WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I’m a little bummed the CPS investigation won’t be allowed into evidence. I was looking forward to seeing if there were actually cat feces photos.


If they exist, they may be used as evidence in some other way. LK stated she took the photos. Of course that shows she went into a child’s bedroom, in someone else’s home, likely without their permission.

She also wrote on a FB page (I don’t remember if it was CotH or another one) that MB has antisocial personality disorder and she knows the meds he takes for it. Well, that means she was snooping in his home and checking out his medication.

There are no medications that are specifically prescribed for people with ASPD. Anti-depressants are mentioned as being used off-label for people with ASPD. Of course MANY millions of people take anti-depressants. Very few of them are dx’d with that particular Axis II issue prior to getting the prescription.

In some cases, symptoms can be treated with medication, although again there is no specific medication that is considered best for all people with this disorder. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft), may decrease aggressiveness and irritability. These drugs are useful if either anxiety or depression are present, or if the person is using substances to self-medicate for anxiety or low mood.

Hardly exhaustive, but easily found and written for general information.


Hmmm, methinks I would certainly have anxiety or depression if I had to deal with Ms Lollipop and her toddler-like stage of emotional development. :lol:


And her Bob the Builder boyfriend who’s possibly as handy as a preschool cartoon.


So why do you think the coach is the person with power in this scenario? Wouldn’t the person with lots of money and a number of horses in training have the power? The client with multiple horse can walk away from the coach and take a major chunk of his income away all at one time. This is not the case of a poor working student. This is an individual that has considerable financial resources so can easily walk away at any time. She can afford to got to a hotel, she can afford to give the 30 days notice and still leave the same day. She doesn’t need to take time off work to move her horses or herself from the house.


Both the coach and the client have the power to end the coach/client relationship. When I do “fire” a trainer, I try hard to do so on at least superficially good terms, saying, perhaps, “You’re a great trainer, but I don’t think your training style is the best suited for my horse”. At the same time, I am silently relishing my power to walk away, taking my horse and my money with me.

In terms of ending the relationship, both parties have equal power. When the relationship is ongoing, trainers usually act as if they think they do and should have more power, in my experience, up until the point the client feels a bit too exploited, and leaves.

Contracts usually say that the client must provide the trainer with 30 days notice for termination, but the contract is written by the trainer, and usually does NOT specify that the trainer provide 30 days notice to the client. On two occasions I have had trainers decide to move out of town and therefore quit training their entire clientele with less than 2 weeks notice. I was still stuck with being required to provide 30 days notice to the barn. Since the contract is written by the trainer, it tends to retain as much power for the trainer as possible.

At least some of the dispute appears to have been about power and contract terms, given that we have the 911 call in which Michael Barisone called 911 because his client would not sign a document changing the terms.

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I don’t believe anyone has stated what was in the document MB supposedly wanted her to sign. As I recall, the mention of a document was not clear in the 911 calls.

Lauren and Builder Bob were asked and told repeatedly to leave and refused. Seems Lauren continued to exercise her bully power.


When I say “power” I mean structural power. Who gets to tell the other person what to do on an ongoing basis in this relationship. The trainer is the authority. The student generally defers to the trainer and expects the trainer will have the students best interests at heart. That is why abusive behaviour by teachers in general is considered so much worse legally than the same behaviour by a peer. In general the student is dependent upon the trainer to a greater or lesser extent and needs to trust them.

Of course the adult student can always leave, though we certainly hear many stories from riiders on COTH who find the process of leaving a trainer fraught.

Obviously a student with a lot of money may have far more power in the world than most trainers. However within the student/ trainer relationship, the trainer still holds authority and must not abuse that authority.

This distinction is just the basic foundation of all workplace codes of conduct. You look at structural relationships between people, are they supervisor and subordinate or teacher and student.

That is why college professors are fired for sleeping with their current students even when there is no great age disparity and both are adults. Even if the student had more money and more social power generally. It’s because it violates the trust needed in the situation and it’s too easy for the one with structural power to be predatory.

Obviously the case we are discussing had no overt sexual implications or accusations (not going to speculate on unconscious motives which seem very tangled). I’m just using this as a more cut and dried example.

Imagine a college prof started stalking and harassing a student. That would be disciplinary hearings right away. Imagine a college student started harassing the prof and started posting trash about the prof online. That would just be business as usual at Rate My Prof, which exists precisely to let students trash their professors anonymously if they don’t like their grade :). Nobody pays it much attention because colleges have their own evaluation systems and everyone knows RMP is just toxic soup. But if a professor went online even anonymously and started Rate My Student and giving their students “hotness points,” the sky would cave in.

This would remain true even if the “prof” is a dead broke sessional or grad student on starvation wages, and the student is heir to a nationally known fortune and working on their uncle’s Senate campaign over Spring Break, or whatever you want to mark what might make an undergrad have way more real world privilege than the prof.

The prof still has authority in the student/ teacher relationship.

Anyhow this idea of structural power in a given situation is the basis of all workplace codes of conduct. It’s the basis of SS for sure. Now an organization like SS that has so many cases of minors to protect might not be that prompt to act on cases between adults. But when you are in an environment where all or most people are legally adults, these questions of structural power are absolutely important.

I know of two professors who lost tenured permanent jobs due to consensual sexual relationships with students within the past decade (both after relationship ended and after complaints). Both were age appropriate relationships (students close to professors age and not minors). One woman professor quietly invited to resign before she was fired, one male professor fired in a messy high profile and possibly mismanaged case.


You’re right that we don’t know what was in the document he wanted them to sign. IMO in one of the 911 calls Barisone clearly mentioned that LK was being non cooperative when Barisone attempted to get her to sign a document.

What is not established, in my mind, is that Barisone ever asked them to leave. If he had started legal proceedings to evict them, there would be court records to that effect.

When an “anti-LK partisan” in a previous thread stated that she knew for a fact Barisone had discussed eviction with his lawyer, Lauren QFPed the post and thanked the poster for providing evidence that Barisone knew he had legal methods for getting them to leave. I think the defense theory will be that he never intended to kill them, just brought the gun to the residence to intimidate them (bully them) into leaving, and he fired the gun in the heat of the moment (intent but not premeditation). That story, if successful, would defend against attempted premeditated murder, and reduce the crime to attempted homicide or possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes.

If one of Lauren’s listening devices captured the conversation between Barisone and lawyer discussing legal eviction options, the conversation is probably inadmissible due to lawyer client privilege, even if the rest of the recordings are admissible. So one of the “Barisone partisans“ stating that she knew for a fact that Barisone had discussed eviction proceedings with his lawyer may be useful evidence for the prosecution.

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Not if the document he wanted her to sign was a notice to quit.

I don’t think you need to get the person you’re evicting to sign anything agreeing to be evicted. You have to show you gave them notice, perhaps by sending them certified mail and posting an eviction notice on the door. You also file papers in court. The whole nature of an eviction is that it’s a one sided forced action, not something both sides agree to.

Nah, I’ve recently started turning normal colloquiums into new, stranger ones.


What is that about???


Oooooo, most of you are doing a great job now!! Speaking of mental disorders, is anyone aware of Borderline Personality Disorder? I suspect there’s some of that at work here as well.


So this [edit] womean, just posted on her f b page her video, yes, I say, VIDEO, of her being extubated in the hospital.Yes, not only did she agreee to have her extubation video taped, as creepy as that is, she now has posted it on her facebook page. Open for the whole public. Anyone can post on her page,. Apparently looking for both lovers and haters, she posts a video of her extubation on her facebook page. All kinds of “love you” and “your’e so brave”. After making such a big deal of saying at the very beginning that she wasn’t going to post photos of her in the hosptial, no videos, no photos, because that was private and personal. What a job. What a great show. Looking for attention where ever she can get it. I can’t. I just can’t.


Bob the Builder. I love it.

Exactly. She was told over and over to leave. Its in the 911 tapes, and its been told by horse personnell in the region who know how long he had been trying to get her off the property, and who are owed money from her, themselves. He talks about trying to get her to sign a document in the same sentence as trying to get her off the property and that its a tenant issue.

I would not be surprised if Bob the Builder and all his supposed renovations on the house are the reason there was an inspection notice not to occupy. “He owes me 50,000 dollars” she cries. Yeah, not if Bob the Builder wrecked Mike Barisone’s house and it can’t even pass inspection now, and isn’t fit for occupation because of Bob’s incompetence. The town inspection told you to leave. The landlord told you to leave. But you couldn’t do that, or admit the renovations or fixings were incompetent. So you stayed, and harrassed and pretended MB was scamming you out of money, And then came back after the hospital and tore through the yellow police tape (you said was there) and still lived there for weeks more.

And you were just reading a book on the porch when he pulled up, oh, wait, no, you “answered the door to find”… which is it. What is the story. Even people with traumatized memories can remember the truth. Choose something, anything, and stick to it. Please.

“Trouble with a liar is, he can’t remember what he said.” Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses.


Would be my first guess for Lauren. Lamictal can be helpful for some, but still doesn’t address the core issue. That takes a lot of excellent therapy, for a long time, with a person who is honestly trying to get a handle on it.

But so many with BPD are nightmare clients. No one wants to diagnose it either because it is an insurance company nightmare. So the workaround is PD-NOS.

Did you know that if you are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder you will not be permitted to get (or keep) your pilot’s license? Odd that it is the only one addressed. You would think they would include all of them OR exclude none of them.

Strikes me as a lawsuit against the FAA just begging to be filed and heard.


he isn’t on trial for premeditated murder, thus it would be foolish to defend against it. He can’t be, seeing as nobody has died.

Attempted homicide could be reduced to assault with a deadly weapon. I don’t consider it to be likely that it would be reduced to a weapons charge instead of a crime against a person, but even so, this is done by the grand jury and cannot be done by a trial jury. Since the grand jury does not hear defendant testimony, your proposed outcome is not possible under New Jersey law.


More like a narcissistic personality disorder. She is absolutely over the top.


You need proof they received the notice. Having them sign that they received it is one way, especially if they won’t answer the door for the server. Certified mail only works if they pick it up, and people like that won’t. At least that what happens in MA.