MB Civil Trial: JK/KK Contempt of Court?

Hmmm. I looked at the video again more closely, and I see what you are saying now. It’s weird. They might be going through the snaffle bit rings to a flat piece on the front of the cavesson?

I don’t know what a contraption like this would be trying to achieve, other than forcibly tying the horses head down. It seems like a bronze medal rider like LK should be able to get a horse on the bit without riding with side reins or some sort of weird modified hackamore-tie down contraption.

I wonder if Ulf has a lot of students riding around with these sorts of contraptions? Somehow… I doubt it.


Nice to see someone who can actually ride at PSG instead of just talking about it. What a great score!


Oh - you might be right about this. That makes more sense.

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Ha! Eons ago, first level me got a chance to get on a fourth level horse. I thought I rode okay. That horse showed me I didn’t. I half-passed him into the wall and somehow scraped off my outside stirrup leather. So embarrassing. But I did get better. :upside_down_face:


Sigh, yes. When you consider there’s the original police interview transcripts, sworn interrogatories, sworn depositions, sworn testimony, each an opportunity to give a conflicting statement, yes. It will be very long indeed.


Could someone please provide a link to the video?

It’s on Jim E Stark’s (aka Guy Goodwin) public Instagram account.

Ulf can be heard in the background.



Jordan has also shown PSG with her absolutely adorable pony - one of her scores in the past was 65.7%.


Absolutely. Get your entry forms in now! :grin:


If I’m not mistaken, Jordan was riding PSG at Hawthorne Hill too.


Sometimes, when I was teaching one of my TB mares a new movement, she would get confused about what I was asking. She would start throwing out everything she knew and then some, sometimes even tempi changes, all in rapid succession. I would always laugh, halt her, softly massage her poll between her ears, and say “OK, clear your mind.” :smiley:


They look like bungies (sp?) to me. You know, the elastic things that clip to your girth and then run up through the bit rings over the poll?


It looks like it goes from the girth through the bit, over the nose, and down the other side. I have never seen anything like that, but I have limited dressage experience.


It’s a neck stretcher. Just like Squirt described. Depending on how tight it is adjusted it forces/teaches the horse to keep their head in a certain position. It prevents the horse from raising its head and avoiding the bit, especially if a rider doesn’t know how to correctly ride the horse.


You are not the only one on here with personal history with Lauren, I have been on here quietly reading.

As far as her statements that she rides 4-5 horses a day, she can write anything online. I find it laughable though as she would go a good 7-10 days without riding symphony or even visiting the barn even though she lived 3 miles away!


That seems to go over the nose though. Any neck stretcher I’ve ever seen has gone over the poll. Is that a flair strip over the nose?


Ha! The first GP schoolmaster I ever rode I could not get to canter from trot. She went into an extended trot so big it bounced the helmet right off my head! (In the pre-harness days).

The second one, many years later, I literally could not trot, at all. Every step of posting trot seemed to have about 10 minutes of airtime, and would double bounce back down and then post back to the rafters again. Felt like I was trotting in moon boots lol. But canter on that horse was absolutely dreamy.

Both totally humbling, humiliating experiences that were so much fun and so motivating.


Oh weird. I couldn’t see the over the nose part when I watched it. That’s a new one for me!



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I have never seen anything like that, and I do not have limited dressage experience. It looks terribly restrictive, with no relief for the horse unless it ducks behind the bit.