WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

I’ll see your pedant card and raise you two dogmatic cards!


I will definitely try that recipe!


On private property. After hours, he has reasonable expectatiojn that boarders are not in the barns, because after hours, they are not allowed in the barns. Just my thoughts.


“They”, meaning Barisone and family, live in the barn. If she was in the barn after hours, she should not have been there after hours. No boarders should be there after hours, and “they”, the barn living family, have a resonable assumption of privacy, in my uneducated opinion, after boarders are told they can’t come to the barn, because she isn’t supposed to be around after 9pm or whatever time. “They” own the barn and can be there whenever “they” want, whether they live there or not, frankly, because they own the property and the barn. Plus, they now live in the barn because they can’t get her out of their house, so they can be in the barn whenever they want or need to be, and probably are all night long, sleeping, cooking supper, stuff like that.

I would think that they can reasonably expect that she isn’t in the barn and they have privacy after barn hours forbid boarders to be in there. Also, since none of the parties to the conversation involved assented to the recording, the recordings are illegal any how. In my uneducated opinion.


Is YD Gertie or Nelly or what ever they call themselves? I can’t keep who’s who straight.


Oh, I just got the hot toddy recipe of a lifetime from my daughter who is convinced she had covid last fall in Philly (some are thinking its been around more than we realize) but whatever it was kicked her butt, and she couldn’t breathe or sleep. This, however, she said was a life saver. Put her out and stopped the coughing and inability to breathe and she slept.

Just got it.

OK, so.

Large mug.
Black tea, hot.
Good squeeze of lemon
good shake of cinnamon
Pour water 2/3ds full in the mug
Good whiskey pour remaining
Good tablespoon of honey to taste. She thinks whisky pour should be 2 fingers. I have fat fingers, so,


Its a great sentence, though, really it is. I enjoyed that one.


No and no.

Thats what I would assume. They aren’t supposed to be living there, and they botched up the repairs and the house flooded, so, I would think the modification about leaving him not responsible for injuries on the property would be something along those lines.

She’s really stretching thinking its because he was planning to kill her and didn’t want to be held responsible. And claiming now that she knew it at the time, three days before, and had quite the discussion about it with a police man. Three days before. But, yeah, she is saying she knew he was going to try to kill her, three days before, enough to discuss it with a police man, and enough to wisely refuse to sign the document giving him permission to kill her. So, if she knew he was going to kill her, why be reading innocently on the porch during a CPS investigation she initiated? Well, why stay on the property at all, for that matter. I don’t know. Something about that part of the story doesn’t quite add up. Some squirrelly reasonings going on here, I think. Not sure, but could be a little…off.


To paraphrase Julia Child: throw in any veggies you want to potato and leek soup.

eta: There’s nothing grammatically incorrect with a double negative: LK just doesn’t like them.


In my experience, potato-leek soup needs lots and lots of dill—yum!


@Ambitious Kate it was my understanding that the flooding happened when the pipes froze and burst in the winter when everyone was in Florida.


That makes sense. Maybe because they were living in there, where Bob the Builder did the work?

The truth is usually the simple answer.


I usually don’t like tea but I’ll give it a try tomorrow.


I seriously doubt that COVID-19 was her problem.
It is a recent jump into the human population.
There are plenty of other viruses which cause respiratory problems.


I don’t truly know Shelley/Nelly/Gertie/Bertha/whatever but in my limited experience she doesn’t have the same caliber of intelligence that YD displays.


I’m Spartacus!!


Strength and honor!


I agree, there are some limited resources in that crew.


Yes, I agree. It could have been pneumonia, respiratory virus, anything. Interestingly, I thought I saw something somewhere, though, not saying she had covid-19, but thought I saw something where some folks were becoming suspicious that it might have been around in US populations for a good while earlier. I would think, though, that they can trace back pretty accurately, through the rna or something, where the jump to humans happened, and when, so I was surprised anyone would think that was up for debate in any way, in whatever it was I read, which I don’t even remember now.