Can someone tell me what this device is?

Here’s the full context, with the horse wearing it in motion:


I’m gobsmacked that while the OP took pains to obscure the rider, you felt entitled to identify her. Shame on you.


Are you kidding? Do you know the kinds of traffic those threads got?

Why not find a picture of the device elsewhere, or describe it? Why identify her trainer as European?

Give me a break.


You don’t deserve a break. Your doxxed someone.


I expect the device is not commonly seen.

If you described it we’d be saying it doesn’t exist.

It’s useful to know the trainer is European as it might be in common use elsewhere, and also it’s useful to know there’s a trainer involved, it’s not just a backwoods backyard contraption. And generally but not always, a European trainer in North America has some standing (the backwoods European trainers don’t tend to get visas to work in the USA).

I’m amused to find out the identity though someone said the initials way early in the thread. It’s not doxxing to link to the video existing on SM, posted proudly by the rider herself.


My guess is that they wanted to know what that device was.

My guess is that they wanted to discuss the device and not derail the discussion with who was using it.

Maybe they missed the other discussion and are just now seeing this image?

Really, there are lots of logical reasons to ask.

Maybe they want to try this device?


I can confidently say I would never get on a horse wearing that thing. I agree it is abusive.


JFC people. Can we not have a discussion about the device itself without getting into identifying the rider, trainer, etc.? What is the point of naming the rider?

I just wanted to know what the device was, what it is called, etc. And discuss whether folks think it is or should be considered a legitimate piece of training equipment. My opinion is that it is unnecessarily harsh and actually abusive - no matter WHO the rider and trainer are.


At the risk of being flamed I will say this is not new and I have seen it used before in dressage circles, and not just by backyard riff-raff. I have wondered who came up with it first and think it may have been someone who had a leather neckstretcher in their toolkit that was too short for the modern horse, so it went over the nose instead. Not a lot of real-estate on the old style leather neck stretchers, especially not with the modern WB with long necks. The photo looks like it may even be western drawn reins, which are usually thin rawhide leather and not the fat “reins” of english draw reins.

I don’t see how this is in a whole separate class than other neck-restricting or tie-down devices, like draw reins, neck-stretchers, and too-tight martingales. Some of those go through the bit as well.

I will use neck-stretchers when I am ponying a fractious horse, but otherwise I see no use for them. Plenty of them are leather or non-elastic, as are side-reins and draw reins. There’s thousands of tools out there to strap a horse’s neck down. I would never use this, but it isn’t stopping other people.


I mean, you asked about what the device was, while in the next breath describing EXACTLY what it was. You already knew it was abusive, but you asked that question anyways. You talked about “scuttle butt” (which I believe to be rumors/gossip), and included that the trainer was European and goes to Wellington to feed into that schtick.

I just IDed where you got it from. If this device/video was on a no-name rider’s instagram account, this thread would not exist.


How rude.

I would think that if @DownYonder felt that way, they would not have worked to crop out who the rider was.

Weird to assume something that is so obviously not the case.

Do you really not ever see something and wonder what it is. Describing how it is on the horse does not mean you know what it is, or why people use it, etc.


Why was this person on LK’s boyfriend/fiance’s instagram account to even FIND this picture? It was a simple search to find the origin of this photo, via this board, where it was discussed EXTENSIVELY.

It’s not my fault that people are still talking about this worthless woman. But at least call it as it is, don’t pussy foot around.


Can you find a pic of this thing? If so, what is it called?

I would think OP doesn’t know what it’s called but has described the device. Still doesn’t answer the question of what the device is - title of thread.


Wait, what? I thought pic was from the ever so popular Barisone thread. Didn’t you link to an instagram page?

I read the Barisone threads but I don’t recall it being discussed what the device is or it’s purpose. I’d like to know. Enlighten me, please.


You win the award for making assumptions galore here.

It could be that the OP saw the photo somewhere else.

Reminder, the OP went thru the trouble of edited the photo just to show the device.

No one is talking about this woman in this thread but you.

The rest of us are trying to understand this device.
Because that is what the thread is about.


It starts somewhere around post 7413, I think - maybe a little before. My brain is bleeding scrolling through that thread but there are literally hundreds of posts about this device, what is it, why it sucks, etc.

So, instead of starting a whole new thread with vague hints as to the trainer and legitimizing them by indicating where they winter, OP could have just… read the thread.

What is to you why I started this thread? I wanted to know what the device was called.

You know, it says a lot about you that you felt the need to out the rider, when I had taken pains to try to keep her from being identified because I didn’t want this thread to turn into another discussion about HER.

It says even more about you that you then felt the need to chastise me for starting the thread, when YOU are the one who outed her.

And you are wrong - I have never been on LK’s boyfriend’s Instagram account. For that matter, I don’t use IG at all. Where I saw this photo is my own business.


Here you go. Hundreds of posts about it. Screen shots of the insta video. The full picture of the horse in the device. What else could you possibly want other than validation of your “scuttlebutt”?

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Well here, I’ll give you the link too. Maybe that will validate the gossip you reference.

Hundreds of posts!

No one except the Mods tell me what to post or not post. As long as it doesn’t interfere with the forum rules, I will post what I please. If you are offended by my post, then stop reading it. It’s really a quite simple solution.