Barisone Safe Sport Update

I’ve read that in a few of the early articles and an ad for a clinic that dates back to 2012-2013. I don’t think he was in 2019 though.


*And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.—Matthew 6:5 & 6 (KJV)*

*And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalted himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.—Luke 18:9-14 (KJV)*


Ah-so! I wondered if that was what @CurrentlyHorseless was vaguely saying rather than coming right out and saying she heard Lauren lie on the stand about some supposed text from MB posted to Twitter by somebody (unnamed of course) and no, she (LK) was paraphrasing what it said and she never told anyone else about it. I assumed she was speaking of 1st hand knowledge! Good heavens if I, or any member of the Illegal Mob, posted that vaguely, we would be challenged for days for proof of the text/tweet or whatever.

Thanks for clearing that up!


Because it insults my intelligence. And who knows what kind of God you worship? Someone who sees things as you do? Not my God.


Not at all likely.


No problem!

All throughout Mr B’s cross of both LK and RG, every time he backed them into a corner with a lie, they fell back on, I was shot, someone tried to kill me, my girlfriend was shot, etc completely out of context. It’s one of the random things I noted because it’s obvious they are trying to divert attention. At times they even used the exact same phrasing. That was planned, coordinated, and rehearsed.


Again, your expertise and experience is greatly appreciated!


MHG testified about a text from MB to MHG that MHG had to read in court where MB wrote her on 7/30/2019 that he would get LK a lifetime ban from USEF. She also testified that a complaint was sent by email to USDF and USEF about LK by both MHG and MB together I think on the same day.

The USEF connection is the gal he mentored. I am not aware of any favoritism or cronyism shown by USEF or USDF in their handling of this situation.

I have wondered if that gal he mentored helped get LK stalls at the facility she currently boards her horses.

Dear lady, I will pray* that you receive the empathy and self-awareness that you need to understand this.

*Haven’t decided which deity I’ll direct my entreaty to, but it won’t be a moralizing high god, and certainly not one that would wait around to answer supercilious and scornful public supplications like the slimy prayers you hand out around here like candy at a parade.


You mean that text there is no copy of and no one references anywhere? The one that doesn’t exist? The one piece of evidence that LK forgot to keep or transmit to anyone as proof?


Ali Brock? Who testified on his behalf? Who was worried on Aug 6th that he was going to kill himself? You think she helped LK find a barn?


One error: I’m not praying for one second for any of that Klan.


Yes she is. Pay attention. No court date yet, but she most certainly IS on trial.


Here’s the text MHG read in court:

“ I need every single person who has ever been screwed by Lauren, Rob, and the dad. Farriers, vets, trainers, every single one. I’m going to get her a lifetime ban as a competitor “

Which is not the same thing LK was trying to testify about. Because when she was writing her weird FB posts pre-shooting that referred to that, she wouldn’t (shouldn’t) have known about a text between MB and MHG, which is why she saw it on Twitter, some random person showed it to her, etc.


Not in a million years.


Gee that is so not the same.


I expect the civil trial will be no holds barred and the Kanarek family & others will be front and center. Take the Deininger court filing against the MCPD and add to it! Just my fantasies at work :wink:


MHG read several texts during her testimony.

Right at the beginning of her testimony, she does state she entered into a romantic relationship with MB in 2015.

She read one from July 13, 2019 from MB to her stating words to the effect of trust me, I’ll make it so bad they will be begging to leave. I know how and I’m good at it.

She read one from July 30, 2029 from MB to her stating contact everyone who has ever been screwed by LK and her dad as he was going to get LK a lifetime ban from USDF.

She testified they emailed USDF and USEF on that same day.

She testified that August 3, 2019 he had her father everyone and they (LK, RG, JK) will be broken by sheer numbers. That day she also asked MB why they couldn’t just ask LK to leave because no one had.

She testified that on August 6 they mailed the 756 page report to SafeSport.

I think LK was still singing MB’s praises on the 13th. Maybe he broke her like he said he would.

She also testified as to MB’s financial position. He did have a cash flow problem he told her about and it was because he had to come up with the $965,000 for his ex. She testified that the divorce was final in December 2018 and on 3/24/2019 he texted her that after being clipped for $965,000, it was hard to feel good. She also testified he had horses worth approximately $1M and the two places were worth while he was worth millions he actually did have a cash flow problem at the time.

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That’s the one. Thanks.

Sanctimonious. Shoving your religion down other’s throats is a pathetic show of false religiosity.