Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

religion is PEACE - all religions preach peace. All of them - they all preach the same thing. its the bad people who take it and use it for bad purposes… and we all know this…


That is a LIE iberianfandango. You have no proof of that and you have no idea what happened. This is the type of erroneous and outrageous information you spread.

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Like others, I am curious why this particular forum was selected to receive mamapop’s wrath, attention, lectures, vitriol, sermons, false narratives, etc? There are several other public online platforms much more vicious and hateful toward Lala & the Gang than here. Why is the Illegal Mob so special? Perhaps it is because we have been correct close to 100% of the time, so obviously we must be the voice that must be silenced. Gosh, that’s simply too late, isn’t it? The truth is incredibly powerful. I absolutely can’t wait for it ALL to be revealed. It is my opinion that the surface has barely been scratched on this family’s shenanigans.

I still highly recommend ignoring this seemingly disturbed poster. No good can come from interacting with them and their groupies.


I am not preaching anything. I am suggesting that friendship and love are better than enemyship and lies.

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btw: if you believe in God, you and your family will have to face him…


And absolute control of society’s beliefs.


I love it – not sweaters, but cashmere sweaters. With horse stuff. The perfect combination!


EGGIES… no good came come from relentlessly bashing us like you JUST did in your post. Mrs… Gaslight… calling me "disturbed, drunk, evil, disturbed, in the twilight zone or “it” are all well known tactics of sociopathic people and have a name. “gaslighting”

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Dannigirl… We all have to face him whether or not someone believes in him.

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I hate being cold and I’m in so Fl
Anything below 73 and I’m bundled up lol

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uh huh. think about that… I don’t think you actually do or believe… so there is that… otherwise how do you account for your family’s behavior? don’t answer… there is no answer…


I speak for no one but myself dear dannigirl

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speaking broadly to the KK’s and their religious pontificating… to deflect their bad behavior… using religion to make themselves look good… do not want to start a religious debate -


you have a responsibility to your family and their behavior. you are clearly still in the middle of it along with your husband - as you continue to defend and support her behavior.


posting here proves that you are defending and supporting her egregious behavior - lots of folks I speak to inside and outside the horse world think she and RG should go to prison. they think they are the villains. and I too think they are.


Another YD response to me suggesting getting Mb evicted from the barn was a mistake because it would remove MB from the drama and that was not what LK wanted. Does anyone else recall RG testifying to essentially that they didn’t realize MB would get evicted from the barn?


Goodness, I’m so sorry you are confused Kirbside…please provide any specific posts I have made using those adjectives about you. Actually I haven’t engaged you in many, many hours yet you continue your diatribes of peace, love and ignoring facts, directing many of your thoughts toward me. I hate you’ve allowed me to occupy your thoughts so completely, almost obsessively. My part in this drama was functionally over the day the criminal verdict was read.

I’ll be looking forward to your proof of my “gaslighting”…I doubt you actually know the meaning of the term. Perhaps you might consider taking a break from this forum and watch the 1940 Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer film, Gaslight for reference.


Hmm…also familiar. It was also a lie that MB and RC put the gun in the safe. Oh, and Eggbutt nailed it on the lie about E.D.


I’m going to have to repectfully disagree with that.


To o bad they don’t practice what they preach.