WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Wait… So, to be clear, you think a defense attorney is going to say “My client is GUILTY!” Nothing in his fictitious statements are new. Except, perhaps, the irony of it. Defense attorney falsely claims victim has made false claims. Ironic. And… incidentally, the same exact TACTIC used by every other defense attorney in the land of defense attorneys.
1.) I have always maintained the fact- I reported MB & others to SafeSport. (Nothing new.)
2.) I have always maintained the fact- I have video & audios. (Nothing new.)
3.) You have no idea who contacted CPS. (Nothing new.)
4.) Attorneys who are so convinced their client is “not guilty,” doesn’t waive a speedy trial. (Nothing new.)

What IS “new,” exactly??? Please share with the class.

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Then… I should probably release them now.

PS- referencing “nails in a coffin,” to a survivor of two point blank range GSW to the chest… is in poor taste at best. Or, are you having difficulty comprehending that? Anything which references my death, again… (& beginning with yours) WILL be reported. Not just here, either.

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It was a planned court appearance. Planned. Announced in the PREVIOUS COTH report from the PREVIOUS court hearing. Previous. Not new. If you think it’s new, you can re-read the last reports where March 2nd was explicitly mentioned as being the NEXT court date- not a NEW one. Next. New. Two different words. If you don’t think they’re different words, hooked on phonics???

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Riiiiight. Bc… Nancy Jaffer said so? Got it! FYI- you have exactly zero idea of what will or will not be admissible. Nor do you have the slightest clue of what was actually stated IN THE COURT ROOM. Jaffer was there to specifically note Balinkas’ words. Nothing more. I’d know. The real court hearing - in its entirety - was read to me. Not by Nancy so & so of “covering equestrian news since X, y or Z.” Additionally, in the real media coverage, my attorneys gave statements. Seems you decidedly chose the one article to display, whose “journalist” (unlike almost every other media outlet there is) did NOT reach out to the victims attorneys for comment. Again, I’d know. Bc… in every other article covering this court date - in which NO PLEA was offered, my attorneys DID respond to request for comment. Ya must have missed all of those one’s, huh? Convenient. Eye roll… on a loop.

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Note: Use of common idiom is now reportable to mods and unnamed others. Presumably attorneys.


Who said Beetlejuice???


Unreal. Some people need to step away from the keyboard. Well, one person, anyway.


Me here: LOLOLOL on the last bit…


Well there is this gem from YOUR attorney in your civil suit
“Barisone shot his student at point-blank range and intended to kill her so whatever comes out of his mouth is not to be believed,” Nagel said. “He will pay the piper at some point. He will go to jail and he will pay in the civil suit. Whatever we hear from Barisone should be thrown into the wastebasket.”


Plus this from the same article:

Recording or intercepting an in-person or phone conversation in New Jersey requires consent from at least one participating party.

Participating. Not eavesdropping or using a hidden recording device.




I believe that depends on if there’s a reasonable expectation of privacy. Your bedroom is private, your barn aisle, probably not, the office? Maybe


If it is a private barn, posted as private property, there may be an expectation of privacy? A table in a McDonald’s, not so much.

Since the defense is talking about these recordings, I suspect that will try to use them to show a pattern of stalking on Lk’s part.


No doubt just a small sample of things they have showing a pattern of stalking.


Considering he was living in the barn and also had posted hours. I dont think LK is very bright, so I wouldnt think it too hard to gather a pattern of her stalking.


Probably required to prove there was a victim death, too.


19,000 pages and counting. Apparently.


Does intent matter in NJ? Her stated intent was to record conversations to which she wasn’t a party and she was posting about installing recording devices all over the place. A place that she didn’t own, rent or lease. I doubt she had them solely trained on her horses’ stalls. Yeah, it’s one thing to have them in your room, or trained on your horse’s stall - it’s another to set them up elsewhere. She’s not the employer either. If someone were setting up surveillance equipment on MY property without MY permission and had those recording devices not trained on THEIR horse, I would want to bounce them. Take your animals, equipment, yourself and clear out.

I think HIS office in HIS business is very much private.


She was in court for the hearing, apparently. Interview was out in the hall, she stood nearby. This wa in the article.

I suspect the defense will work hard to try to prevent them from being admitted as evidence.