WOW! New Info in Barisone-Kanarek Saga

Re: indemnity/hold harmless clauses are quite common in many business dealings. Certainly my barn has one that must be signed prior to riding or boarding. And, yes, if a tenant continued to occupy an unsafe residence, the landlord would be quite wise to obtain an indemnification,especially if they can’t get the tenant to vacate.
So, the indemnification in question may have been either for the horse activities or for the tenancy or both. It’s good business practice and LK’s reaction seems a bit naive, given her purported knowledge of all things legal. It is puzzling that the police were involved but that may be indicative of the level of the animosity between the parties.

Word for the day: solipsism. I don’t care for rutabaga.


In listening to the 911 call, it appeared LK and BF didn’t leave the barn area and according to the call, were acting in a threatening manner. And that’s why 911 was called. At least that’s how it sounded to me.


So wait. Is someone really implying that a person can sign away their liability if said same person turns around and kills them? Now isn’t that a fun new way around the legal system. “No officer, you do not need to arrest me, they signed a waiver so it is OK that I shot and killed them.”


Exactly. According to LK she had a conversation with a police officer asking if MB thought the document he wanted her to sign meant he could shoot or kill her and get away with it.

ETA: Who gets a document releasing a landlord from liability and their first thought is “will they use this document to kill me and get away with it?”


“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” - Alice

So many explanations, surprises, reasons, defenses…I can’t wait to learn of this great bombshell LK continues to taunt everyone with that “will make all things clear”. As a juror, I would want to know why they didn’t leave and why they decided to illegally wire the facility. Of course, that does not excuse shooting someone unless it was self-defense.

I wonder why Bob the Builder didn’t kill MB since he apparently had the upper hand during the struggle? Gosh, we can formulate so many other random, crazy questions and theories, can’t we?


I think it would be obvious to most people that a civil indemnity does not cover criminal activities, in a similar way that having Power of Attorney over someone’s estate does not give you the right to go out and spend all their money which would constitute fraud.


That’s just a whole new level of crazy for even La La Pooop.


He would have had to beat him to death at that point. RG didn’t have the gun. They’re all lucky none of them wound up dead. MB is not a good marksman because at that range either LK or RG would have been an easy shot, and RG stopped short of lethal force to stop MB. This could have easily ended in 2 or 3 deaths.

No! I’m Spartacus!


It was said “somewhere” MB was holding the gun underneath his body after being pummeled by a cell phone, attacked by a dog, beaten by Bob the Builder, who is younger and apparently “more fit” than MB, yet he couldn’t turn MB over to get the gun. Oh yeah, Bob had a broken wrist that was miraculously healed within days of the event…guess that’s why.


All other stuff aside, if I had flattened someone with a firearm underneath them and was alone without someone to assist in incapacitating them, NO WAY would I be trying to flip them over. The risk of them regaining control and being able to fire again would be way too high. I’d hold them right where they were, with the gun in a non-threatening position underneath them.


Yes, others still seem to infer he actually took the gun from them during a struggle and it was fired. IDK…I was not there. Hopefully, all the truth will be revealed during the trial if it is allowed. Such a shame there weren’t any functioning security cameras focused on that area of the yard. I wonder if there are any audio recordings of what occurred??? Is that the surprise yet to come?


I have a serious, legitimate question of you @Mersidoats : is your user name pronounced “MARE-zee-dotes” or “MURR-zee-dotes”?


Which makes you wonder if MB did not shot directly at LK. Did the gun go off in a struggle and accidentally hit LK, as opposed to MB standing there and taking aim at anyone???

Things that make you go hmmmmm.


Municipalities have building codes that specify minimum standards for residences, both owner occupied or rental. I’m pretty sure that a landlord and tenant cannot just mutually agree that the tenant will accept conditions that do not meet the building code.

As an example, suppose a landlord had an adorable cottage that would rent for $1,200 if it were up to code. Suppose it does not have working sanitation such as toilets. Suppose the landlord found a tenant who was willing to rent the place for drastically reduced rent, say $250 if they accepted the fact that there were no working toilets, and signed a document saying they formally waived the requirement for working toilets. The document would mean nothing. A tenant cannot sign a release waiving a requirement put in place by the municipality.

The restrictions placed on landlords and owners by building codes and habitability requirements are not things that tenant has the power to waive.

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Mares eat oats. It’s an old song.


…and goats eat oats and little lambs eat ivy…



Mares eat oats
and does eat oats
and little lambs eat ivy
a kid would eat ivy too
wouldn’t you


Perhaps RG didn’t want the gun because he had no intention of trying to kill MB, even as self defense. Perhaps he ran toward the shooter, tackled him, and held him pinned to the ground with the gun underneath him (MB) just to stop any shooting of anyone.

Referring to RG as “Bob the Builder” makes you sound like the POTUS. It’s not a rhetorical style I aspire to.


“A kid will eat ivy too, wouldn’t you?” My dad used to sing/whistle that song all the time when I was a kid. He said he learned it during the war.