Michael Barisone/Lauren Kanarek Civil Suit

Okay Carnac the Magnificent!!! If you say so!!!


I don’t know for a fact that she lied. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I can see that would seem an odd personal choice to you, who apparently chooses to assume people are lying when it’s more likely that she stopped responding to you out of disgust.

I know for a fact that I have been called a liar when I haven’t lied. It’s a standard smear tactic of the EIM.

Hey EIM,

We now need to add “smear tactic” to the BINGO card!

ETA: Apparently @CurrentlyHorseless’ definition of lying is much, much different than the typical Biblical standard.


Perhaps you need to watch the trial again because proving this very thing was the basis of the defense and witness testimony.


That’s unfair. It’s just as likely CH is incapable of reading for comprehension as it is she purposefully misconstrued what the filing said. Cut her some slack lol.


The defense proved that MB was insane when her shot LK and therefore it was not a crime.

The defense did not prove that LK caused his insanity.

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:laughing: :laughing:


Watch the trial again. Many witnesses testified as to the deterioration of his state of mind due to the ongoing terror campaign of the Finish The Bastard plan. This is obvious.

It’s disingenuous to pretend anything else. Admit it.


When did the standard change for criminal trials? In what state is a preponderance of the evidence the standard in a criminal trial?


They are saying the act has a standard of reasonable doubt while the insanity finding has the standard of preponderance.


The defence was not permitted to present that line of argument in the criminal trial, which would tie in to self defence and probably would require Michael to have enough memory of events to testify to them. But the defence is 100% going to pursue this argument in the civil trial, as is clearly outlined in the filing.


Because only the implant was removed. Does anyone remember the picture during the criminal trial where LK is standing with her shirt pulled up and showing ropey scar tissue? She had her hand covering her actual breast, because there was a breast there.


cutter99 Head Writer and Head of Advertising Sales for the EIM

I love this!


Yes, I posted it this actual thread.

Edit to add:
Here is the post


I thought it seemed appropriate! I mean come on- COTH has never made good on paying me for over 3 years now! A girl has to be able to feed her ponies, and the prices of feed and hay keep going up!

Maybe the EIM can take up a collection for my services!


Bilinkas definitely tried to create the narrative that LK was in large part the cause of MBs mental breakdown as part of his campaign to portray her as unsympathetic. Duh.

The jury was responsible for determining whether MB was insane at the time he shot LK. They decided he was insane.

The verdict of NGRI did not depend on the cause of MBs insanity, just on the finding that he was insane.

What is MGRI? Something new you have made up?




I just find it bizarre that I asked KK a clarifying question… and I posed it in a diplomatic way. She could have simply responded, “Lauren had her entire breast implant removed.”

Instead… KK decided to try and double down, and SPECIFICALLY claimed that LKs “whole breast” was removed.

As others have noted… either LK herself nor LK’s surgeon made this claim.

So why did Seeker choose to make that specific claim… in writing… on this thread?

Neither myself, nor anyone else, forced the woman to try and claim this.

Anyway… I’m sorry she feels that this is a mean and unsympathetic crowd. But… when someone goes online and lies about something like this… and people take note… the reaction is often harsh.


Why would you think the jury thought differently than the tens of thousands of people who watched and commented on the case? By the tune of 98 out of every 100 posters thinking this exact thing.

And the civil jury will too.