Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

Soooo I read the first page, jumped to the last page, even check out page 72 and…

I have no idea what is going on here.


Get a box of wine, put your feet up, and prepare to be entertained!

Soooo I read the first page, jumped to the last page, even check out page 72 and…

I have no idea what is going on here.


The trainwreck took a wrong turn in Albuquerque and headed to the Avocado plantation.
I think, the pony and the saddle made off with the trailer at this time.

Soooo I read the first page, jumped to the last page, even check out page 72 and…

I have no idea what is going on here.


We are discussing about trailers, saddles, Vegas, beer, many good things. Reading all 84 pages it is worth it. Get good recipes also

And now OP’'s other thread is “trending” on the new posts list!

May The Saddle stay with ThePony. May the PonyOwner find a good home for said Pony. And may the Trailer get “enclosed” and refurbished. And all live happily ever after. (And may that poor old “rescued” TB get a vet visit up in north Florida.)

And also, may the avocado trees in south Florida get rid of those beetles which are causing the mold and killing the trees. With California drying up, we need the Florida avocados for the guac.


Wonder what happened to the 5,000 saddle? Not bumping up this thread for no reason. Since we warmbloods didn’t want to buy a portion or share of the expensive pony saddle, sharing is not something that we do well. We just want to say that we just paid that amount:eek: for a horse size saddle…but it’s an eight thousand dollar saddle that has “only been rode in twice” according to the Farm House Tack Shop where it was consigned. Although we’ll have to share it with each other. No blocks though. It will have to go back to maker for blocks for owner.

We figure that we got a great deal since all the people who purchased a share of the 5000 pony saddle will have to share it with each other. We get the saddle we bought for 100% of the time, and only have to share it with each other.

If you see a consigned saddle, you can ask for a lower price as we did. First saw it on eBay with the Farm House posting it, then followed it for months till finally asked for reduction in price, and we got it. The Farm House Tack shop has lots of nice saddles on consignment.

Give it a rest people!

Ok, I made it through all 85 pages. I found a grey pony on cross ties via FB that I think is the pony in question. I would appreciate a PM confirming my sleuthing is correct or I went down the rabbit hole…

I’ve been to the PO’s farm–looked at it when it was still on the market. I probably recognize the place from a photo–can you pm a link to me?

Thank you to “The Pony” and to “The Saddle” for making guest appearances on the other thread about the mare.

And on the guacamole front, just saw where Cosequin ASU Plus has guac in it. Well, avocado.:lol: Maybe The Pony can get his guac from the Cosequin.

Thank you to “The Pony” and to “The Saddle” for making guest appearances on the other thread about the mare.

And on the guacamole front, just saw where Cosequin ASU Plus has guac in it. Well, avocado.:lol: Maybe The Pony can get his guac from the Cosequin.[/QUOTE]

Pony doesn’t need Cosequin as it is sound and doesn’t have problems.

I have the problems as it is very obvious. Don’t talk to me about anything with fat in it as I am thinking a little of the things I ate in Vegas and it was too much of good food. So no more of fat things.

Pony doesn’t need Cosequin as it is sound and doesn’t have problems.

I have the problems as it is very obvious. Don’t talk to me about anything with fat in it as I am thinking a little of the things I ate in Vegas and it was too much of good food. So no more of fat things.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, yesterday for Canada Day brunch I had chicken&french toast. Like chicken&waffles, I guess, only with brioche French toast. With jalapeño sour cream and Tabasco honey.

It was da bomb.

Give it a rest people![/QUOTE]

Well you see it is not so easy with all the food to talk about and also about the saddle. You can also not enter the thread. It is your wish to do so.

Oh man, yesterday for Canada Day brunch I had chicken&french toast. Like chicken&waffles, I guess, only with brioche French toast. With jalapeño sour cream and Tabasco honey.

It was da bomb.[/QUOTE]

Do you have Subway restaurants in Canada? The stores run ads on radio all the time about serving guac on the breakfast sandwiches!

Do you have Subway restaurants in Canada? The stores run ads on radio all the time about serving guac on the breakfast sandwiches![/QUOTE]

We do, we do!

Give it a rest people![/QUOTE]

How can we “give it a rest” when according to the latest news on CoTH, a new pony may be born soon?

This. Is. Amazing.

I can’t believe I actually read all 85 pages without any adult beverages. :wink:

mazel tov!

I am still selling shares in the blue saddle. Now also I am offering shares in The Bench. At a very good value of $10/share. So if you want shares in either of these please do post a message so I can include everyone who is interested.

I am still selling shares in the blue saddle. Now also I am offering shares in The Bench. At a very good value of $10/share. So if you want shares in either of these please do post a message so I can include everyone who is interested.[/QUOTE]

How many half shares can I buy for $35? :smiley:


I went to pick up The Bench, which the dressage trainer was giving away for free because it had been sat on by someone other than herself. But when I got there, with my open trailer to haul it (that I had rented and drove 800 miles!) the owner wanted to sell me some cushions to go with it that cost $500 each. I was going to get some custom cushions for myself, so I didn’t need those cushions, and they looked terrible on the bench, anyway, so I said no. The Bench owner then refused to sell me the Bench. I had to drive home with an empty trailer. So … it’s still available to the rest of you.

I had planned on renting time on The Bench to visiting trainers, but that’s all done with now.