Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

I had something with avocado for dinner, but not guacamole - sushi. Avocado and cucumber, super tasty and fresh and light. (I only do vegetarian sushi because I’m not a fan of raw fish.)

We also have a tub of Trader Joe’s guac in the fridge that is destined for dinner tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

there are tons of cooked rolls, too! :slight_smile:

Mint juleps and guacamole! Yes, subway has guac, and so do most restaurants now. It’s good for you. Now to see if the Pony and the Pony Owner and the Trailer and the Saddle are at the Derby. Probably in the stands and not in the infield. It’s going to be hard to pick them out in the crowd.[/QUOTE]

The race was very exciting! American Pharoah is a great horse!!
It is funny that Victor Espinoza said he finally let him run.

This is the first summer Subway has sold Guacamole. In previous summers they have just offered avocado on their sandwiches. I think it is just a marketing thing because it is not seasoned much at all!

Subway heard about this thread and wanted to cash in on the guacamole craze going on here. Sure hope that subway does not offer a pferde sandwich.:eek:

there are tons of cooked rolls, too! :)[/QUOTE]

Any without shellfish? I can’t do shrimp/crab/lobster. :frowning: (I could, but then I would swell up and need to go to the ER, so I don’t. :slight_smile: )

We are thinking of trying to do sushi at home, but not raw fish types. (Other folks in the house eat raw fish sushi, but I am concerned about our ability to get sushi grade raw fish locally.)

Subway heard about this thread and wanted to cash in on the guacamole craze going on here. Sure hope that subway does not offer a pferde sandwich.:eek:[/QUOTE]

Subway BLT w avocado or guacamole is pretty tasty, and no pferde.

Subway heard about this thread and wanted to cash in on the guacamole craze going on here. Sure hope that subway does not offer a pferde sandwich.:eek:[/QUOTE]


Did we ever find out the worth of his saddle, or is he like Old Stewball?

"Oh Stewball was a racehorse, and I wish he were mine.
He never drank water, he always drank wine.

His bridle was silver, his mane it was gold.
And the worth of his saddle has never been told. "

The story does sound awfully familiar…

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The Saddle ist worth thousands since so many 1/3 shares were sold.:slight_smile:

The avocado roll in the sushi section of Publix is pretty good.
Pick up some Kirin to go with it.
(Nein, nein, nicht das Pferde “Kirin” who was so successful in the ring. Get the Kirin bier to go with the avocado roll!)


The Saddle ist worth thousands since so many 1/3 shares were sold.:slight_smile:

The avocado roll in the sushi section of Publix is pretty good.
Pick up some Kirin to go with it.
(Nein, nein, nicht das Pferde “Kirin” who was so successful in the ring. Get the Kirin bier to go with the avocado roll!)[/QUOTE]

Yes, lots of shares were sold.


Avocados are also a good smoothie base. Sounds weird but I tried it at Whole Foods and it was nice.

I am looking forward to the Preakness in a few weeks. I hope American Pharoah wins.

Saw this on FOXnews so thought I’d throw this out for all the Chipotle Guac fans



Yes, chipotle’s guac recipe is all over the internet.

Let’s see if it’s served at the Preakness.

Nein! Chipotle is verboten!!!

That reflocking sig line from the Saddle is so funny!

Did we ever find out the worth of his saddle, or is he like Old Stewball?

"Oh Stewball was a racehorse, and I wish he were mine.
He never drank water, he always drank wine.

His bridle was silver, his mane it was gold.
And the worth of his saddle has never been told. "

The story does sound awfully familiar…[/QUOTE]

awwww - memories, my dad used to sing me this as a bedtime lullaby. 'Course, he used to also sing “A long black veil” - guess he wasn’t too into children’s songs :wink: and he sure doesn’t have much of a singing voice!



(I know…letitgo…)

I don’t know either and I am dying to know…however I am too proud to ask for someone to tell me.
Now if someone just wants to tell me then I give them permission to do so and I will thank them and will truly appreciate the information. :smiley:

Soooo I read the first page, jumped to the last page, even check out page 72 and…

I have no idea what is going on here.
