Yet Another New Horse - It's Peach!

Abscess Diaries, Day Four? I think…

Peach is still hobbling around. The abscess seems to have mostly drained, but with it coming out the sole the foot is still very tender and he does not appreciate the sole pressure from wrapping it to keep clean. He’s still laying down a lot, and I’ve had to put him in the barn for the hottest hours of the day to keep him from overheating himself in this hot weather.

On the plus side of things: he is perfectly content to be in the barn alone, with a full hay net and a fan pointed at him on full blast. I like a horse that actually appreciates the royal treatment. :joy:


For a laminitic flare my vet prescribed Tylenol 6h after banamine, then 2nd dose of banamine 6h after that.
Dose for my 250# Mini is 1500mg & it did seem to help.
I mixed the dose in a small syringe w/enough water to dissolve the 500mg tablets. Added about 2cc maple syrup & he was happy to see it coming :wink:


Hang in there. Based on my experience with my own and those I did not kwn but knew very well? Odds are you will be dealing with these until you grow a healthy foot…like…a year. One example of when to spend up on a proven hoof supplement that really works and start with a double dose. It will still take time but at least the body has the building materials to work with. Malnutrition is more than just skinny. Even expensive horses in good weight can lack proper nutrition and have crap, abscesses prone feet.

Biggest issue, besides time, I ran into is the horse has to move to allow the hoof to flex and pump the crap out and standing as much as possible lets gravity help. But the horse that is really hurting will do neither. Then we want to let the fever in the foot go so the abscess can blow out, but the horse is really hurting. What to do?

IME, give them something for the pain. Several good options out there including good old Bute. Given CORRECTLY for a short time helps with inflammation and pain relief so horse will stay up and move more.

Are you soaking yet? Epsom salt, preferably in warm water, Ideally pack with Icthamol (sp) and wrap but you can skip the wrap if he wont tolerate it.

Poor guy, least its only in the one foot. For now but be ready for more. He’s is still very much a baby who has had a rough time. Remember TBs can be less stoic then other types more suited to a rougher lifestyle.


My experience w bringing in the downtrodden types - most OTTBs in some form of distress and varying foot problems - it takes 1 year to turn them around and then the 2cd yr to make them.

I agree nutrients, balanced trims and turnouts where they keep moving. And barefoot at best (helps strengthen the hoof wall) altho there are some that will need shoe support.


How’s Peach doing?

Oh, this is definitely not my first abscess rodeo, or my first TB/OTTB by a long shot :blush: :laughing: All my horses are on a balanced diet that promotes healthy feet. I have been trimming my own horses the last 5 years and am admittedly kind of a hoof nut (although not the crazy kind). :wink: Right now his biggest problem is thin soles, which yes, will take time!

@cayuse he is slowly but steadily improving - he’s still hobbling but putting more weight on the flat foot (vs hopping on the toe) and now making better decisions about when and how to lay down. He’s also been moving around the pasture and grazing again, and I’m happy to see that. While he did gain some weight the first week, the stress of the abscess kind of melted it back off last week and IMO he’s roughly back to where he started, weight-wise. As he feels better I expect he will start putting on weight again, and I’ll be scheduling the dentist to come out soon also.

I’m heading out now to go fuss over him some more. :grin: I’ll try to grab some pictures.


Slow and Steady wins the race. Poor guy has been through a lot, his body will sort itself out a bit at a time. Love to see those pictures if you get them!


He’s still shiny under the dirt :laughing: he’s been experimenting with mud bathing.

Clean(ish) side…

Dirty side…

Cute little face!


How is Peach doing?


He’s doing OK!

I think we’re going to have to get the vet involved with this abscessed foot. He gets better for a time, looks pretty darn sound and then gets worse again. I know there are/have been multiple abscesses, because there are three different blowout sites that have popped since it started - one at the heel, then the sole, then the toe - but I’d feel better calling in the reinforcements to make sure it’s all just the abscesses. A hospital plate may also be in order, I’ve got him in boots but he is one of the messiest horses I’ve ever met and it’s been a bear to try and keep his feet clean. Despite having a large solo pasture at his disposal, he persists in pooping in/on all his resources and then standing in the poop. He also seems to have never learned that is advantageous to stand in the shade when it’s hot, so he is pretty sweaty in the afternoons. None of this is due to lack of mobility, he moves around the pasture to graze frequently…

Otherwise, he’s gained a few pounds, not as much as I’d like to see in this timeframe but the lameness is certainly not helping. I haven’t been great at picture taking, mostly just due to forgetting to take my phone outside with me. He’s pretty tired of being doctored and says we are headed towards not being friends anymore :neutral_face: :joy:

Sooo…not the stellar progress report I was hoping for after basically 30 days, but we’re going to get things sorted out.


Jingles for your handsome new boy!

I think getting the vet involved seems like a great plan at this point.

It might just end up being an old thing that was never treated properly that is now resolving itself, but if I was in your situation, with him still being on and off lame and so many spots with it coming out, I too would want the vet to take come X-rays and see what might be going on in there.

It sounds like you are doing amazingly. Getting him to gain wait at all when he stands out in the sun making himself sweat all day… great job!


Generally I am not one to panic over a simple abscess, but this one doesn’t seem to be “simple” or progressing normally at this point and I would feel better with more diagnostics.

I must apologize for the lack of involvement on this thread lately - life outside of Peachy/horses has been rough, I lost my doggy sidekick of 14 years to cancer week before last and I just picked up his ashes yesterday. I’ve been caring for the horses, obviously, but kind of going on autopilot as I try to figure out how to navigate the world without my best buddy.


I’m so very sorry.:broken_heart:


Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry about the loss of your dog. That is so hard.

On the abscess topic. I know exactly how you feel.
I have more experience than I like with the average hoof abscess.


I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. It is so jarring that our life goes on without them. Hang in there. :heart:


So very sorry to hear about your sidekick, that is a profound loss I am familiar with. I know your other critters will do their very best to offer some comfort.

I also know that the fates have you on their “send pets” list and will be gifting you a wonderful little someone when the time is right.





Oh, I’m surrounded by pets :laughing: no more, please! In addition to all these horses, I still have my one-eyed ditch dog, Charlie. He’s only 3 and has most definitely declared me as his chosen one. It’s not the same, but it never will be.

And until I move some horses along, which is a thing I am not very good at, I don’t have the time to dedicate to properly raising a puppy.

Peachy pix - I hosed off all the crusties and we did some slow walking around the yard this morning to get the juices circulating before foot treatment.


Checking out the suspicious-looking thing the humans call a “pool”…


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. He was lucky to have you as his person, as are all your critters.

Peach looks very content! He’s coming along. He’s got some shine to his coat and bright, happy eyes… He has the kindest eyes and I’m such a sucker for a big old blaze.


I’m so sorry! It’s always so hard to lose a sidekick.