Most Bizarre gone wrong thread?

Lol we probably have every horse related Disney movie to thank for that one!

I think this is it New horse

Damn you! I am at post 105 and now emotionally invested in this thing! I still say this is a 14 year old but will read the whole thing as I can’t look away!


Any idea what the “blue saddle” thread the referenced in this thread? That thread was great! Not what I expected but I am still scratching my head. The uncle (?) existed but it is unclear if he was actually related to the OP and many felt the website was fake.

Because that always works, right? :roll_eyes:

I found it. The snowstorm pony thread.

I summarized it the way I remembered it (accuracy not promised) back in post #23. The pony was sold and the buyer was having weather delays to pick it up – or maybe that pony wasn’t really sold, had the buyer actually paid? but anyway there was a monster of a snowstorm in there somewhere. For 4 weeks. And it seemed no one in the thread could agree on who actually owned and had rights to have the pony, in case it ever stopped snowing long enough to pick up the pony … if the sellers would let it go (or was that just the boarding stable). :crazy_face:

691 posts. 96,000+ views. Started in Feb. 2016 when it was snowing, carried on until Nov. 2016 … I rather remember that it had completely departed from the subject of the snowstorm pony by that time. And after all that, I can’t remember what the outcome was re the pony – or maybe they never said.

(The thread starts off discussing ‘horse’, but it was actually a doll of a child’s show pony.)

[Gigantic spoiler post at #310 & #312 (read the first 10 or so posts first to get the original context and #310 will be more fun), don’t read #310-312 if you don’t want to spoil the journey, but not everyone agreed with that interpretation anyway. And it gets even crazier from there.]

The Op in this case got some really good feedback about coping with those issues. The real problem was the dishonesty by the OP taken to such a great extent. That is an issue for parents to address, not something to be learned on a BB, and it is a great example for parents to keep communication open with their teenagers and not to let them play on the internet unsupervised.


@BatCoach :rofl:
A good hour of my Life I will never see again.
Worth every minute :sunglasses:
And now, The Blue Saddle!

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I’m only 76 posts into this one, but now I want to know if the winner of Maclay from 2013 is a rags to riches fairytale story!!! lol

ETA: I’m reading the Would Anyone post…which is comical…

Just finished the ‘Would Anyone’ thread… total plot twist! I probably looked like a German Shepherd puppy hearing a squeaky toy for the first time when Skittles busted into the mix. Whaaaaaa??? :joy:

and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do between the end of school and my appt at 5:30…hahahaha…silly me.


Can you share the link for the blue saddle? I’m intrigued.

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I don’t get the “blue saddle” reference and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.

Well dangit, I sorta quit halfway through. Now I’ll have to finish it.

It had a very weird ending.

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I just looked up the Pony, Open Trailer, Blue Saddle thread and I’m so sad. Look what happened to my pony art :frowning:

The thread is still a hoot if you want to read it:


There. Fixed it – sort of. The text colors are not as good as the previous software’s.

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@PeteyPie :rofl:
Thanks for restoring your stickart!
Now I am off to refresh my memory (& bust a gut) re-reading the Blue Saddle Open Trailer saga…

I woulda sworn I posted on the thread, but no. :worried:
Too exhausting trying to wade through almost 1600 replies :dizzy_face:
I did not even get to the Open Trailer or Blue Saddle posts :disappointed_relieved:

That I remember. In my mind the mother-OP set her children up for disappointment. Talk about a bad plan after red flags were popping up everywhere in those messages. I blame the self-designated victim. :grin:

I don’t think I ever read the whole thread. The action drama was over. It was just a thousand different opinions from there. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t work at all on my phone which I’m on right now; it’s an unrecognizable mess :slight_smile:

Just finished up Pony/Open Trailer/Blue Saddle…which took me most of the day. Yay, productivity!

I still do not know who PO is…lol…and with the new format, I’ll never know… :joy: :joy: :joy: