WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

So is it legal in NJ to shoot someone who you believe to be stalking you?

Gosh, I am late to the party, forgive me. Which immediately made me think of this from Alice in Wonderland:

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
”‱ Lewis Carroll

Someone seems to be obsessed with me being the poster who has started a couple of threads about this topic. I think it’s simply the luck of the draw. I certainly am not obsessed with Lauren Kanarek, but I do find the situation and her posts fascinating. If she didn’t constantly add to the fascination, no one would watch. But, of course, that IS what she wants isn’t it? Attention? Obviously others are fascinated as well with over 39,000 hits on this thread alone. I haven’t looked at the FB Chronicle post in several days because it became absolutely insane with the immature, 6th-grade level posts.

As far as La-LaPoprider’s most recent posts on this thread, I have one word: YAWN. :ambivalence::ambivalence::nonchalance::nonchalance::sleepy::sleepy:


So barn hours compared to recording showing they were in the barn during closed hours = evidence of


I think the point that is trying to be made is that the theory that it is a public space so there is no assumption of privacy can not be used if she was recording them at a time when they should not have been in the barn.


yes of course it is


In my workplace we know our employer has every right to monitor our email, internet activity, watch our movements on CCTV, track when we enter the building, etc. That doesn’t give us (employees or contractors) the right to do the same to other employees, contractors, visitors, or our supervisors willy-nilly.

So I still fail to see how Kanarek and Goodwin could record others without their knowledge and permission.

Heck, there are privacy concerns about the Ring cameras and last-30 second recordings on vehicles (Tesla and its “black box” was recently discussed in local media) due to all the cameras with which they are equipped.

ETA interesting article about Tesla vehicle and privacy. Creepy imo.


If nothing else, this whole situation makes me look back at my days working at a boarding stable and realize that the troublesome boarders I dealt with (you know, the ones who demand their horse’s feed be changed every time they have a less than stellar ride, or complain because the horses were turned out a little earlier than usual and now they have to walk all the way out to the pasture to catch Dobbin, or pry into everyone else’s business and spread rumors) didn’t even scratch the surface of nightmare clients.


Actually, it was a rhetorical question.

Yessss! I wish I could elaborate, but, I think when the content of this “new contract,” is revealed
 (attempted to force us to sign it two - maybe 3 -days prior to the shooting) that will be the “WOW, New development,” topic for a forum & National/International news. Chilling to the bone in hindsight. Especially, bc, when the officer who responded to the call told me what it said, I asked, “Does he think If we sign this he can like
 shoot us & kill us & he wouldn’t be held liable for our deaths.” The officer said, (something to the affect of) “If he thinks that, he must really think cops & courts are stupid. Of course he can’t shoot you or kill you & say “but they signed a contract agreeing that I am not liable for any injuries caused to them!” Oh
 how I wish I could share the full contents of this new contract he tried to bully us into signing, before removing the wooden bars & HIMSELF blocking all entrances into the barn - by calling the police. Again, attempting to use the police as a recourse to solve what was already explained to him as being a civil dispute. Yet
 he called & called. This is just one of the very, very many ways this man bullies people when no one asks, “how high,” when HE says “jump.” And, yet another way this criminal used (Tried to use) a system, in order to ensure everyone around him, including us, would “comprehend clearly,” HE was the person in power. Since the referred to Himself as “the big bully/the bigger bully,” on numerous occasions during our time there
” Power imbalance,” is precisely what this man lived for
 Its evident in the public texts shared by “girl Joey,” in an exchange between she & MB (man she would’ve never heard of, without his gf, MH, scouring the internet to locate someone- anyone- I’d had a verbal dispute with online) - where he clearly spells out for her- “I am a pretty big deal in Olympic horse sports, I’ve been to four Olympics. I called the CEO of SafeSport - know him well. Called the chief lawyer at USEF
 know her well too.”
(in short, the text exchanges were meant to indisputably imply - “I can do whatever I want & get away with it, I’m not at ALL concerned with any reports made against me.”)

This would seem to be a valid thought by him , seeing as though he was under investigation by SafeSport in September of 2018 after a report was made against him & eventually, blown off. This time they took it seriously & probably wish they’d taken the September 2018 report a bit more seriously. (I wasn’t even aware someone else had reported him until after the shooting.) However, I’d bet money there was a SERIOUS power imbalance there 
 as I have a pretty good idea of who reported him & their reason. I’d never reveal my thoughts on that though
 since it seems victim blaming/shaming is a contagious disease. :frowning: (at least for some.)

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“I wish I could elaborate,” followed by a 14 billion word elaboration.




Most intelligent people would have left such a horrible situation unless they owned (via an LLC partnership) the property they were living on! Same old, same old. Always someone else’s fault and always excuses. Fascinating isn’t it?


Agreed. It is a gem. And true, too. Let’s not forget, the distinction here is, these are not “defense attorneys.” I am one of the plaintiffs in both cases. Not the defendant. The defendant is the man who attempted to murder two people in cold blood, in the middle of the day.

Why do you insist on coming here and trying to get people on your side? Do you not realize that you are literally giving the defense more ammunition? Like all the posts of your Facebook page
more nonsense. You really cannot stand NOT being the center of attention. Such a sad situation that you continue to prove how narcissistic you are.


That’s not an “inconsistency.” Review my account of the day in question. It clearly states, “when I saw MB pull up in his truck, I ran inside to get/tell Rob.” So
 yes. Had we not opened the door to see what he wanted
 who knows. But
 we did. That all you got? Must be, or you’d have found an actual “inconsistency,” of which there are none.

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On the contrary. I think she is extremely bright. She just has a hypervigilent defensiveness in response to criticism.


Hmmm. Good to know. Seems like you’re part of the “hardly,” crowd. I’m confused. Why would anyone use a fake name on FACEBOOK? Kind of defeats the purpose. Unless, your “purpose,” is to troll &/or hide behind yet another “screen name,” to cowardly say things & not be held accountable for saying them. Or, to creepily stalk people who would otherwise block you- if they knew who it was really, aiming to gain access to content which would otherwise be unavailable to you. Sorry
 but that’s just creepy. IMO, of course.

it looks like they may have joint ownership of a horse?

And yet
 I did not begin this thread, did I? If you believe I’m here “trying to get people on my side,” - reevaluate. The whole truth WILL come out. When it does, those who have been fed lies from MB, MH & JH
 will silently feel very foolish. But, thanks for your opinion, Angel. Noted!

Nope. “Partners are only for dancing.” All of my horses are mine. Mine alone.