WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

There is a phenomenon in America now that people will not/can not believe the “truth” when it stares them in the face. Sometimes “truth” is so fabricated, those telling it actually believe it as gospel.


I didn’t consider that particular turn of phrase could be so triggering, and I sincerely apologize for that. It was careless of me.

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I didn’t consider that could be an issue for you . It’s an extremely common idiom. I apologize if that triggered you.


I have to disagree on the intelligence thing. If this ends up being what so many people have speculated, that’s an extremely elaborate plan that would require cunning (implies intelligence). Also she’s quite literate, even when her posts take some weird turns.


I think you’re misusing (& abusing) the word, “literally.” Just an observation. I’d comment on your accusation- but- I couldn’t get past the glaring grammar issue. Sorry.

I sure hope that was sarcasm. With Americans and guns I am never 100% sure.


Thank you. Although, given the content & tone of this thread, (& perhaps, the actual trauma of being shot) I honestly can’t tell if your use of another “common idiom,” -“sorry if that triggered you,” - was sarcastic, or, a genuine apology. Triggers & coffins will always be words which “trigger,” random flashbacks of the shootings. You were probably being sincere. I’ll just assume that. Fair enough?

Ok, I can see that. Sans the “hyper vigilant,” part. That said, most people don’t respond well to criticism they never asked for. When we show, we are asking (& paying money) to specifically, be criticized. Since I do this often, happily & without complaint, it’s also fair to say, I respond quite well to critique I have asked to receive. Also, I’m not sure what you refer to by the word, “criticism,” as it pertains to me. In a situation where we did absolutely nothing wrong- but ended up nearly getting killed, no, I likely wouldn’t take kindly to “criticism,” of ANY kind. Nor would you. Guaranteed.

Um no. Nothing about two people being shot & almost killed is “fascinating.” As for your other comments, you do not know me. Period. Though, as I have said to you before, your disgusting behavior & cavalier attitude regarding an almost double homicide, tells me all I’ll ever need to know about you. Of course, we both know, I know a whole lot more. About you, that is.

Says the person whose tag line is “She is not fragile like a flower. She is fragile like a bomb.” Bc… that’s not more than mildly alarming, or anything… Tell me more about your “bomb-like, fragility.” Sounds serious! Do you carry yourself on airplanes? Trains? Buses? Should TSA be concerned? I am!

I really cannot stand… double negatives being used in a sentence. Here. Let me help.

“You really cannot stand being outside the center of attention.” (A grammatically correct version of your false statement.)
“You really must need attention.” (Shorter GC version of false statement.)
“When you’re not the center of attention, you must be unable to stand it.” (Longer GC version of your false accusation.)
“You must love being the center of attention.” (Single positive, GC version of your ridiculous comment.)

English lessons have concluded for the night. We open again sometime in the future, for further instruction. God bless!

She only comes out at night
The lean and hungry type
Nothing is new, I’ve seen her here before
Watching and waiting…

Anyone else want to share a favorite song? I can’t get Maneater out of my head lately. Great Hall & Oates song!


Hm. Now we’re at grammar corrections :lol:”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹
Is there anyone that always has perfect grammar? If so, that’s admirable. I know that I don’t! On such a forum I don’t split hairs over grammar if I can generally understand someone’s point, but that’s just my take on it. I suppose we should always strive to improve!

I’ve also been impressed about how things can be taken out of context to fit personal agendas. Or taken out of context just for the purpose of being offended. But hey, we’re all wired differently.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹I’ve lost interest in going in circles here, and I don’t know the truth of the situation, but I am still curious as to what will come out just because there’s been a lot of hype. I’m not on anyone’s “side” but from where I stand now, MB deserves some time. I don’t care how fed up you get with someone, that’s not reason to shoot them.

In respect to the current Corona virus situation, if people spend so much time on this thread, that does keep them from socializing and being active in public, so there’s that!.. I’m being facetious for those that can’t tell. :winkgrin:


I’ve got pneumonia and don’t sleep well. I’m pretty much housebound for a t least 5 more weeks so it’s pretty mulch all I can do, SM and some reading. It sucks

tested neg for COVID 19 but it could hit me hard if I were exposed


of course it was…I am joining you and being a pain in the ass


I hope you feel better soon and you have some support to take care of you! REST is really needed with pneumonia


I am very glad to hear that you tested negative for Covid. We’re all scared at this point, and isolating ourselves to some degree.

While the disease has spread in the last couple days, I think what has really changed is the US response has changed from mostly ignoring it to finally taking it really seriously. That (taking it seriously) is a good thing.


I’m getting better ever so slowly and I do have great help. But dang I wish I could get some sleep


There it is, the reflexive threat.
Are we supposed to believe this is new behavior?


This would seem to be a valid thought by him , seeing as though he was under investigation by SafeSport in September of 2018 after a report was made against him & eventually, blown off.

SafeSport opened an investigation, determined it was without merit or not their legal purview and closed it is how I am reading it. I haven’t read anyone stating that SafeSport “blows off” allegations, particulaely those they investigate. Not that I have read every word written about SafeSport.