Word to the Wise: Lesson Reminder for Everyone

The bench owner was tricking you into buying the cushions, and since you said NO she knew you couldn’t really afford them OR afford to take good care of THE BENCH. She also heard that you had a pile of broken, rotten benches at home and wouldn’t appreciate her nice bench. And you were saving your pennies to hire a carpenter to fix up your benches at home. No dice she knew
your game and sent you on your way with your rented trailer. And she knew YOUR husband didn’t even want the bench. So there.

How many half shares can I buy for $35? :smiley:


It is a pretty good deal $10 for one share for the bench and $25 for one share in the Blue Saddle. You need to buy a full share, but if you want half then if you can find another COTHer then you can share half with them and the the total is one share.

I went to pick up The Bench, which the dressage trainer was giving away for free because it had been sat on by someone other than herself. But when I got there, with my open trailer to haul it (that I had rented and drove 800 miles!) the owner wanted to sell me some cushions to go with it that cost $500 each. I was going to get some custom cushions for myself, so I didn’t need those cushions, and they looked terrible on the bench, anyway, so I said no. The Bench owner then refused to sell me the Bench. I had to drive home with an empty trailer. So … it’s still available to the rest of you.

I had planned on renting time on The Bench to visiting trainers, but that’s all done with now.[/QUOTE]

this is simply not true because I am not selling the bench yet, just shares, so you do not have the real bench. I still have it. What you have is fake, so my advise is to take it back and say it is a fake.

[QUOTE=Marla 100;8233952]
The bench owner was tricking you into buying the cushions, and since you said NO she knew you couldn’t really afford them OR afford to take good care of THE BENCH. She also heard that you had a pile of broken, rotten benches at home and wouldn’t appreciate her nice bench. And you were saving your pennies to hire a carpenter to fix up your benches at home. No dice she knew
your game and sent you on your way with your rented trailer. And she knew YOUR husband didn’t even want the bench. So there.[/QUOTE]

I did not trick any person. I do not own cushion for the bench. Only for the chairs inside the house, not the one in the ring. Now maybe it is good idea to get a cushion for the bench, but I do not want to pay for one. Maybe someone has a sewing machine, the kind that can work on upholstroy fabric.

I heard The Bench might be pregnant.

this is simply not true because I am not selling the bench yet, just shares, so you do not have the real bench. I still have it. What you have is fake, so my advise is to take it back and say it is a fake.[/QUOTE]

Does the real Bench have a card stating that it’s the real Bench? And does this card come with the Bench, so you can prove it’s the real Bench and not a fake, in case someone asks you to prove it’s real, like if you want to take the Bench in an Open Trailer?


Does the real Bench have a card stating that it’s the real Bench? And does this card come with the Bench, so you can prove it’s the real Bench and not a fake, in case someone asks you to prove it’s real, like if you want to take the Bench in an Open Trailer?


Yes, it has a certificate of authenticity and a registry number so that way it is possible to know it is the real one.

The open trailer is not a good idea because maybe it will rain and that is not good for wood and the finish. That is what I learned from that show where people bring antiques to get them priced. Yes, antiques roadshow I think is the name of it.

I don’t want to do anything to damage the antique since I heard from the show, watching it, that it is not a good idea to change the finish or try to refinish it because that can make the value less. So I do not want that. It would be not so easy to get more shares and more money and then to sell it higher would be hard.

[QUOTE=The Saddle;8234025]
I heard The Bench might be pregnant.[/QUOTE]

Well, The Bench told me The Saddle MAY BE PREGNANT!!!

[QUOTE=Marla 100;8234054]
Well, The Bench told me The Saddle MAY BE PREGNANT!!![/QUOTE]

I think that is not true. I own both of them and I would say no.

My fiance says The Bench has no use and that people should just stand in the arena. He says Benches in general are stupid wastes of time, and I should use any old paint to paint it, since what difference does the color make? Should I leave him? I think maybe he made a mark on another bench, and didn’t care.

Plus he says Benches have benchanalities and he thinks The Bench doesn’t want to be sat on.

Thank you all for making my Monday morning fabulous with this!

Just stumbled upon this thread and realized that I know the OP. She came out with her family to try my pony. Needless to say, my pony did not leave with her either!,

Just stumbled upon this thread and realized that I know the OP. She came out with her family to try my pony. Needless to say, my pony did not leave with her either!,[/QUOTE]

Will your Saddle and Pony join the conversation, I mean, to verify your statement?

Will your Saddle and Pony join the conversation, I mean, to verify your statement?[/QUOTE]

They are both off being leased to a fabulous family but I’m sure they can take a break from eating guacamole to comment!

It is good to make the distinction between Saddle and saddle. The one which is “The Saddle” is the one I own, well the one I am selling shares in so many people can own it. and then we can sell it for a lot and then distribute the result of what we get.

The other one known as “saddle” that FtL has is her own so hers is “saddle” and mine is “Saddle”. Or also “The Saddle”.

This is not a thread to talk about food then we will end up in off-topic.

So I think of all the saddle leathers people have seen or tried what is the most exotic one? I think I heard Stubben once made an elephant leather saddle. the Hermes store in one location in Paris had an ostrich leather one. I can’t think that would be very good to ride in. It is vanity I think.

Just stumbled upon this thread and realized that I know the OP. She came out with her family to try my pony. Needless to say, my pony did not leave with her either!,[/QUOTE]

Did they also show up with an OPEN Trailer at your place??

Details, Details, we need details. lol.

[QUOTE=Marla 100;8236281]
Did they also show up with an OPEN Trailer at your place??

Details, Details, we need details. lol.[/QUOTE]

The trailer is at my place. IF FtL has a trailer it is “trailer” not “Trailer” and not “OPEN Trailer”.

So about the saddle leather in exotic types what kind do people know about?

[QUOTE=Marla 100;8236281]
Did they also show up with an OPEN Trailer at your place??

Details, Details, we need details. lol.[/QUOTE]

You have to wonder if the open trailer was one like the neighbor of a friend of mine planned to use. They took a landscaping flatbed trailer, built sides on it (about 4’ high) and thought they were going to use it to haul a horse home

You have to wonder if the open trailer was one like the neighbor of a friend of mine planned to use. They took a landscaping flatbed trailer, built sides on it (about 4’ high) and thought they were going to use it to haul a horse home[/QUOTE]

You don’t need sidewalls to transport horses!
(The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, what they work against*)

You don’t need sidewalls to transport horses!
(The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, what they work against*)[/QUOTE]

oh. That is not a good idea. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Maybe cry a lot?