Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

To PonyOwner

Who are you?
Who, who, who,
Who are you?
Who, who, who
We really wanna know


I tried… I really did.

Rhubarb bars with vanilla ice cream. With fresh strawberries substituted for part of the rhubarb. Or maybe a Victoria sponge, with strawberry-rhubarb jam.

I’m in the mood for sweets.


Rhubarb bars with vanilla ice cream. With fresh strawberries substituted for part of the rhubarb. Or maybe a Victoria sponge, with strawberry-rhubarb jam.

I’m in the mood for sweets.


Please no more! I already ate too much in Vegas. The MGM Grand was too much. Well very nice really, but too much good food. There and everywhere else.

Has no one mentioned the most important news of the week? No not the riots, but the war down here in South Florida.

Dogs and drones are being used to try to “Save the Guacamole” from the mold. This is big news down here. Avocados are under siege from a disease. Dogs and drones are being used to try to save the guac.

Now that the WC is over, are the Pony and the Trailer and the Saddle and the PonyOwner all back home?

WildandWickedWarmbloods has PonyOwner as a houseguest.

Can’t you two just talk amongst yourselves, like, in the dressage court mirror, so this thread can die?

Avocados are at risk. How have I not heard this. Are they all genetically from the same original plant source like bananas?

Please no more! I already ate too much in Vegas. The MGM Grand was too much. Well very nice really, but too much good food. There and everywhere else.[/QUOTE]

But I need to start using my rhubarb! And I want sweets anyhow, so if I’m gonna make something, I’m gonna make something good.


And here I’m just chillin and eating my dried mangos.


So appropriate

Loved this rb!!! Thanks for sharing !


Thanks for sharing !!


So appropriate[/QUOTE]

I know that many want this thread to die. BUT I just got back from Subway and they now have GUACAMOLE!!!.

It is pretty good but not as good as Steak and Shakes or Qdobas. No Chipolte for me!

But I need to start using my rhubarb! And I want sweets anyhow, so if I’m gonna make something, I’m gonna make something good.

Make THIS:


I experimented and added black pepper to the shortbread instead of ginger (not a huge fan of baked things with ginger).
The curd was so good I ate it with a spoon, no shortbread necessary.

You must live waaaaay out in the hinterlands.
Subway has had guac for ages - even here in The Land of Hoosiers.
Their latest thing is Mediterranean-style with tzatziki sauce & feta.

I can’t believe this thread is still going.

And I can’t believe I got a bag of ripe avocados yesterday super cheap and am eating guacamole.

Oh my GOD, that looks GOOD!


I’m bookmarking that one!


Mint juleps and guacamole! Yes, subway has guac, and so do most restaurants now. It’s good for you. Now to see if the Pony and the Pony Owner and the Trailer and the Saddle are at the Derby. Probably in the stands and not in the infield. It’s going to be hard to pick them out in the crowd.

Mint juleps and guacamole! Yes, subway has guac, and so do most restaurants now. It’s good for you. Now to see if the Pony and the Pony Owner and the Trailer and the Saddle are at the Derby. Probably in the stands and not in the infield. It’s going to be hard to pick them out in the crowd.[/QUOTE]

I will report my thoughts on the race later.

No guacamole. though.

Mint juleps and guacamole! Yes, subway has guac, and so do most restaurants now. It’s good for you. Now to see if the Pony and the Pony Owner and the Trailer and the Saddle are at the Derby. Probably in the stands and not in the infield. It’s going to be hard to pick them out in the crowd.[/QUOTE]

Big Green Hat with Avocados on it, should be easy!

I made my version of guacamole tonight. Chopped tomatoes, onions, avacados, jalapeños and cilantro and added salt, garlic and a squeeze of lime. Served on top of a bean and cheese burrito that I fry after rolling.

I had something with avocado for dinner, but not guacamole - sushi. Avocado and cucumber, super tasty and fresh and light. (I only do vegetarian sushi because I’m not a fan of raw fish.)

We also have a tub of Trader Joe’s guac in the fridge that is destined for dinner tomorrow.