WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Simple observation on my part…anyone else notice when LaLa appears, YD goes silent?

It seems with so many leaving the Wellington area now, one would hope LK can find a closer board situation for her however many horses she has with her so she doesn’t have to hack near major thoroughfares to get to a lesson. Sounds like her new BNT’s either don’t take boarders or don’t want the drama of having her on their property. Must be smart folks.

@carolprudm take care of yourself. Can anyone bring you some ZQuill or Melatonin to help you sleep?



YD and La-La Pop may have a familial or other connection; and they may both be trying to get out of Welly at the moment; but the difference in their posting styles is profound. So profound that if they are in fact the same person, if would be a case of split personality for the psychiatric journals.

I will say that if you’re going to have an apologist to defend you on social media, it’s a good idea to have one with a better vocabulary and grasp of logic that you do, however tedious they may be.

ETA: and with the strange tendency to refer to themselves in the first and the third person in the same post.


One of the mods confirmed somewhere along the line that YD & LK are not the same person. I think within this thread.


Agreed. I don’t think they are the same person but it is interesting one leaves and the other shows up. I wonder why LK’s other “besties” aren’t here posting their undying love and defense of her actions as they do elsewhere? Or, maybe they are! Simply curious.


I believe @McGurk is saying just that. That there is no way that YD & LK are the same person. (Which I agree with you that the mods have already told us that.)

La-la, I think NotGrandPrix was actually trying to help you with this post. Giving you a reason for still being there.

I do agree with you that being partners on a horse would add too much drama to the whole ownership thing. Smart of you to keep your horses all your own.


I’m boggled that someone with the scatter-gun writing style and sentence structure of a tired five year old after they’ve had too much sugar feels that they’re able to give English lessons to the masses, yet here we are.


THANK YOU!! Oh my goodness, I needed that full-on, tears of joy, belly laugh this morning. What a hoot! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Wow…Just perfect!


Absolutely nothing? Not even one thing? Not even one teensy bad decision?


No sarcasm intended. I said it’s a common idiom to try to clarify it wasn’t an expression I purposely picked out to hurt you.


If a public discussion of the shooting is triggering, triggered parties may want to recuse themselves to avoid further psychological trauma.


I doubt the “Triggered Party” can resist, Mersidoats.


There’s this funny little thing called “hyperbole.” Perhaps look it up?


Okay, I thought I was a grammar and usage nazi, but apparently not:

I literally could not be less surprised that LK has been lying out her ass.

Can someone explain the usage error here? Many people use literally incorrectly in place of figuratively or virtually, but I don’t think that’s the case here. For instance if I say “I am literally dying of hunger right now.”, that’s incorrect usage. I am using “dying of hunger” figuratively, and hyperbolicly (exaggeration for emphasis.) I should just say “I’m dying of hunger” without using “literally” as an intensifying modifier. Everyone who can see my wide ass understands I’m not actually dying of hunger.

But saying “I truly could not be less surprised” as in “zero surprise is present, I can’t register surprise as a negative” - how is that incorrect? I wouldn’t even classify that as hyberbole - @Omgitsme literally has zero surprise.

Since “literally” is overused, both correctly and incorrectly, if I were editing @Omgitsme, I would probably change it to “I truly could not be less surprised” or “I have zero surprise” as a cleaner construction, but I’m not editing her. Because this is an internet BB, and editing other’s posts is the definition of insanity.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Pedant, out.


When it comes to grammar, I literally couldn’t care less about the opinion of non-editors.


Eggbutt is now complaining that YD “has gone silent”, i.e. is not posting enough!

Eggbutt, I have a good guess as to your identity IRL, as well as the screen name you used in the last couple of threads.

I am still not Lauren, her father, her mother, her lawyer, or her relative.

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When it comes to grammar, I literally couldn’t care less about the opinion of non-editors.



Pedant, in.

I thought the issue was whether it was literally anatomically possible to lie “ out of [one’s] ass”.

The same charming poster responded to a post of mine asking, complete with question mark, “how far up [Lauren’s] ass [I] lived.” I did not take the question literally. In both cases, I assumed that the reference to a posterior was figurative.

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Again, I have no connection to Lauren, familial or otherwise. I’m not trying to get out of Wellington. I actually don’t post excessively when people refrain from responding to me excessively.

I have pointed out numerous times that I think I have a writing style and voice that is extremely different from Lauren’s and appreciate that you, at least, have noticed.

ETA. Posters often respond to me, but refer to me in the third person, so I sometimes responded to those posts also using third person. But to refer to myself in both the third and first person in the same post, GASP, that was a huge slip up on my part!

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I couldn’t care less, or I could care less, or hey, I really don’t care, do you?

Guess what, I wasn’t complaining about your lack of posting…simply making an observation that you two seem to be on opposite posting rhythms. And, I really don’t believe I said you were any of the above in my post, did I? Reading is fundamental.

This thread truly has become too predictable in many ways. Veiled threats, accusations, recipes, grammar police, etc.

There are actually, at this point in time, many more important things in life than entertaining LaLa and her minion providing them with something to do.

Ciao and everyone! Stay safe and listen to your health officials!


In a previous post in this thread, I believe you speculated that I was Lauren’s mother. Mods said no. In previous threads under another screen name, I believe you speculated that I was Lauren. Mods said no.

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