?! This is well beyond an Aunt Ester type situation where PonyOwner posts a funny thing or two. PonyOwner has put a lot of effort into pretending to be the actual pony owner. I don’t think I’d appreciate it if someone was trying to impersonate me to that extent!

Please stop eating at Chipotle. They just aired a new farmed and dangerous to scare the American public about US beef. Because it is so much more environmentally friendly to bring it in from Australia[/QUOTE]
I wondered as there was an influx of shares of shares of blogs in support of US Ag that were written in response to the past smear campaign reappearing on my fb feed.
So now what are they saying?

The cattle industry needs to get out the statistics. Most commercial cow/calf operations are low intensive forage based.

Do not let your dogs eat the pferde! Dogs are hay and oats intolerant.

Thank you PonyOwner and The Trailer and the Saddle in blue and the Pony who was the subject of this thread (we think, at the beginning, who can remember back so far?) for being so nice and entertaining. We all look forward to you visiting on other threads. Did you or any of the people you met in Vegas win any money gambling?[/QUOTE]

auf keinen Fall :lol:

I wondered as there was an influx of shares of shares of blogs in support of US Ag that were written in response to the past smear campaign reappearing on my fb feed.
So now what are they saying?[/QUOTE]

That is a bad problem. People know what the media wants them to know. Unless people take it upon themself to learn more on their own by digging.