Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Because you said you didnt call children’s services. You also said that you didn’t report children’s issues to SS. You said that you called SS about MB. Since you ask. You said you didn’t know that children’s services has come onto the property, and were ignorant of all that. You said you never called children’s services yourself. Starting to have a hard time keeping up with everything you’ve said?


Then… I guess you’ll just have to go with what is behind door number 1. Or, were you absent for the month our home surveillance cameras were discussed? And, yes. There IS so much more to this from BEFORE that day. It’s not being shared for good reason.
To be clear on your theory- you feel driving to the home of your tenants, with a gun, trying to murder them is… self defense? K. Gotcha. Yeah, totally see how you got that… nope.

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Nope! Clear on everything I’ve said. You deciding to add in random things I never said- or twist things I did say- doesn’t make me less clear anything I’ve said (in the correct context) - OR, anything I did or did not actually do. You “Another Round” aren’t entitled to any information regarding any of it. Not sorry.

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Maybe nor SS, but according to this article LK reported child abuse, nonetheless:


She was an employee, but she was also a resident. Unless a landlord specifically restricts firearms on the property, she would be allowed to have a weapon at her place of residence.


I suspect if you had such photos and could use them to demonstrate your pure and noble soul, helping cats despite being “deathly allergic” to them, you would. Instead, it makes people wonder what the heck you were doing snooping in private living quarters, taking photos of said private spaces and threatening to use them in some manner.

”‹I stand by my statement that all you had to do to help those cats was file a complaint and provide the photos. Or ask someone in your family to do it. Your father is an attorney, he would assist you. For free. You had time and energy enough to post about it after August 10th. Provided you weren’t lying, of course.
I started one thread. Please explain how that is “constantly starting threads on all things MB”? New math, perhaps?


Humor. Sarcasm. Absolutely caused me to laugh.

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And then there is cake flour. However, one should not substitute GP, pastry, and cake flours for each other, because none of them have the same weight and texture (and I don’t know if you can actually find that fact on the internet).

Sometimes people who like to sound superior are nothing more than average.


I know how to make cake flour from all-purpose flour, but I just found this for making pastry flour:

Pretty nifty.

Oh, I don’t know. I enjoy fooling with recipes and figuring out different ways to make things. Particularly useful if you find yourself with a picky eater, or someone with an allergy or something.


But you’ve spewed so much! Why stop now? Whether we were entitled or not! But we have all learned, just because you say it, doesn’t make it true! We can speculate or discuss anything we want. We don’t restrict ourselves to what YOU think. We discuss and speculate what seems logical to us. Oh, why am I even trying.

Not grand prix yet - I remember that, and it wasn’t from nowhere that we all thought she had reported child abuse to the child services. Now she says she didn’t, and was so innocent and surprised and non-plussed as to why MB was stopping off to talk to her. Had no idea. Was reading a book on the porch. Never occured to her he’d be angry. Then she is posting places about how she had photos of child neglect. She tells a different story to who ever she thinks is listening.

I remember from a book, “All the Pretty Horses”. John Grady, near the end of the book, comes before a judge, to explain why he has this wonderful horse in his possession. He tells the tale, of meeting the boy on the horse, how they were all arrested by mexican government, thrown in prison, how he fell in love with a girl, how he came home with all three horses, the whole bit. At the end of the story, the judge says he’s going to ask John Grady to answer three questions. I can’t remember what they were, but simple details of the story JG just told. The boy answers and the Judge thanks him for the answers, saying the horses were his, and he could take them and go. Judge says I asked you those questions to see if you could remember what you just said. “Trouble with a liar is,” says the Judge, “he can’t remember what he said”.

I think that is what is catching up to La Di Da, here. she can’t remember who she told which lie to and if anyone tries to call her out on it, she tries to deflect, saying, they are haters, they are all haters. Awe. So sad.


Just to clarify that this is Joanne quoting LK from the other thread.

Why do I have a feeling that IF MB approached asking what he could do make everything right, after a supposed 6-7 days of torture stated by LK herself, he was pleading to LK and RG for himself and his family and employees to stop BEING tortured?


I would think he would be doing that. LK certainly has been quite gleeful about the torture she gives out. I was thinking further about her post to RC about the children and cats. Why would she even bring that up to RC? To torture her? To make her afraid, to make her worry? If you had that evidence, sadly and quietly turn it in, and let the authorities handle it, but no, she holds onto it and uses it against someone to make them feel sick to their stomach? And after using it to torture someone online, denies that she ever used it or reported the problems she saw about the children, and apparently never turned in the ‘evidence’ about animal neglect, either, but held onto it, flaunting it to people for the joy of hurting them, not to right a wrong she thought was done.

Who the freak does something like that. Kanarek seems to gloat and glory in hurting people and gloat about finding ways to do it to more and more people. I have no doubt that MB was anxious and frantic and worried about his family and employees who she admits, happily, that she was torturing. And gloats that she has even more “evidence” under wraps to disclose. What a nightmare of a human being.


Then there is Lauren’s post in response to this blog (it’s the most recent entry, so furthest down):

I can’t make heads or tails of the word salad she is spinning and slinging. Can anyone translate?


Anybody else trying to figure out what three words are an important detail? Cat? Feces? Bed? Report?


Goodness, nothing she said in that comment related at all to the actual blog post. Was that right after she got out of the hospital? Maybe she was still being affected by pain pills or whatever she had to take afterwards.


There are some new monikers on this thread who are quite loud, and who I don’t recognize from the original thread. On the original thread, it was reported that RC’s fb showed some sickening comments that were posted by LK after the shooting, and they were pretty easy to find. From what I understand from recent posts on the current thread, RC has changed her privacy settings. One cannot un-see those sickening and quite unhinged posts by LK. So people can argue all they want about the virtues of LK, however unfounded. One can only imagine the chaos at that nj farm before the shooting.

Obviously, it is uncool to shoot anyone for any reason.


Counting backward, I think she posted that in November 2019. In response to a blog post posted on 10/1/2019. I don’t understand what she thought she was accomplishing by addressing Ms. Sprieser in this manner or her assistant trainers. It strikes me as bizarre. That is why I asked if someone else could make sense of it. I can’t. Maybe someone else has a LK Rosetta Stone or something.